Fatigue every afternoon - How can I get more energy?

Posted by jmorris58 @jmorris58, Dec 18, 2022

I am 75 and am very tired every afternoon. I need a two hour nap. My blood work is good. Any comments that can help me get more energy?

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Catstx -
The connection between CD and B12 deficiency results from the damage the initial CD gut issues that are so common as to be considered to be diagnostics can cause. The damaged cilia that result are less able to absorb B12 hence the deficiency. Depending on how much damage the gluten causes, oral B12 does not often suffice so B12 injection are necessary.

That said, low B12 is not the only cause of afternoon fatigue. Another cause is low serum Cortisol at 4pm.

This low cortisol production is not from Adrenal dysfunction, rather it is due to a condition called ‘Adrenal Fatigue’ - a condition where the body’s normal ability to produce an antihistamine called DAO is compromised and gut’s excess calls for cortisol production can’t be met.

There are several ways to test serum cortisol - the classic way is to measure the cortisol level in saliva at various times in a day or have a blood serum test during periods of fatigue.

0f the two conditions B12D is easier to solve - while Adrenal Fatigue is more complex in that AF is often just one of the symptoms that low DAO can trigger!
Chris47 -


I, too, have the CD gene, but not CD. I was extensively tested. The B12 injections are a great idea. I, too, have lots of slumps during the day. Many thanks.

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Fatigue especially after lunch is totally normal. As body digests, all kinds of systems kick in to process our food…afternoon naps are a great idea…when body needs nap, take advantage…we are not in our 20s…also brain wakes up with sugar. Eat sugar as in dried fruits if you don’t want to sleep/nap. Have a wonderful day, gratefully Marianne‼️🦋


I eat fruit as I have learned that the brain needs sugar to awaken…so if I need to work late for example, I eat fruit‼️See if this works for you‼️


I'm with you on a nap.. Make it quick , say 20 minutes. I read that a cup of coffee at or about noon Keeps the energy sparks flying .. Try it-- I'm 85 and still ride my street bike 3 times a week for a total of about 50 miles per week -I ride alone but great way to meet new folks and their dogs.. Very exciting and INSTANT energy builder.. I just feel great ""


I have suffered fatigue all my life, but worked, raised a family.
Can't stand regular coffee, that's been the main problem waking me up.
Last years I do drink one bottle of Starbucks bottled mocha coffee. That really helps especially if I am going out, can think better. Almost at 4pm I am wiped, set alarm for 1 hour, then nap.
Otherwise I fall asleep at 8pm-7am, not good for me too early.


After an afternoon nap, take a walk for around 30 minutes to activate the body. The walk can be done inside the house. One can have interruptions during the walk, if tired.


I'm with you on a nap.. Make it quick , say 20 minutes. I read that a cup of coffee at or about noon Keeps the energy sparks flying .. Try it-- I'm 85 and still ride my street bike 3 times a week for a total of about 50 miles per week -I ride alone but great way to meet new folks and their dogs.. Very exciting and INSTANT energy builder.. I just feel great ""

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Ironically, short naps seem to be more refreshing than longer ones. As you say, 20 minutes. I occasionally do 30 minutes. And exercise is an energy builder. I do about 30 minutes of aerobic cycling every day, either on a stationary bike or on my street bike


Wow I’m Irish decent and never heard of this I got B12 deficiency which attacked my spinal cord and blood stream gave me peripheral neuropathy & pernicious anemia! I know my neurologist did some kind of test to prove this but I didn’t know what it was! I’m tired all the time


Your body is telling you to rest, so take your nap, and don’t worry about it.
As we age the energy level goes down. It’s just a fact of life.


I am 74 and I am low energy in the afternoon also and I was never this tired 👍. The low energy hits me between 1 pm and 2pm. I don’t like it I am an active person.

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