Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

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Hi, Fala. I am in my seventies and the foot pain was absolutely killing me. I was using a lot of creams including Voltarian (I'm sort of allergic to this, so...don't use it too much), Coconut oil infused with Frankincense and Myrrh (I always add more of the essential oils). But I accidentally came across some socks that actually make my feet stop hurting!! Advertised as Diabetic or Neuropathy Socks for Women. )Doctor's Choice Diabetic Socks for Women, Neuropathy Socks for Women, Non-Binding, Aloe Infused Diabetic Ankle Socks for Arthritis & Swollen Feet),...But one could find socks for males as well.
Here is the link. Oops! I am to new here to post a link, so...the socks were bought on Amazon.

There is another sort of flat oval thing that has air in it. I don't remember what it is called. Has nobs on one side. I keep this by my bed and try to remember to use it daily. I also use it when I travel and it does help with circulation. even just a simple soft ball might help.

Inhale peace - exhale joy

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Hi…are you describing more
Than one sock product?


Have been taking Medicinal Mushrooms and Green Tea Extract (Origine 8) Liposomal for approximately two months and have been wearing thermal socks (winter in South Africa) ..... have noticed a remarkable improvement in my feet which were dreadfully painful before. Have stopped taking the 25mg Lyrica which isn't necessary for pain at this stage as I can actually feel and move my toes! No clinical proof as to what has helped but thankful for the relief.

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Hi…is that all one product..mushrooms/tea/origine 8?


Hi…is that all one product..mushrooms/tea/origine 8?

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Two different products ....Origine 8 Liposomal (complete Green Tea Extract in vegetable capsules) and Medicinal Mushrooms (in vegecaps to boost immunity and maintain cellular function). Both are complimentary health supplements. I have had very good results and can easily wiggle my toes which were stiff and painful before. Also now wearing thermal socks as it's winter in South Africa, feet are kept warm and comfortable which is an added benefit.


Thank you for this information. You are in South Africa, so I"m not sure what legal status of Medicinal Mushrooms is in Michigan, USA. I will find out today! I find I am having difficulty falling asleep unless I assist with 5 mg oxycodone. I honestly don't want to do that, but sleep is so important. I think I am just going to have to "tough it out" a couple of nights and will then be Okay. Thanks again. Big help!

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I am relieved to no longer need pills for pain. I sleep very well and it's possibly due to taking a Magnesium health supplement. Melatonin also is excellent. I firmly believe natural products are best and one needs to find what works for you and what your body needs. As a vegetarian, I try to eat a very healthy and balanced diet. Wish you well to find the best balance for you!


Thank you for this information. You are in South Africa, so I"m not sure what legal status of Medicinal Mushrooms is in Michigan, USA. I will find out today! I find I am having difficulty falling asleep unless I assist with 5 mg oxycodone. I honestly don't want to do that, but sleep is so important. I think I am just going to have to "tough it out" a couple of nights and will then be Okay. Thanks again. Big help!

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I have found that taking two pills of an anti-histamine will put you to sleep faster and you should sleep comfortable all night similar to benydrill or similar. The only down side you wake up a little drowsy.


I am relieved to no longer need pills for pain. I sleep very well and it's possibly due to taking a Magnesium health supplement. Melatonin also is excellent. I firmly believe natural products are best and one needs to find what works for you and what your body needs. As a vegetarian, I try to eat a very healthy and balanced diet. Wish you well to find the best balance for you!

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Thank you for your encouragement. Years ago, my pain management doctor suggested I try CBD, as medical cannabis was legal in Michigan. I tried some at the time I just picked up at a Vitamin store. Those really didn't work. Then after cannabis became recreationally legal, I finally got around to trying some better quality CBD. As you know, there is a bit of THC in these products, and for some people, THC will show up in a drug test. Well, that is what happened to me. My doctor was beside himself that I was smoking "pot". I jumped right in and told him no, of course not, but he got it in his mind that I was a lost case and all he was doing was prescribing me pain meds, nerve pain meds, and muscle relaxers. He's been my pain management doctor since 2005. So he "fired" me from his practice, which was hurtful, but I understood. We had our visits via telehealth and we both knew that is no way to totally treat a patient especially one with chronic pain. So I am currently attempting to find a physician at another pain clinic to take me on. What I really want is a physician who understands alternative medication. I'm not certain what I need to look for, but I will do my best and eventually find another doctor. Once I started taking Magnesium Citrate my circulation improved and I did feel better. I have tried other types of Mag, but the citrate works best for me. Melatonin must not be my problem, because it has not worked for me. Both my adult children use melatonin. I think my sleep is messed up from some personal hardships I have been through and using oxy as a sleep aid. All my doctors told me not to do that, but none offered a solution. I am attempting to go off of oxy...even though I don't use it a lot, it's still in my system. Keeping my fingers crossed...for the first time in a long time, yesterday nor last night did I take any oxy and I slept all night long until my Lab/Spaniel mix emotional support dog woke me up whining!! (Yea, sometimes I'm her support human). I did take a lot of other stuff, but if I can continue to delete oxy, I will feel successful. I currently live on a secluded island in Lake Michigan. There are no pain doctors here. I know of no alternative medicine doctors here. We have a home in downstate Michigan also. I have decided to travel there every 6 months for medical care. It's about a 5-hour drive when we fly to the mainland on the east side of Michigan. Our downstate home is in southeast Michigan, close to Ann Arbor. Our children live in that area. If we take the ferry, we add about 2 or 3 hours to the trip, for we must arrive at the ferry 90 minutes early. There are two small airports on our 13x7 mile island and they are very busy in the summer. We have tourists, but we don't have a tourist feel on the island. We do not sell fudge here!! LOL


I have found that taking two pills of an anti-histamine will put you to sleep faster and you should sleep comfortable all night similar to benydrill or similar. The only down side you wake up a little drowsy.

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Thank you for your suggestion of an anti-histamine to sleep. I have taken Alka Seltzer plus for years, because, as you know, aspirin is the best anti-nflammatory pain medication. Having migraines, Alka Seltzer plus, was a big help. So I continue to take that. It doesn't make me very sleepy anymore, but in the old days before the pain clinic, it would put me right to sleep. Benedryl I use if I eat nuts...I try to avoid them, but sometimes one or two somehow slip into my mouth. Of course, Benedryl with oxy will increase the effects of oxy on one's body. That I can say is true. Right now my sleep is so dependent on taking something to knock me out. I always think of Tom Petty and how he came home from his 40th Anniversary tour with a broken hip (yes, he was touring in severe pain, what dedication). When he got home and could crash, he took a variety of pain and sleep medications and unfortunately, his 66-year-old body could not process all that. But I digress...and when I get to heaven and met Tom, I will thank him and let him know his death was not in vain. Rock on!!

In reply to @gba "Yes" + (show)

Sorry for the short reply. Nooro NMES sounds too good to be true. They sell two units, one for a foot massager and the other attaches to both legs. They use electric shock like tens, but I think stronger. The web site is Nooro


Is it common to have neuropathy on the bottom of both feet Is taking 12 300 mg gabapantin in a 24 hour period common


Is it common to have neuropathy on the bottom of both feet Is taking 12 300 mg gabapantin in a 24 hour period common

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Welcome @intscout2, From what I've read it's pretty common to have neuropathy start in the feet or toes on both feet. I'm pretty sure a lot depends on the cause of the neuropathy. It sounds like you are taking 3600 mg gabapentin daily now which I think may be the maximum amount for neuropathic pain. I do know from my own experience it doesn't help with numbness which is the symptom I have for my neuropathy. My PCP prescribed it for me and I took it for 2 weeks before stopping and then I had a consult with my care team and another Mayo doctor and was told gabapentin only helps with the pain. There is another discussion you should check out here:
--- Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?:

Were you recently diagnosed with neuropathy? Do you mind sharing a little more about your symptoms and anything you've tried for treatments?

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