Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

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I've posted on what happened to me when prescribed Tylenol-Tramadol (yes, all in one tablet). Same doctor who had prescribed cyclobenzeprine for the fibromyalgia pain. She should have known better, but didn't so I left her practice. I had horrifying hallucinations, etc., all due to the tramadol because I learned that tramadol is contraindicated when also taking cyclobenzeprine! So check out the drug for yourself. Since that event many years ago, I have been astute and highly diligent about reviewing/researching medications. I have no problems informing doctors that no, I will not take certain meds that they insist are exactly what I need. No. It's my body, and I have learned to listen to it, and have learned that I have to speak up firmly, respectfully. I have the right to say NO. I keep a record of prescribed meds, side effects, which ones did work (or not!), etc.


Could those that have taken Tramadol for PN pain in their feet please comment on their experiences. Thanks

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I only take Tramadol 50 mg at bedtime especially when my feet really hurt me at the end of the day.
Does seem to help me sleep better.


I take gabapentin 3X a day for neuropathy caused from chemo. If I forget a dose my feet feel dead. It also acts as a happy pill for me. I'm 81.

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I took Gabapentin for many years, with no relief of my pins and needles in both my feet.
Actually the latest neurologist told me to try and get off it if I could, especially since it wasn’t working.
I ended up having surgery for a perforated small intestine 6 mos ago, and that’s when I stopped the Gabapentin.
I was in the hospital for 3 weeks, and the Gabapentin was not given to me,so when I got home, I didn’t resume it.
I felt no difference being off it.


I just started monthly infusions of Gamunex-C with the VA. Anyone else tried this treatment and how did it work for you? Had first treatment 2 days ago so too soon to tell for me.


Sleep is such an important part of healing and I know how difficult it is to have pain during that time. I also have neuropathy that causes severe pain at night. What I have found is gabapentin, alpha-lipoic acid, low sugar diet and routine exercise really helps reduce my pain and paresthesia. I hope you find relief of your pain.


Sleep with a foam roller under your knees so that your feet are elevated. If your feet are higher than your head at night I have seen benefits


I only take Tramadol 50 mg at bedtime especially when my feet really hurt me at the end of the day.
Does seem to help me sleep better.

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Might want to try what my husband gleaned from an online site: He applies Vicks on bottom of feet and toes, then puts on socks (to protect linen). First time he tried it, he announced the next morning that it had WORKED. My feet are non-stop neuro pain and I was miserable one particular evening, so hubby encouraged me to TRY it. I despise the smell of Vicks, but at his urging, I let him apply the ointment. I did also take about 650 mg aspirin (I can't take pain killers, etc., or other OTC items). Next morning, my pain was indeed immensely reduced, and hubby was happy that his Vicks had helped. But I have not used it again, I stick to my Blue Emu, aspirin (or Alleve), heating pad, very gentle self-massage. If ever the pain should become as it was that first time that I Vicks-ed my feet, I would consider it again. BUT I'll buy the Baby Vicks, which is way less stinky.
You might want to google Vicks and its various applications beyond rubbing on the chest for colds. Might just work for you. 😊


Sleep is such an important part of healing and I know how difficult it is to have pain during that time. I also have neuropathy that causes severe pain at night. What I have found is gabapentin, alpha-lipoic acid, low sugar diet and routine exercise really helps reduce my pain and paresthesia. I hope you find relief of your pain.

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How does the low sugar diet help?


How does the low sugar diet help?

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Sugar causes inflammation and many times neuropathy is caused or worsen by inflammatory responses. Decreasing sugar will help decrease inflammation


Sugar causes inflammation and many times neuropathy is caused or worsen by inflammatory responses. Decreasing sugar will help decrease inflammation

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I did not know that! Thank you!

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