Gratitude Discussion Group

Posted by Debbra Williams, Alumna Mentor @debbraw, Nov 24, 2018

Hi everyone! Just before Thanksgiving @michellegraffradford posted a blog called Gratitude Changes Everything. She suggested three techniques to help incorporate gratitude into our daily lives:

  • Start the Day with Gratitude (before getting up think of three people you are grateful for)

  • Maintain a Gratitude Journal to record times when you are grateful

  • Count Blessings – not sheep! (Review the day and remember moments of gratitude)

Her blogpost was so inspiring that a lot of us decided we wanted to form a Gratitude Group to keep the attitude of gratitude going. The blogpost area is not an ideal space for a big discussion group so I am moving the discussion over here to the “Just Want to Talk” Group. Let’s use this space to share and discuss our Gratitude Journey. I’m going to suggest that we each try to take a minute from the day and post here what has made us feel thankful today. It can be as small as a stranger’s smile on the bus or as large as fulfilling a major life dream – or anywhere in between. We can also discuss how we are doing with the three techniques. Sometimes it is easier to form new habits with support from others.

Michelle's full blogpost is at the link below. You may want to review it or print it out to help get started!

I look forward to hearing from others in the Gratitude Group and to having others join us here! Thanks to those who already shared great stories. If you haven't yet, what gratitude will you share today?!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.

@parus . So remember when I could haul rocks . Up at out camp my husband decided we needed to build a road closer to camp so we hauled trailer after trailer with rocks to build this road. Everyone enjoyed it but they didn't come help us . My son who was 5 at the time even helped but he hit our dog that was all for him . The dog was fine .


Today I am grateful that the rock feature that I wanted in the front yard is nearing completion. My husband told me if that is what I want, I have to build it myself. So, I scribed a 9' diameter circle, marked it out with lawn edging, sprayed weed/grass killer, laid weed barrier, and have been hauling rocks by the cartful from the edges of our property. It is about 64 square feet to cover, no more than 4 cartfuls a day. The largest I hauled and placed is about 50 pounds. The stone is a combination of volcanic rock, river rock, and a shale-type stone that fractures easliy. Rusts, grays, browns all combine to be pleasing to my eye. A few more days... a few more days

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All I can say is WOW.


All I can say is WOW.

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The various stones, shapes and colors sound interesting. Beautiful!
Hope you enjoy your creation for many years!


@fiesty76 And if wishes were horses beggars would ride. I wish I could still do all the things I once did such as hauling rocks to build a long ago herb garden. I have learned that wishing only exhausted me as there are things that are beyond my reach and accepting this has helped me appreciate the accomplishments of others much, much more.
@gingerw "You go girl!!!" I wrecked my body doing those type of things. Do be careful-please. My limit is now 10 lbs. and I respect those limits. Your project sounds delightful!!! When I have a cup of tea you come to mind. Hot and humid here in Hoosierville. I have started having my little scamp over again via the patio rather than the main doors to spare them the face masks. Works for me. My best medicine. He is 5 going on 20. Last week we did chalk drawings on the patio.
A special back yard treat this year has been a pair of Eastern Bluebirds.

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@parus Oh! Your phrase brought back memories, as my mother said that often - "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride". Wonder what would come out of your talented hands if you put that to a picture or 3d rendering?

I learned long ago how to pick things up, how to safely move heavy objects. Compact heavy things are not so much an issue as bulkier ones. We'll share a cuppa today, okay? How wonderful to have your little scamp over, again!

@artscaping I feel the collective encouragement from people here as I make this feature, like a cheering section for me. A positive thing!

@helenfrances As the light changes during the day, the shadows play across the pile, picking up different colors. It is an endless source of fascination to me. Attempting to jigsaw puzzle piece the rocks into fitting together, to cover the groundcloth, makes it a challenge. So, largest rocks laid first now, then increasingly smaller ones. In the next few days it will be basically done. My husband wants me to add in the smaller light colored stones that line one side of the driveway, and replace them with bricks. It would make mowing adjacent lawn easier, and a over-shoot from driveway to bricks would be easier on tires! At the end of each day's endeavor, it is easier now to see the progress.


That is fantastic! I can't even draw a heart, circle or stick man! God gives us all gifts. I am still wondering what mine is!

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@woogie, I'm 100% with You on both the hubby's likeness...what a treasure that is! and still wondering what my talent is, too...I know, I know, we all have talents...but never hurts to claim a few new ones for the next life...for me: singing and artistic painting...what about you????


@parus Oh! Your phrase brought back memories, as my mother said that often - "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride". Wonder what would come out of your talented hands if you put that to a picture or 3d rendering?

I learned long ago how to pick things up, how to safely move heavy objects. Compact heavy things are not so much an issue as bulkier ones. We'll share a cuppa today, okay? How wonderful to have your little scamp over, again!

@artscaping I feel the collective encouragement from people here as I make this feature, like a cheering section for me. A positive thing!

@helenfrances As the light changes during the day, the shadows play across the pile, picking up different colors. It is an endless source of fascination to me. Attempting to jigsaw puzzle piece the rocks into fitting together, to cover the groundcloth, makes it a challenge. So, largest rocks laid first now, then increasingly smaller ones. In the next few days it will be basically done. My husband wants me to add in the smaller light colored stones that line one side of the driveway, and replace them with bricks. It would make mowing adjacent lawn easier, and a over-shoot from driveway to bricks would be easier on tires! At the end of each day's endeavor, it is easier now to see the progress.

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@gingerw I have already done so. Once I locate it I will post the painting. Don't hold your breath.


@parus Oh! Your phrase brought back memories, as my mother said that often - "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride". Wonder what would come out of your talented hands if you put that to a picture or 3d rendering?

I learned long ago how to pick things up, how to safely move heavy objects. Compact heavy things are not so much an issue as bulkier ones. We'll share a cuppa today, okay? How wonderful to have your little scamp over, again!

@artscaping I feel the collective encouragement from people here as I make this feature, like a cheering section for me. A positive thing!

@helenfrances As the light changes during the day, the shadows play across the pile, picking up different colors. It is an endless source of fascination to me. Attempting to jigsaw puzzle piece the rocks into fitting together, to cover the groundcloth, makes it a challenge. So, largest rocks laid first now, then increasingly smaller ones. In the next few days it will be basically done. My husband wants me to add in the smaller light colored stones that line one side of the driveway, and replace them with bricks. It would make mowing adjacent lawn easier, and a over-shoot from driveway to bricks would be easier on tires! At the end of each day's endeavor, it is easier now to see the progress.

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You are an artist....and a poet!


Today I am grateful. The sun is shining and it is indeed mid-summer here. There is a breeze that refreshes even though it is warm. There are wildfires in my part of the state but not near us, thank the heavens. I have been able to spend time most mornings in the coolness, working in the garden, and to see progress is gratifying. There will always be something to do around here! I am grateful to be alive.


@jakedduck1 Im almost out of Dk chocolate , guess I,ll have to go to the store darn it can you send me some Leonard?

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I did a nice thing recently, I made some peanut butter blossoms with dark chocolate kisses and sent the cookies to my cousin with Parkinsons' disease . I hope that she received the cookies in the nursing home. With COVID19, we are unsure if she actually received them. Made me feel good to send some homemade cookies to the nursing home for her.


I did a nice thing recently, I made some peanut butter blossoms with dark chocolate kisses and sent the cookies to my cousin with Parkinsons' disease . I hope that she received the cookies in the nursing home. With COVID19, we are unsure if she actually received them. Made me feel good to send some homemade cookies to the nursing home for her.

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@Erinmfs I love peanut butter blossoms also Buckeyes they are good with Dark chocolate Jake doesn.t like it though to bad for him

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