What helps improve osteoporosis without medication?

Posted by imatine @imatine, Dec 4, 2020

Hello, did anyone here try to heal from osteoporosis away from all the prescribed medications we all know of? Did you try following a specific diet? Excercise? Meditation, etc. ? Thank you

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There are several books about how bodies clean out old bone, and regrow new bone. Understanding the remodeling process can help you see things you can do to improve your bone quality and density. One simple place to start might be Lani Simpson's No Nonsense Bone Health Guide. I have made slow but recognizable progress over the last 5 years. I wish you luck in your journey.

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@mlwh and @alif that book was written in 2016. Lani Simpson has since gone on meds. I believe Tymlos and then possibly Evenity but check with her.


This is probably a late reply, but I have done a lot of research and have chosen to use Fortibone collagen and ecentric and concentric exercises. I am giving it a year and if my T score stays the same or improves I will continue. I was diagnosed in 2019, used fosamax for 2 years and then started the above routine. My dexa scans have improved slightly. However, I'm seeing a bone specialist now who says my dexa scans are probably not accurate if not on the same machine and done the exact same way. So I'm getting a new reading on a more sophisticated machine. The exercises are from a place called The Exercise Coach if you're interested in reading about the theory behind them. They are a nation wide franchise. Best of luck to you!


This is probably a late reply, but I have done a lot of research and have chosen to use Fortibone collagen and ecentric and concentric exercises. I am giving it a year and if my T score stays the same or improves I will continue. I was diagnosed in 2019, used fosamax for 2 years and then started the above routine. My dexa scans have improved slightly. However, I'm seeing a bone specialist now who says my dexa scans are probably not accurate if not on the same machine and done the exact same way. So I'm getting a new reading on a more sophisticated machine. The exercises are from a place called The Exercise Coach if you're interested in reading about the theory behind them. They are a nation wide franchise. Best of luck to you!

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@koleke I have kept a chart of my DEXA's since 2001. I have found that there is less value in individual scores and more value in trends over time. I have been told that small changes (up or down) are not considered reliable/significant and my reports also say that changes in femur neck scores should not be used to assess changes.


Wendy , I totally agree with you . One other modality other than Evenity is that I am going to start a program called Biote which is bioidentical hormone pellets that they place under your skin and it’s based on your lab results. I can’t wait . It will also improve my bones . It will be a mixture of testosterone & estradiol that my labs show I am very deficient in.

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Hi there I posted before about this, but thought I would add an update. Four weeks ago I received my first testosterone, estradiol pellet also a bio, identical, progesterone pill. 10 days after I received the pellet, I woke up a different person. I had such energy… No hint of any anxiety… Slept like a log and felt overall wellness like I’ve never felt before. I hope this lasts! My physician orders bloodwork every three months with the bio, identical hormone treatment. After 20 years of bio creams my levels didn’t get high enough to treat osteoporosis.. He said, I really should consider the pellets. It was my last resort…I had been on alctonel a couple summers ago and had horrible side effects. Ongoing UTIs, which I never suffered from… Dizziness, and finally fainting on a marble floor. Thank God I didn’t break anything. That was the day I said no more drugs. I am doing resistance training. I have been doing Pilates for the past 10 years and continue to and taking supplements. I do have a friend on the pellets and she totally reversed her osteoporosis in a year. There is a lot of controversy surrounding pellets but it is the chance I am going to take. The endocrinologist just explained all the side effects of different drugs and said to me you have to take a chance. It was an epiphany because I said to her well I’m going to take a chance with the bio identical therapy. The thing that continues to baffle me is in every office there is no mention of exercise, nutrition nothing …just prescription medicine. If anyone is considering pellet therapy, please make sure your doctor is well trained and that he is giving bloodwork to you every 3 to 4 months. If anybody has anything to share about this please please I would appreciate it.


Hi there I posted before about this, but thought I would add an update. Four weeks ago I received my first testosterone, estradiol pellet also a bio, identical, progesterone pill. 10 days after I received the pellet, I woke up a different person. I had such energy… No hint of any anxiety… Slept like a log and felt overall wellness like I’ve never felt before. I hope this lasts! My physician orders bloodwork every three months with the bio, identical hormone treatment. After 20 years of bio creams my levels didn’t get high enough to treat osteoporosis.. He said, I really should consider the pellets. It was my last resort…I had been on alctonel a couple summers ago and had horrible side effects. Ongoing UTIs, which I never suffered from… Dizziness, and finally fainting on a marble floor. Thank God I didn’t break anything. That was the day I said no more drugs. I am doing resistance training. I have been doing Pilates for the past 10 years and continue to and taking supplements. I do have a friend on the pellets and she totally reversed her osteoporosis in a year. There is a lot of controversy surrounding pellets but it is the chance I am going to take. The endocrinologist just explained all the side effects of different drugs and said to me you have to take a chance. It was an epiphany because I said to her well I’m going to take a chance with the bio identical therapy. The thing that continues to baffle me is in every office there is no mention of exercise, nutrition nothing …just prescription medicine. If anyone is considering pellet therapy, please make sure your doctor is well trained and that he is giving bloodwork to you every 3 to 4 months. If anybody has anything to share about this please please I would appreciate it.

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I so agree with you. Whether we take drugs or not, we have to do our part with exercise and diet. Your hormone protocol sounds really interesting and I will ask about it for myself. I would LOVE to have your doc! Getting any testing through mine is like pulling teeth. I have improved my scores for the last 5 years with just diet and exercise. It's a slow process, but I am in it to win it.


I so agree with you. Whether we take drugs or not, we have to do our part with exercise and diet. Your hormone protocol sounds really interesting and I will ask about it for myself. I would LOVE to have your doc! Getting any testing through mine is like pulling teeth. I have improved my scores for the last 5 years with just diet and exercise. It's a slow process, but I am in it to win it.

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Hi there. I took a screenshot of my doctors website. You can Google it and read all the information about him. I absolutely love Dr Bazzan, many many years of experience, working with the best in the bio, identical hormone field. He does do telemedicine I can attest that he knows what he’s talking about. He is associated with Jefferson University, Hospital, and Philadelphia.


I so agree with you. Whether we take drugs or not, we have to do our part with exercise and diet. Your hormone protocol sounds really interesting and I will ask about it for myself. I would LOVE to have your doc! Getting any testing through mine is like pulling teeth. I have improved my scores for the last 5 years with just diet and exercise. It's a slow process, but I am in it to win it.

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I wanted to add that each person is an individual that needs a different dose of hormone. I believe there are 10 different strengths of the testosterone estradiol pellets, so it is totally geared to your blood levels. I know people that have estrogen driven breast cancer should not take these hormones.


Hi there. I took a screenshot of my doctors website. You can Google it and read all the information about him. I absolutely love Dr Bazzan, many many years of experience, working with the best in the bio, identical hormone field. He does do telemedicine I can attest that he knows what he’s talking about. He is associated with Jefferson University, Hospital, and Philadelphia.

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My breast cancer was fed by hormones post-menopause, as are many breast cancers (80% I believe) so I hope people are thinking about family history, mammograms and maybe getting genetic testing before using hormones.

It isn't just people who already have cancer who need to worry. Just want to clarify that. We all have cancer cells in our body that our immune system takes care of most of the time- or so I have been told. Some of those cells may respond to the hormones and grow, if genetics or other factors are present.


My breast cancer was fed by hormones post-menopause, as are many breast cancers (80% I believe) so I hope people are thinking about family history, mammograms and maybe getting genetic testing before using hormones.

It isn't just people who already have cancer who need to worry. Just want to clarify that. We all have cancer cells in our body that our immune system takes care of most of the time- or so I have been told. Some of those cells may respond to the hormones and grow, if genetics or other factors are present.

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I absolutely agree with you, and I think people should really consider their family history. This is an individual choice that is for sure. Thank you so much for the comment.


Hi there I posted before about this, but thought I would add an update. Four weeks ago I received my first testosterone, estradiol pellet also a bio, identical, progesterone pill. 10 days after I received the pellet, I woke up a different person. I had such energy… No hint of any anxiety… Slept like a log and felt overall wellness like I’ve never felt before. I hope this lasts! My physician orders bloodwork every three months with the bio, identical hormone treatment. After 20 years of bio creams my levels didn’t get high enough to treat osteoporosis.. He said, I really should consider the pellets. It was my last resort…I had been on alctonel a couple summers ago and had horrible side effects. Ongoing UTIs, which I never suffered from… Dizziness, and finally fainting on a marble floor. Thank God I didn’t break anything. That was the day I said no more drugs. I am doing resistance training. I have been doing Pilates for the past 10 years and continue to and taking supplements. I do have a friend on the pellets and she totally reversed her osteoporosis in a year. There is a lot of controversy surrounding pellets but it is the chance I am going to take. The endocrinologist just explained all the side effects of different drugs and said to me you have to take a chance. It was an epiphany because I said to her well I’m going to take a chance with the bio identical therapy. The thing that continues to baffle me is in every office there is no mention of exercise, nutrition nothing …just prescription medicine. If anyone is considering pellet therapy, please make sure your doctor is well trained and that he is giving bloodwork to you every 3 to 4 months. If anybody has anything to share about this please please I would appreciate it.

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I also have been doing the pellets and feel great and will continue with them . My endo Md was completely against them.

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