HCM-ers: Introduce yourself or just say hi

Welcome to the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) group on Mayo Clinic Connect - a place where you can connect with others, learn about living HCM, share experiences and exchange useful information.

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I'm Colleen, and I'm the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members.

Why not start by introducing yourself here?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) Support Group.


Today I was diagnosed with HCM. Do I have to make any life style changes?

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Yes, you may have to. Shortness of breath could be a factor. You may also need surgery such as alcohol septal ablation. Also family members will need to be tested by having an echocardiogram. If they are negative, then they need to be tested every 5 years. Also you could get cardiac amyloidosis (stiff heart syndrome) which is stiffening to the outside of your heart. Take your blood pressure everyday since your BP can be affected.
Best of luck to you!


Today I was diagnosed with HCM. Do I have to make any life style changes?

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Talk to your doctor about lifestyle changes. There are so many differences among people with HCM. When I was first diagnosed I was advised to "Keep on doing whatever you are doing." As the condition progressed, I slowed down and was monitored more closely. Good luck!


Today I was diagnosed with HCM. Do I have to make any life style changes?

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You are at higher risk of developing Afib. Look into the causes of it and modify your lifestyle accordingly.


Today I was diagnosed with HCM. Do I have to make any life style changes?

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Hello @karindee, and welcome to Mayo Connect. You found a great place to share your story and learn about others too. Maybe this article from Mayo Clinic will be helpful?
You have already got some responses, so let me add mine: the answer? It depends!
We are all different and each one may be affected by HCM in different ways. It all depends on your health status and how active you are now. In my case, being stubborn and not a very compliant person, I walked, hiked, danced, did yoga and rode my Harley as much as I could. Then as my HOCM progressed I was not able to do much of anything I truly enjoyed anymore and ended up at the Mayo Clinic, where I had open heart surgery (septal myectomy) nearly four years ago.
How long have you had symptoms of HCM? What is your cardiologist planning to do to treat you?


Hi,am Hollywood50.
On Camzyos 10mg
All echos are good over a year now.

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