Anyone else out there with extremely high lipoprotein (a)?

Posted by csage1010 (Sue) @csage1010, Feb 21, 2022

Hi! I just found out that I have an extremely high lipoprotein (a) of 515 nmol/L. I'm terrified; it's that high. I'm 58 years old and my total cholesterol is 212. My LDL is 141, and my HDL is just 40. My cholesterol/HDL ratio is 5.3. Of course it's a long weekend and I may not be able to reach my doctor tomorrow. I have watched a couple of informational sessions online from various doctors discussing elevated LP(a), but no one mentions anything close to how high mine is. Is there anyone else out there with severely elevated Lp(a)? Thanking you in advance. Sue M.

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Yes, I am having the most trouble finding a good salad dressing that is made with olive or avocado oil, and I will use it sparingly. You are correct about statins.

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Primal Kitchen makes great salad dressings with avocado oil, and I recently found some California Olive Ranch dressings that only have olive oil in them.


Hi. I just found out my 9 year old daughter has an lpa level of 195 on top of her cholesterol being 313 (ldl is super high as well at 240). Her father died at 45 of a sudden heart attack. He was not on any statins. I’m very saddened and scared. It’s consuming my thoughts. I’m going to put her on statins and have started a healthy diet where she’s lost 7 lbs and is exercising much more. But after all the research I’m doing it’s so hard not to think she will not be able to live a long life. Any thoughts or advice will be very appreciated. Thank you!

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Hello @cwalgamotte
In my family tree from my father's side all men have passed away due to Cardiac blockages.
ages varying 60 to 95, to me it seems family has been genetically predisposed to Cardiac issues
I have had BP & High cholesterol from an early age below around 10 yrs, ( I still engaged in sports in youth in spite of BP Meds) so far so good .. in am in 70s, of course I do watch my diet and walk around 5 miles, also had a kidney transplant completing 4 years this month.
As long as we identify the issues & pursue a balanced approach.


Hi. I just found out my 9 year old daughter has an lpa level of 195 on top of her cholesterol being 313 (ldl is super high as well at 240). Her father died at 45 of a sudden heart attack. He was not on any statins. I’m very saddened and scared. It’s consuming my thoughts. I’m going to put her on statins and have started a healthy diet where she’s lost 7 lbs and is exercising much more. But after all the research I’m doing it’s so hard not to think she will not be able to live a long life. Any thoughts or advice will be very appreciated. Thank you!


How to lower lipoprotein (a) naturally.
what is the best diet to follow?
Is L-carnitine helpful and which brand and dosage?
Can taking Tums Ex to complement required calcium intake interferes by depositing in the arteries?
Thank you for your insights.

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How to lower lipoprotein (a) naturally.
what is the best diet to follow?
Is L-carnitine helpful and which brand and dosage?
Can taking Tums Ex to complement required calcium intake interferes by depositing in the arteries?
Thank you for your insights.



I appreciate your comment. You will note that I corrected the link to reflect one that stated exceptions to that based on further studies. The information is complicated.

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@hopeful33250, thank you for reporting the incorrectly cited study. I have updated your post with the correct study.
cc @glennose @whineboy

Whineboy, I also worked my way through the paper and agree that its findings are limited to a segemented portion of the general population. A quick scan of recent studies regarding statins and lipoprotein(a) levels results in confusing and conflicting messages. When faced with conflicting information, I discuss with my doctor(s), share my concerns and work together to find what is applicable to me.

I think you might be interested in also joining the conversations in this group:
- LCHF Living & Intermittent Fasting


That study says that statins significantly INCREASE LP(a). Please post accurately

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I appreciate your comment. You will note that I corrected the link to reflect one that stated exceptions to that based on further studies. The information is complicated.


That study says that statins significantly INCREASE LP(a). Please post accurately


I am watching salt too so I don't even add salt or pepper to my olive oil/balsamic vinegar mix. I can't find it now but at one time I was using fig balsamic vinegar and was that good. I liked it with salads that have fruit in them. Of course I am using imported 100% extra virgin Italian olive oil and balsamic vinegar. And forget butter. I put olive oil on corn on the cobb even. And olive oil on rustic bread is yummy. FYI for all, lemon juice is a great substitute for salt on things


Hello Teresa,

I finally worked through that very technical article. I'm not sure if it is relevant to the general population, 85% of participants were caucasian, ~ 86% of the 81 participants had familial hypercholesterolimia, and ~ 19% were smokers. The authors noted the small size and observational nature of the study (not an RCT) were limiting. Yes, the study showed that for those with the LMW apo(a) phenotype, whatever that is 🙂 , statins increased Lp(a) significantly, but not for those with the HMW apo(a) phenotype. Interestingly, the paper did not identify the statins used or their dosages.

I was pleased to see the authors noted that reduced fat intake and shifting from dietary saturated fat to unsaturated fat was previously associated with increased Lp(a).

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I appreciate you sharing your thoughts about the article, @whineboy. I agree that the most important thing in our health has to do with our lifestyle decisions.

Eating well and exercising is vital.

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