Has anyone drunk alcohol on Wellbutrin/Bupropion?

Posted by polopep @polopep, Apr 26 9:38am


I appreciate this is a medicine they recommend not drinking on but a social red or champagne keeps me sane and wondering if anyone had any bad effects. I've had a strange nausea but not every time and wonder if this is associated with the alcohol? I'm asking if you have to stay off it all together or the occasional one or two drinks is OK?

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Thank you. And I do appreciate the suggestions about a non-alcoholic drink. I do that often now anyways as I cunningly offer to drive on a lot of our family social engagements so I don't drink. I have severe anxiety and complex PTSD so I really do love a social drink at times with a very good meal. I was curious to see if anyone else had side effects as I've never had any side effects on other meds before with alcohol. I'm not a big drinker nowadays either I should point out. You are right - clearly the nausea is not a good thing but only happens rarely which is why I thought to ask to see if anyone else had it. Thank you for the advice - appreciated.

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@polopep I am a social drinker but space out the drinking and medication time. I would imagine the occasional social drink wouldn’t do much harm if spacing the time between the drink and the dosage time - but I would run that by your doctor. I can see taking your medication at the same time - or very close to your medications time being a potential (if not definite) problem though!

I must add that I do not drive at all. My husband and kids do drive, but they are very responsible about drinking and driving. One family member always opts to be the designated driver if the other has had even one drink.

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