HCM and Dizziness

Posted by mss1779 @mss1779, Mar 15, 2023

Just looking for others who have had similar experiences. I have HOCM, a peak gradient of 70 and have an appointment in Cleveland Clinic at the end of this month where I'll opt to have a septal myectomy I believe. Today I've had awful vertigo feeling, not so much dizziness just this vertigo everytime I move or bend over. No other cardiac symptoms though. Heart rate and BP are in normal range and have no other symptoms. I take 10mg of Propranolol 2x daily which has given me some side effects like this but nothing to this degree. Saw a walk in clinic for inner ear issue maybe and they said just some fluid behind the ears which could cause this but I'm not sure. Anyone been In similar situations?

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I had something similar in December. When I turned or moved a certain way, I got dizzy. Mine was related to crystals/fluid in inner ear. I went to a physical therapists and they turned my head certain ways, made me roll in different directions. It cured me. I have apical HCM. Was not related to the dizziness. Yours could be a different story, have it checked out. Good luck with your upcoming appointments.


Hello, mss1779,
I am also a patient at Cleveland Clinic…be sure to bring up the new medications for this conditions…perhaps it will be right for you…All the best to you!


Hello, mss1779,
I am also a patient at Cleveland Clinic…be sure to bring up the new medications for this conditions…perhaps it will be right for you…All the best to you!

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Thank you! I appreciate it


I had something similar in December. When I turned or moved a certain way, I got dizzy. Mine was related to crystals/fluid in inner ear. I went to a physical therapists and they turned my head certain ways, made me roll in different directions. It cured me. I have apical HCM. Was not related to the dizziness. Yours could be a different story, have it checked out. Good luck with your upcoming appointments.

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I had the same problem a few years ago. Vertigo was horrible. I had a terrible fall because I felt as though I was going to fall forward so I literally threw myself backwards. I was really fortunate that I didn’t break my right elbow. It was repaired in the same way yours was. Thanks for sharing.


I have terribly vertigo and I believe it is linked to my HCM. It is very unpleasant.

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