Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

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Hi @cperlin you are so right! Gabapentin was given to me when I was in the hospital 3 years ago and made me delirious. I was talking all crazy, picking things out of the air. When my daughter came to see me I was so upset because she did not bring my cat. My daughter knew I was on something and told the Dr. they took me off of the Gabapentin and it stopped after a day. I new what I was doing but could not could not control it. What a crazy s4 hours!

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Wow, Angie P., that is a bad reaction. Was it just the gabapentin or were you on some other pain medication? Wild story.


Could those that have taken Tramadol for PN pain in their feet please comment on their experiences. Thanks

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I can't take Tramadol due to other medication I take that is actually more important. I believe it would be life-threatening. Then again, just living is life-threatening, so who knows.


Wow, Angie P., that is a bad reaction. Was it just the gabapentin or were you on some other pain medication? Wild story.

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Hi @pamelia, I was in the hospital and was just taking my regular meds no pain pills. I always took Advil but that messed up my kidneys. NOW I take pain pills but they really do not work for me. Yes a wild story like being on a trip but not the kind of trip I ever want again.


Could those that have taken Tramadol for PN pain in their feet please comment on their experiences. Thanks

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@daj3333, Here's an existing neuropathy discussion where members have shared their experience with Tramadol.

--- Tramadol Helps with Exhaustion:


Try a TENS unit on the feet


The foot pain can be so frustrating. I have found keeping a pillow at bottom of bed, under top sheet to keep feet & lower legs on it. This has really helped a lot. I also started to wear long pj bottoms to keep legs warm. Good luck.


The foot pain can be so frustrating. I have found keeping a pillow at bottom of bed, under top sheet to keep feet & lower legs on it. This has really helped a lot. I also started to wear long pj bottoms to keep legs warm. Good luck.

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My husband actually got me one of the mattresses where the feet rise. That helps a lot.


Try vitamin B injections, not pills, may sound silly but it's changed my life. That may sound silly, however, the Mayo Clinic is doing research studies to determine the if an why it works. I have pain in my feet and legs, that pain can be almost imtolerable, vitamin B injections hasn't made it go away, it made it more tolerable. You owe it to yourself to have 2 or 3 injections about 2 weeks apart. There are no side effects and no risk to having excessive vitamin B in your system. Don't accept a no way answer from your doctor or accept them telling you that pills work just as well. Worst case scenario is it doesn't help.


My husband actually got me one of the mattresses where the feet rise. That helps a lot.

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That is great. I also wear loose socks to keep feet warm.


I can't take Tramadol due to other medication I take that is actually more important. I believe it would be life-threatening. Then again, just living is life-threatening, so who knows.

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Thanks Pamellia. I too worry about taking Tramadol because of other medications I take so I haven’t taken Tramadol yet. Specifically, I take Klonopin.

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