Hello, just recently diagnosed with a case of Bronchiectasis

Posted by Lana @lolabell, Nov 12, 2023

Hello, I have always been a healthy gal and recently i came down with a case of walking pneumonia which was diagnosed by x ray which showed GG Opacities. I recovered quickly was on 2 antibiotics.. I had a follow up x ray a month later and the Opacities were still on x ray. I then had a CT scan which showed the Bronchiectasis. I am symptom free and feel normal My Dr said there is nothing to treat at the moment. I have my next Ct scan scheduled for February. I have Kaiser Permanente HMO insurance at the moment and i am considering making a change now that i have this diagnosis. If anyone has any information to pass along i would be very grateful. Thank you for this support group! I am learning much by reading the posts.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

Has your Dr ordered sputum samples to see if anything alarming is growing? I was also asymptomatic 6 years ago when I coughed up bright red blood which led to further testing. That testing which included CT scan and sputum samples revealed bronchiectasis and MAC.


I was diagnosed very similarly to you, after a case of walking pneumonia, 17 years ago. MAC was diagnosed and treated 2020-2021.

Here are some things I wish I had known 17 , or even five, years ago,
- knowing the risks of regular activities. In my case I would have avoided hot tubs and indoor pools
- the importance of airway clearance and nebulizing saline
- impact of other conditions, eg asthma, gerd, and treating those
- importance of diet and exercise
- periodic sputum cultures
- enjoying life!

I have no experience with HMOs and would just say that flexibility in choice of providers might be prudent.

Fortunately, you are on this site and informing yourself. As you said, there is so much information and support here.


It is open enrollment for Medicare until December 7 so if you are going to change from your HMO the time is now. My company is no longer selling my current plan and I am not choosing Medicare advantage. I will get a medigap plan G because I’m in the position now where they have to accept me. Medigap doesn’t have to accept me because of my health conditions if I take an advantage plan and try to switch to medigap later. Underwriting. I also want to be able to go to doctors outside the network of advantage plans easily and also not have to get pre approval for things. If you are able to change to a medigap you might want to consider it while you still can.


I also thought that I was a healthy gal 6 yrs ago when I coughed up bright red blood & was quickly diagnosed with bronchiectasis & MAC. Since it was November & I had a Medicare Advantage Plan, I immediately began investigating Medicare supplemental plans to allow access to more providers including Mayo. Over the last several years, Mayo has notified all its Medicare patients that Advantage Plans are not accepted. I hope you can find the best possible plan for your circumstances. Take care, Linda


Definitely agree with Cayenne, especially about nebulizing with 7% saline and airway clearance. It will help keep bacteria from establishing in your lungs and creating infection and even more damage. Many of us with bronchiectasis have bacterial infections such as MAC and/or other bacteria that are difficult to eradicate. You’ll stay healthier if you can keep that from happening. There are articles about reducing our exposure to NTM by doing things that Cayenne said as well as other precautions.


Hi Lolabell,
I also considered myself to be healthy and active until I coughed up bright, red blood in August 2022. I was diagnosed with MAC and bronchiectasis at Kaiser a few weeks later using sputum samples and CT scan. My pulmonologist sent my sputum samples to NJH for susceptibility testing and I have been under treatment since. I can understand your hesitation about remaining with Kaiser as we are not able to go outside the network to other doctors. However, I have been very happy with my pulmonologist and treatments, integrated care, ease of getting medications and supporting appointments with audiologist and ophthalmologist, etc. Granted, their focus is on the greatest good for the greatest number so choices of equipment may be limited, for example, I wasn't fond of the nebulizer given to me so I bought my own. But overall I am very happy with my choice to stay at Kaiser.


Hi Lolabell,
I also considered myself to be healthy and active until I coughed up bright, red blood in August 2022. I was diagnosed with MAC and bronchiectasis at Kaiser a few weeks later using sputum samples and CT scan. My pulmonologist sent my sputum samples to NJH for susceptibility testing and I have been under treatment since. I can understand your hesitation about remaining with Kaiser as we are not able to go outside the network to other doctors. However, I have been very happy with my pulmonologist and treatments, integrated care, ease of getting medications and supporting appointments with audiologist and ophthalmologist, etc. Granted, their focus is on the greatest good for the greatest number so choices of equipment may be limited, for example, I wasn't fond of the nebulizer given to me so I bought my own. But overall I am very happy with my choice to stay at Kaiser.

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I've been to NJH and Uchealth over the last 5 years and prefer Uchealth. Uchealth has a much better corroborative care and teamwork approach. Uchealth has been less expensive and more convenient also.


I am new to all this as well. My insurance coverage is decent. I am not taking medications but did check to make sure the Big 3 are covered by my plan just in case. A few years ago, we thought we had good coverage until my husband was placed on Xarelto for 6 months (not covered at the time). We ended up buying it in Canada for a fraction of the cost here.


Thank you all so much for taking time out of your lives to answer me. The information you have provided has been very helpful. I am looking into switching to original Medicare with a supplement plan at this very moment.


Has your Dr ordered sputum samples to see if anything alarming is growing? I was also asymptomatic 6 years ago when I coughed up bright red blood which led to further testing. That testing which included CT scan and sputum samples revealed bronchiectasis and MAC.

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Hello, My Dr. did mention testing sputum samples, however since i am not producing any there is nothing to test. His recommendation going forward is to do a follow up scan in 3 months to monitor for any changes in my condition.

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