Has anyone had chronic itchiness of the scrotum that persists?

Posted by heisenberg34 @heisenberg34, Nov 16, 2023

I have had fairly severe itchiness of the scrotum for the past year or two. Tries OTC stuff, then went to dermatologist who prescribed tubes of topical cream (Ketoconazole). Washed, dried daily, applied med for over a month. No real help. Anyone out there experience a similar situation? Thanks

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@heisenberg34, I have frequent itchiness in the scrotum area. Cortizone-10 cream has provided relief for me. Is that one of the OTC items you've tried?


@heisenberg34, I have frequent itchiness in the scrotum area. Cortizone-10 cream has provided relief for me. Is that one of the OTC items you've tried?

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Not sure. Woth a try. You would think that the prescription stuff would have helped. But, no. Thanks for your response.


@heisenberg34 I had a bout of what sounds similar a while back and it had an odor so I figured it was an yeast infection. I just started cleaning it many times a day and changed my underwear also. it worked and haven't had it come back yet, that was in May 2023.
I had a tube of cream I got while I was in the Hospital at Mayo when I had c-diff and they gave me this for a similar area problem. Its called Aloe Vesta Protective Ointment 3 and its for minor skin irritations. Its also used for diaper rash which is somewhat similar. I don't know if its available OTC but Im figuring something similar may be available. Well anyway it helped and in just a few days it was gone. Not sure if your situation is similar but who knows what might work. I hope you find a solution.


@heisenberg34 I had a bout of what sounds similar a while back and it had an odor so I figured it was an yeast infection. I just started cleaning it many times a day and changed my underwear also. it worked and haven't had it come back yet, that was in May 2023.
I had a tube of cream I got while I was in the Hospital at Mayo when I had c-diff and they gave me this for a similar area problem. Its called Aloe Vesta Protective Ointment 3 and its for minor skin irritations. Its also used for diaper rash which is somewhat similar. I don't know if its available OTC but Im figuring something similar may be available. Well anyway it helped and in just a few days it was gone. Not sure if your situation is similar but who knows what might work. I hope you find a solution.

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Thanks for the info. I don't know what's going on, but, sometimes, it drives me crazy. I have had many bouts with toe fungus and jock itch. Was able to clear those up quickly with OTC stuff. This has been going on for over a year. Dermatologist was no help with the stuff he prescribed.


Thanks for the info. I don't know what's going on, but, sometimes, it drives me crazy. I have had many bouts with toe fungus and jock itch. Was able to clear those up quickly with OTC stuff. This has been going on for over a year. Dermatologist was no help with the stuff he prescribed.

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I'm thinking maybe see a Urologist they be more familure with that area. Just a thought I cant say for sure but if it was me thats where I may seek advice.


My derm gave me ketoconazole also which controls but not cures, mine is not nearly as bad as yours, I am active and seems like underwear irritates the crease in my leg at the groin but it's fortunately minor for me.


Guys, ever wonder why our crotch itches now and then? Consider that we have a 6” urethra with 2 sphincter’s to control our urine. Most if not all of us drip, some more than others. We are all in a hurry to pee and get on with life but our bodies don’t always cooperate. We end up placing our cocks back in our pants and let our undies catch the last drips. Well these last drips are also resting upon your scrotum and our urine contains salts which eventually dry. Hence, we eventually itch from this dried urine. Also, those of us who’ve had vasectomies all have sperm cysts on our scrotum and these also chronically itch. I don’t believe it can be stopped.


Guys, ever wonder why our crotch itches now and then? Consider that we have a 6” urethra with 2 sphincter’s to control our urine. Most if not all of us drip, some more than others. We are all in a hurry to pee and get on with life but our bodies don’t always cooperate. We end up placing our cocks back in our pants and let our undies catch the last drips. Well these last drips are also resting upon your scrotum and our urine contains salts which eventually dry. Hence, we eventually itch from this dried urine. Also, those of us who’ve had vasectomies all have sperm cysts on our scrotum and these also chronically itch. I don’t believe it can be stopped.

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Interesting about the urine drips: makes sense. BTW, what does a sperm cyst look like?


It’s more like what they feel like. I don’t have the dexterity to look at my ball sack without some assistive device I guess. But I sure know when it itches me. It seems to me it’s more internal and within the skin tissue in my own experience. I’m a male nurse but have never examined another male for this purpose.


It’s more like what they feel like. I don’t have the dexterity to look at my ball sack without some assistive device I guess. But I sure know when it itches me. It seems to me it’s more internal and within the skin tissue in my own experience. I’m a male nurse but have never examined another male for this purpose.

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I found and use an anti fugal cream that has completely solved the “ball sac” itchiness. Used it twice a day for two weeks, now three times a week as maintenance. Absolutely no more itchiness!

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