Has anyone had the 2023 updated Covid shot?

Posted by lovesgreys @lovesgreys, Oct 18, 2023

Does anyone have experience with the new booster shot? If so, what has been your experience? My intergrative doctor said the booster shot will be hard on my body right now. She also said getting sick would be the same. Her treatments are helping me, and I'm improving. I don't want a shot to set me back, but also don't want Covid, which would also set me back, plus - well, Covid. I'm trying to decide whether or not to get it. I'm up on all of my shots until now. I've had LC for a year. I would love to hear if anyone has gotten the shot, and how it's affected them.

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It's really quite simple. People in the middle of long haul have a very taxed immune system. Simple as that. Their body is in "fight or flight" mode (when at their worst), and the body already has very high levels of inflammation and high histamine levels too. So, getting a vaccine would introduce yet another factor that may exacerbate these symptoms.

When I was 10 years old my birthday party was cancelled because I was sick and had a fever. My mom took me into the doctor. The nurses there thought it would be a great idea to give me my 10 year booster shots (keep in mind, I already had a fever). They gave me several, after which my body started shaking uncontrollably. My pediatrician was furious. He had to be called to the office from the hospital. At that time, it was really obvious that you don't give immunizations to people who are already sick. Lately, it seems that simple (common sense) insight has been forgotten.

Post-Covid lockdown it seems that if you've shown up at the doctor they decide to give you every last thing they can, all at the same time. Covid boosters, flu shots, pneumonia, shingles vaccines etc. And yes! Even while people are in the midst of long haul, with a very taxed and broken down immune system. Without knowing what the actual result will be -- no thank you!

Let's use a bit of common sense... Covid vaccinations DO NOT prevent the illness, nor do they prevent long haul -- the claim is that they only prevent the most severe cases of Covid, hospitalization and death. I received the initial doses, when Covid was at its worst. But am I, as an otherwise healthy 40 year old woman (who healed long haul on my own!), at risk for a *very serious case* of Covid and hospitalization? I don't think so. The current strains are very very mild, as shown by many people who have had Covid recently.

Another friend of mine, her 4 year old daughter went into the doctor post-Covid lockdown and since she hadn't been seen for a long time they did that exact thing -- gave her WAY too many vaccinations/boosters all at the same time -- multiple doses in each arm and leg (similar to what happened to me at age 10). That little girl went immediately into a coma type state, had a serious infection that surpassed the blood/brain barrier, and had/has serious brain damage for which she has been in many types of therapy for several years!

So, all I'm saying is that people should use their own common sense. Why does anyone need a booster who is otherwise healthy and stable? Oh and I have a friend in heart failure too, from the Covid vaccinations -- a previously healthy 42 year old, long distance runner, who now has permanent heart damage for which there is "nothing they can do". Was it worth it for him to take the vaccination?

I healed my own long haul within 4-6 months and NOT with the help of any regular doctor. I did my own research. I used common sense. I looked at the root cause of the problem. So yes, I feel very comfortable in my own assessment and research, intuition and common sense. But of course, everyone is free to make their own decision!

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I feel the same. If I do get Covid again, I would take Paxlovid. It was not yet available when I got Covid two years ago.


I have a question...if you have just been diagnosed with Lymes disease.... is it ok to get the latest COVID-19 booster....


@prn2016 , i hope younwill come back amd let us know the test results and what the functional medicine practitioner recommends.


Sure! Just FYI - I fully healed from long haul more than a year ago. I was only at my worst about a month or two, then took matters into my own hands... I was back to work full time after 6 months and then cautiously watched/maintained my energy levels (no over-exertion) for about a year.

I came back to the forums because I realized people are still suffering greatly, and it is horrific to watch when the baseline, root causes aren't being treated. It's simple to eat an anti-inflammatory, low histamine diet, among other things... I'm actually writing up my personal protocol and would be happy to share it once it is complete.

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This is wonderful news; I am so glad you managed to recover fully! I am attempting to heal on my own as doctors here have been unhelpful so far. I've had shortness of breath and fatigue since getting Covid in 2021, and now more issues from another case of Covid in July. I am switching to a low-histamine diet, trying NAC and other supplements, researching articles etc.. and trying acupuncture. Some improvement, but a long ways to go. I would love to hear what worked for you.


I got the Covid vax last week. My arm was sore for a day or two, but nothing else.

I am immune suppressed from my medication. I was hesitant, but now I am relieved that I got it. My primary doc and my rheumatologist both suggested that I get it. I've had Covid 2 x. It was awful.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure-- Ben Franklin (I think)

Good luck with your decision! 🙂

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This is good to know. I am on the fence, as my immune system is compromised since my last Covid infection in July and I have terrible breathing issues (chest and sinus congestion and terrible shortness of breath). I don't like the idea of a vaccine when I am unwell ( I was vaccinated 3x before I got Long Covid. However, I have had Covid twice and both times were horrible and really don't want a round three. I may opt for the vaccine


I have a question...if you have just been diagnosed with Lymes disease.... is it ok to get the latest COVID-19 booster....

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Please ask your doctors about Lymes and Covid vax!
You are in an unusual situation. I don't think the folks posting here are qualified to give you an opinion on what you should do. And that includes me.
Good luck with the Lymes and with your decision on the vax.


This is good to know. I am on the fence, as my immune system is compromised since my last Covid infection in July and I have terrible breathing issues (chest and sinus congestion and terrible shortness of breath). I don't like the idea of a vaccine when I am unwell ( I was vaccinated 3x before I got Long Covid. However, I have had Covid twice and both times were horrible and really don't want a round three. I may opt for the vaccine

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HI phi1618,

Sounds awful...sorry! I think I've been through a similar experience.

Maybe you should ask your pulmonologist or other doctor if you should get the vax? Since your lungs are already hurting, maybe you need it more than most people? I am not a doctor/nurse/medical person.

The second time I got Covid, my rheumatologist put me on Paxlovid. It really helped a lot! My first round of Covid destroyed my health and life. 3 years later, I'm still recuperating, lost my job, etc.

If you get Covid again, try the Paxlovid.

Good luck with your health and with your vax decision.


HI phi1618,

Sounds awful...sorry! I think I've been through a similar experience.

Maybe you should ask your pulmonologist or other doctor if you should get the vax? Since your lungs are already hurting, maybe you need it more than most people? I am not a doctor/nurse/medical person.

The second time I got Covid, my rheumatologist put me on Paxlovid. It really helped a lot! My first round of Covid destroyed my health and life. 3 years later, I'm still recuperating, lost my job, etc.

If you get Covid again, try the Paxlovid.

Good luck with your health and with your vax decision.

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Hi annewoodmayo,

Thanks for replying. I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles; it sounds like you have been through a lot! I'm really glad Paxlovid worked for you; that's good to know. I will give it a try if I'm unlucky enough to get it again.

My doctor advised against the vaccine for now, but I am still considering it.

Best of luck with your recovery.


This is good to know. I am on the fence, as my immune system is compromised since my last Covid infection in July and I have terrible breathing issues (chest and sinus congestion and terrible shortness of breath). I don't like the idea of a vaccine when I am unwell ( I was vaccinated 3x before I got Long Covid. However, I have had Covid twice and both times were horrible and really don't want a round three. I may opt for the vaccine

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I would look into a panel of existing viral loads. You have a sensitivity to getting so an infectious disease panel may reveal more information

In preventing getting COVID I still mask in small spaces but an added barrier I do is zycam or aquaphor in my nose. Depending on the transmission inhaling through the nose or the mouth have different impacts. Covid entered through my nose through my cribiform plate straight to my brain and had its greatest global impact.

COVID like any virus highjacks your cells. Reproduces and creates Zombie Cells. LongCOVID is a metabolic disorder. That why a healthy lifestyle and customized care generates results. There is so much to learn about yourself and what works for one person may not work for another. Be Well


Please ask your doctors about Lymes and Covid vax!
You are in an unusual situation. I don't think the folks posting here are qualified to give you an opinion on what you should do. And that includes me.
Good luck with the Lymes and with your decision on the vax.

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thank you, i'm having a lymes test done on monday and thought i would get the new covid vax, i have long covid and was just curious if getting the vax now was a good idea...

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