Will estrogen supplements increase my risk of cancer?

Posted by kathleenpayne1 @kathleenpayne1, Aug 19, 2023

Will estrogen supplements raise my risk of cancer?

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Another point to clarify is that I started estradiol only AFTER my total hysterectomy. I took estradiol at that point.
BTW I advocated for myself for a total hysterectomy after menopause b/c with hormone replacement, the uterus and ovaries do not offer any benefits but do pose a risk. In fact, ovarian cancer is often silent in that you get no warning till it is advanced.


Another point to clarify is that I started estradiol only AFTER my total hysterectomy. I took estradiol at that point.
BTW I advocated for myself for a total hysterectomy after menopause b/c with hormone replacement, the uterus and ovaries do not offer any benefits but do pose a risk. In fact, ovarian cancer is often silent in that you get no warning till it is advanced.

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Years ago, I remember saying to my GYN that I was done using all these lady parts and I'd be perfectly happy getting rid of them. She laughed and said they don't do surgery for no reason.
So that was that....I don't think I could get insurance to pay without a better reason than I was done using them! :))


Years ago, I remember saying to my GYN that I was done using all these lady parts and I'd be perfectly happy getting rid of them. She laughed and said they don't do surgery for no reason.
So that was that....I don't think I could get insurance to pay without a better reason than I was done using them! :))

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Well, I no longer recall the exact problem I was having but I had bleeding I believe. Also, I was having a bladder sling placed.


I took 1 mg of estradiol and 100 mg of progesterone from the age of 52 to 72 with no problem. At the ripe old age of 72 I had a period...just like the awful periods I had premenopause. Naturally, you immediately think cancer.
I stopped the estradiol and quickly got a gyn appt. They did an exam, ultrasound, internal and external and told me if it happened again they would do a biopsy. It didn't happen again, so it was determined they had no idea and sometimes our bodies do strange things. (That's what I was told)
Since I stopped the estrogen, I feel like I have aged 20 years in the last 4 years. Loss of muscle tone, saggy skin, arthritis and an abundance of new aches and pains , and now I've developed peripheral neuropathy in my feet. I've always been reasonably healthy, and now I feel like a hypochondriac because I just don't feel good.
I've done an enormous amount of research on reliable sites that says HRT doesn't cause an increase in cancer. Of course, there are exceptions...family history etc. Everybody is different.
I'm really tired of hearing " you're getting old" like I'm not acutely aware of that!!
So if you can continue using HRT, do it. Your body, your choice. It's about quality of life. Do the research. Stick to reliable websites and if it says "a slight increase in cancer" find out what that means. Print out the info you find and show it to your doctor. They are all so busy, I'm not sure they have the time to dig into all this info. Things seem to change on a daily basis. We have a increase in risks of disease by just being alive and surviving to our age. Who knows what's in our water, food and air?
Of course, all of this is my opinion. I am not in the medical field.
I'm sorry this is so long, I been thinking about this for quite a while.

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Like you, I had been taking 1 mg of estradiol and 100 mg of progesterone for the past 20 years (I am 67). And then 1 week after having a cortisone shot I had heavy spotting for a couple of weeks . Like you I went to the gyn who did all sorts of tests and found nothing wrong. I have stopped taking the HRT meds for 8 weeks now, but the hot flashes are getting very tiresome. I am trying to tough it out to give my body time to adjust, but am seriously considering getting back on the meds. My gyn said to go cold turkey, which I did, but I am wondering if the weaning process would have been better. I meet with him next month to discuss the pros/cons.


I realize this discussion ended in Sept., but wanted someone to clarify if they are talking about Oral Estradiol or local cream Estradiol. My doctor explained there is a difference.


Do you remember what he said? I use the HRT replacement cream daily which is estrogen and estradiol. I also take oral progesterone. I still have all my useless spare parts😊


Do you remember what he said? I use the HRT replacement cream daily which is estrogen and estradiol. I also take oral progesterone. I still have all my useless spare parts😊

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Well, for my situation, he said the local cream estradiol was quite safe, as it doesn’t get into your full system. Not sure what that means. He said that taking oral estrogen was different and that risks/benefits would need to be considered. Age is a factor. I didn’t have any symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, etc. Still, I really wish that one of my multiple female doctors (some gynecologist s) had explained menopause and hormone treatments. I’m really surprised this whole world is so silent and uninformed! Why?

I’d be very proactive in searching for guidance on this. I’m starting with my Endocrinologist to see what she says. It may be too late for me, but local estradiol has helped me so much.

Have you watched top female urologists videos address topics like vaginal atrophy? They are very enlightening. My question is does HRT help avoid bladder issues? That seems to be a huge problem for many women that I know and read about.


In my experience the answer is yes. My mother and my aunt had breast cancer. My gynecologist prescribed HRT after a hysterectomy. I never should have gotten that. It fed my estrogen positive cancer which at the time was unaware of. Beware!!!!


I am 70 years old and I have been on hormone replacement therapy since 45 three times. I have tried to wean myself off and each time after 90 days, I beg my doctors to go back on. After my most recent withdrawal, My doctor did change me to an Estradiol patch and progesterone by mouth at night. She says the issue is taking the medicine orally they’re going through the liver creates issues, so I am thrilled to death to have found a Doctor who understands that quality of life is better than quantity.


I am 70 years old and I have been on hormone replacement therapy since 45 three times. I have tried to wean myself off and each time after 90 days, I beg my doctors to go back on. After my most recent withdrawal, My doctor did change me to an Estradiol patch and progesterone by mouth at night. She says the issue is taking the medicine orally they’re going through the liver creates issues, so I am thrilled to death to have found a Doctor who understands that quality of life is better than quantity.

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What symptoms do you get when weaning off HRT?

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