Has anyone had the 2023 updated Covid shot?

Posted by lovesgreys @lovesgreys, Oct 18, 2023

Does anyone have experience with the new booster shot? If so, what has been your experience? My intergrative doctor said the booster shot will be hard on my body right now. She also said getting sick would be the same. Her treatments are helping me, and I'm improving. I don't want a shot to set me back, but also don't want Covid, which would also set me back, plus - well, Covid. I'm trying to decide whether or not to get it. I'm up on all of my shots until now. I've had LC for a year. I would love to hear if anyone has gotten the shot, and how it's affected them.

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I’ve had long Covid for 16 months. I was hopeful that getting the new Covid booster would help my symptoms. I received the Moderna booster on October 26. Unfortunately, the booster has brought back my Long Covid symptoms that had been getting better. I feel like I’ve lost 6 to 8 months worth of slow recovery. I will likely not get any more boosters going forward.

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@heidirex I have Long COVID and all of my Doctors have advised me not to get boosted. I have seen every specialist in Charleston SC and then went to Mayo in August. No more vaccines for me and my tactic (if I ever get a serious case of COVID) is Paxlovid. Recently the rules changed and you can get Paxlovid without COVID for such things as travel. That's my plan while I work on my LC symptoms via my Mayo plan.


My PCP also advised against the new COVID booster. LC symptoms most recently have not been bad. If I overdo exercise I may feel fatigued the next day usually with a headache.


After getting long COVID, I took my next booster in November 2023 and by then they had come out with the Novavax vaccine, which is non-MRNA and seems to elicit a milder reaction from your immune system. I understand that it uses the same technology as they use for the flu shots (i.e., not having your body's cells produce proteins, etc.) so there is less chance of your body producing another protein in error and having your immune system react to it. I know I'm not explaining it in the most precise terms, but there was a recent article about the Pfizer vaccine (MRNA) stating that it had caused some of these erroneous proteins (I think proteins, but at any rate, pieces of proteins) to be synthesized by some people, but they said that it was harmless but that they would be working in the future to improve the vaccine to eliminate that from happening. I myself had taken all of the Moderna MRNA boosters before now, but since I have long COVID and wanted to be cautious, I took the Novavax vaccine this time and recommend the Novavax version for anyone who wants a milder COVID vaccine. I didn't feel any reaction from it at all, vs. the day of fever that I felt with each of the Moderna MRNA boosters.


I just got it a few days ago (also had the flu shot at the same time), and had zero reactions! Easy peasy!


I have not taken any of the vaccines for me I think it was the best choice. I have not had Covid so many people I know who vaccinated have had Covid over and over. Scary..


Had it in November & absolutely no problems! YAY!!


Got a Novavax booster in December for all the reasons @mmd1 said - and zero reactions!!

I'm in my 4th year as a long hauler. For the longest time I was hypersensitive and couldn't handle most medications. I had received the original Moderna series when it 1st came out (1 yr post infection) and got the booster 6 months later. Took me 2 years and a new candidate to work up the courage to try again. My doctors recommended I be boosted as infection would be far worse given the state of my body, but i was concerned about triggering an autoimmune reaction to the spike protein. The more I read about Novavax' use of a partial spike, the more confident I became to try it. I was thrilled when it was approved. Several of my symptoms have since improved (mainly, autonomic function) since I had the injection. I will get the next booster when due.


My concern is in a couple of groups I am in, there are 2 people who have never contracted the Covid virus but developed LC from vaccine which was documented by their doctor. I haven’t seen much written about that


My concern is in a couple of groups I am in, there are 2 people who have never contracted the Covid virus but developed LC from vaccine which was documented by their doctor. I haven’t seen much written about that

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I wonder if I am dealing with LC from vaccine. I have never had covid, we mask everywhere and keep to ourselves as my husband has COPD. I have been trying to find out the source of my fatigue and whacky blood results since April 2023, the symptoms started before that but I attributed it to a trip to high altitude, I live at sea level. I have been to three specialists and my family practitioner. The last comment from my doc was "I'm stumped." I have brought up the vaccine but the conversation ends there.


I wonder if I am dealing with LC from vaccine. I have never had covid, we mask everywhere and keep to ourselves as my husband has COPD. I have been trying to find out the source of my fatigue and whacky blood results since April 2023, the symptoms started before that but I attributed it to a trip to high altitude, I live at sea level. I have been to three specialists and my family practitioner. The last comment from my doc was "I'm stumped." I have brought up the vaccine but the conversation ends there.

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If Dr makes negative comments on shots they risk loosing license to practice .
I had a MD who practiced natural on the side in his own office out of town.
But at the hospital he had to only use standard protocol .

Several nurses I know quit rather than get the shot as they saw what happens to some who got the shot. Note the word some.

We are all different at different times as out bodies change according to what we eat , drink & are exposed to .

I am a firm believer in choice .

Two family members got different covid shots & they both ended up with covid . I did not get shot & quarantined myself to took care of them & walked away fine.

How do we know if shots really make covid less severe? Self serving manufactures say so.

I am 75 yrs old & eat organic & take supplements like vitamin D-3 = 5,000 IU daily especially in winter.
I get my levels tested .
The old 400 IU of D-3 was so short for decades .
Mainstream has a lot to learn about nutrition .
Dr's are taught drugs & not much on nutrition .

I have cured Lyme that almost killed me when I was 60yrs old & without antibiotics.
Lots of Herbs & supplements . Was tested last month & am still negative .

I have studied & learned much from non mainstream Dr's over the years with much success .

Let healthy food be your medicine but do go to Dr if need be.
If you can not get results see another one .

Love, Peace , Health & Happiness to all.

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