Helpful tips on medication for fibromyalgia.

Posted by mada @mada, Jan 26 9:48am

Hi 👋 all . I'm new here. I am just gettin worse daily it seems at the moment. Diagnosed 2023.i am on duloxetine 120mg and doc wants me to start gabapentin also . I'm so tired of the shock pains in head but now in spine and arm.

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Just wondering when you stopped it any withdrawal symptoms. I have tried other drugs and had to wean and then had some withdrawals ?

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I wasn't on it for very long but I didn't find any relief so I discontinued taking it. I had to have it made at a compounding pharmacy and it was expensive so when it didn't help my symptoms I decided to just stop taking it. I didn't have any withdrawal symptoms and I was on such a low dose that I didn't have to wean myself off of it.


I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia three years ago. I am trying low dose Naltrexone. You start on a low dose of .5mg and work your way up to 3-4mg. I tried it twice before but discontinued it after a few weeks each time because I thought it was making my insomnia worse.

I am giving it a third try and this time it's working better. It might be because I'm not in a flare right now. Right now I'm at 1.5mg a day. I am sleeping better too but don't know if it's because of the LDN or not.

It's certainly worth a try. As far as I know it doesn't have to be tapered if you want to stop taking it. The only downside is that it's not covered by insurance and you have to get it from a compounding pharmacy since it's not available in low doses at a regular pharmacy. My pharmacy charged me $60 for 75 pills at the .5mg dose.

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Wow, your pharmacy charged so much less than mine did. I think I paid $125.00 for a one month supply of 2.5mg. I only tried it twice and that was ten years apart and quit taking it soon after starting.


Question. Two different pharmacists said yes you can have a glass of wine with this and then another said no alcohol. Thoughts ?

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