Has anyone drunk alcohol on Wellbutrin/Bupropion?

Posted by polopep @polopep, Apr 26 9:38am


I appreciate this is a medicine they recommend not drinking on but a social red or champagne keeps me sane and wondering if anyone had any bad effects. I've had a strange nausea but not every time and wonder if this is associated with the alcohol? I'm asking if you have to stay off it all together or the occasional one or two drinks is OK?

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@polopep Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! You are doing great to ask such a question.

From all the accounts I have read, alcohol should not be combined with any anti-depressive medication. There is an increased risk of seizures, and change in the effectiveness of the medication. I don't believe you would want either one of those effects! That nausea you mention is not a good thing.

Do you feel the social aspect of the drinking helps you in situations where you might be nervous otherwise? How about a non-alcoholic drink in your hand, instead? Tonic water and lemon might be good. I will often have water with a lemon twist. Do you think you could try something like this?


If your depressed why would you want to consume a depressant that will only make depression worse and as @gingerw points out could make the medicine less effective and cause serious side effects.



Has @gingerw mentioned, mixing the two together can raise your risk for side effects. Alcohol can make your depression worse, counteracting the benefits you’re getting from the medication.

Drinking alcohol can initially cause feelings of well-being. This is because drinking alcohol raises the levels of a chemical called dopamine in your brain. However, this effect is only temporary. Once you stop consuming alcohol and dopamine levels go back to normal, the positive feelings go away. After that initial good feeling has worn off, drinking alcohol can make symptoms of depression worse. In other words, drinking alcohol to feel better temporarily may worsen your condition in the long run.

When the craving for a glass of wine arises, try to distract yourself by doing another activity. Cravings tend to be short term.

Do you think the idea of reaching for a drink really makes a difference or is it just a habit?


Hi @polopep 😊 yes, I have done it. Granted, not very often or very much anymore due to bladder cancer. But yes, I certainly enjoy a good margarita every now and again. Especially during summer time in Texas :))


Hi @polopep 😊 yes, I have done it. Granted, not very often or very much anymore due to bladder cancer. But yes, I certainly enjoy a good margarita every now and again. Especially during summer time in Texas :))

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Thanks for the non-judgemental reply. Appreciated. I too don't drink a lot but love a good summer champagne (or margarita) on our boat around the Gulf Islands. I think the key is not too much and not too often so thank you for reminding me and sharing your journey :-).



Has @gingerw mentioned, mixing the two together can raise your risk for side effects. Alcohol can make your depression worse, counteracting the benefits you’re getting from the medication.

Drinking alcohol can initially cause feelings of well-being. This is because drinking alcohol raises the levels of a chemical called dopamine in your brain. However, this effect is only temporary. Once you stop consuming alcohol and dopamine levels go back to normal, the positive feelings go away. After that initial good feeling has worn off, drinking alcohol can make symptoms of depression worse. In other words, drinking alcohol to feel better temporarily may worsen your condition in the long run.

When the craving for a glass of wine arises, try to distract yourself by doing another activity. Cravings tend to be short term.

Do you think the idea of reaching for a drink really makes a difference or is it just a habit?

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I am new here on this forum so should have pointed out in my question I have anxiety and complex PTSD (hence going back on meds). But appreciate the gentle reminder re the effects of alcohol. Its definitely not a habit but it used to be very self destructive to block out the effects of sever abuse. I genuinely enjoy champagne or a glass of red wine paired with beautiful food. Thank you for your feedback it is a good reminder that Alcohol isn't always helpful.


If your depressed why would you want to consume a depressant that will only make depression worse and as @gingerw points out could make the medicine less effective and cause serious side effects.

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Thanks for the feedback - I am new to the site so should have pointed out I have anxiety and diagnosed complex PTSD i.e. "PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can happen to you after you see or experience a disturbing event/s. It usually happens after you go through a life-threatening event or a long-lasting trauma, like sexual assault, domestic violence, or child abuse. If you see something terrible happen to other people, that also could cause it". A drink or two at times is something that helps ease a brain that is non-stop!!


@polopep Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! You are doing great to ask such a question.

From all the accounts I have read, alcohol should not be combined with any anti-depressive medication. There is an increased risk of seizures, and change in the effectiveness of the medication. I don't believe you would want either one of those effects! That nausea you mention is not a good thing.

Do you feel the social aspect of the drinking helps you in situations where you might be nervous otherwise? How about a non-alcoholic drink in your hand, instead? Tonic water and lemon might be good. I will often have water with a lemon twist. Do you think you could try something like this?

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Thank you. And I do appreciate the suggestions about a non-alcoholic drink. I do that often now anyways as I cunningly offer to drive on a lot of our family social engagements so I don't drink. I have severe anxiety and complex PTSD so I really do love a social drink at times with a very good meal. I was curious to see if anyone else had side effects as I've never had any side effects on other meds before with alcohol. I'm not a big drinker nowadays either I should point out. You are right - clearly the nausea is not a good thing but only happens rarely which is why I thought to ask to see if anyone else had it. Thank you for the advice - appreciated.


I commend you for not drinking alcohol and driving. I witnessed multiple police officers demonstrating the effects of alcohol. With no alcohol no obstacles were hit. With 1 or more they were.
My father was paralyzed from the neck down by a drunk driver.


I commend you for not drinking alcohol and driving. I witnessed multiple police officers demonstrating the effects of alcohol. With no alcohol no obstacles were hit. With 1 or more they were.
My father was paralyzed from the neck down by a drunk driver.

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I am so sorry about your father. One of my best friends father was killed by a drunk driver. Indeed its never ever worth it and amazing what just one drink could do (thanks for that remindeer too).

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