Having trouble keeping your balance?
I am at the age where I am always watching where I step so as not to lose my balance. Falling can be dangerous for some of us in the older generation. This is especially true when you have other health problems. It's important to work on being able to keep your balance. Today I received a Mayo Clinic on Controlling your Arthritis which I thought had some excellent and easy to do exercises to help gain better balance.
Slide show: Balance exercises
Adding a few simple exercises to your daily routine may help you prevent falls and improve your balance. See how to do them.
-- https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/multimedia/balance-exercises/sls-20076853?s=1
What are your biggest balance challenges? What kind of exercises help you?
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Hello All:
Balance is so important as we get older. Without good balance we tend to fall, and falls create problems for seniors that complicate our lives. Yoga is a good way to achieve better balance. The floor work that is part of a traditional yoga class is tough to do (especially if you have had hip or knee replacements).
Chair yoga is an option for this problem. There are chair yoga videos on YouTube. You can try them out at home and see how they work for you. Here is the link,
Thank you for the link and videos! I agree, balance is so crititcal and I am always happy to find new ways to improve & maintain it. I will try some of these yoga videos.
There are also some terrific Balance videos on youtube featuring Qi Gong exercises (some are seated and some standing). The movements are also very slow and breathing is discussed in a few. I don't know how to share the link, but if you type the words Qi Gong Balance into the search window on youtube, a long list will appear. Thanks again for sharing your link!
Hello @taterjoy,
Your suggestion about Qi Gong Balance is great!
I've done some of those YouTube videos as well. I hope that others will take a look at them. There are great exercise helps on YouTube