Empty Sella Syndrome

Posted by caras @caras, Aug 29, 2012

Hello, Newly diagnosed with this syndrome. Basically pitatuary gland is pinched and/or not able to be found on MRI and now affecting my vision and my ACTH and prolactin levels are wacky. MRI found a csyst or possible CSF leakage. Anyone experience this? I am just beginnin this journey and looking for any information at all.
Thank you,
Cara in ND

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I got a concussion & was sent to a neurologist due to headaches, dizziness, roaring sound in my head (not ears), hot flashes, chill/low temp, vision issue, sudden onset crying/sadness, no ambition/drive & more. Neurologist says it’s migraines. Only headaches I get are sinus which meds handle fine. MRI shows Empty Sella/flattened & slightly small pituitary gland. I stopped having menopausal symptoms 2018ish but it seems like they are back with vengeance. I’m not saying it can’t be migraines, it may be both but the dr (I waited 6 mths to see) is set on migraines & has prescribed meds I’m afraid may mask symptoms.

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Hello @zurchmom and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I think it is pretty normal to wonder if a diagnosis is right or not based on what you know as your full symptoms and history.

I wanted to let you know that I have moved your post into an existing discussion I found with other members discussing the same topic, which you can find here:
- Empty Sella Syndrome: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/empty-sella-syndrome/

Members such as @jwillits8 and @jmb73 may be able to come back in to share their experiences with you.

Have you considered a second opinion for some additional reassurance before you start the medication?


Hello @zurchmom and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I think it is pretty normal to wonder if a diagnosis is right or not based on what you know as your full symptoms and history.

I wanted to let you know that I have moved your post into an existing discussion I found with other members discussing the same topic, which you can find here:
- Empty Sella Syndrome: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/empty-sella-syndrome/

Members such as @jwillits8 and @jmb73 may be able to come back in to share their experiences with you.

Have you considered a second opinion for some additional reassurance before you start the medication?

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I most definitely have, however, the neurologist is firm in her belief that this is not a pituitary issue but a migraine issue. I’m asking to see a endocrinologist since many of my long gone menopause symptoms have returned since I was hurt. There are difficulties since workers comp is paying the bill. I have called TRICARE Insurance for guidance. I just fail to believe a flattened/smaller pituitary gland isn’t playing some part in all of this. It’s not implausible that several things may be playing a part. Thank you for getting back with me so quickly.


A few years ago I was diagnosed with empty cella syndrome, they can't see my pituitary . Nobody seemed overly concerned, I inject myself with 2 cc's of testosterone every two weeks. I take a myriad of medications. 30 pills per day. I haven't been the same since I was diagnosed. A lot of the doctors had never heard of empty syndrome. It does put you through some changes.

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Hi how are you dealing with this? I am newlu diagnosed with Partial Empty Sella, my hormone tests have all come back normal, my vision is fine but its my constant headaches. I also get heart palpitations. I dont know if its all linked. Have you been getting the right treatment?


Hi how are you dealing with this? I am newlu diagnosed with Partial Empty Sella, my hormone tests have all come back normal, my vision is fine but its my constant headaches. I also get heart palpitations. I dont know if its all linked. Have you been getting the right treatment?

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I still have not been sent to an endocrinologist for an evaluation. My neurologist believes I’ve developed migraines from the concussion I received at work so I’m being treat with migraine meds but so far they are not working. She has not addressed the pituitary issues that have shown up on the MRI. I have literally has a massive headache since 8/5/2022.


So sorry you are going through this? Can I ask how old are you? How many years ago were you diagnosed with Empty Sella? Did you have any symptoms other than headaches? I am just too scared as I am only 31 and have two little kids to look after. I dont know if I will ever feel normal again.


So sorry you are going through this? Can I ask how old are you? How many years ago were you diagnosed with Empty Sella? Did you have any symptoms other than headaches? I am just too scared as I am only 31 and have two little kids to look after. I dont know if I will ever feel normal again.

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My case is a little different as I was injured when a student attacked me; I received a concussion & fractured collarbone. MRI results showed I have a flattened & slightly small pituitary gland. I’m 60 yrs old and I’ve been advised to retire early. I haven’t seen an endocrinologist yet, it took 6 months to be seen by a neurologist. The neurologist feels I’m dealing with severe migraines & concussion syndrome but I am also dealing with symptoms of ESS.


I was diagnosed with Empty Sella Syndrome quite a few years ago now. I haven’t given it a lot of thought until I started having a strange headache that happens, only when lying on my right side. It goes away almost immediately when I change position. Has anyone else experienced this?


I have headaches that sometimes can be alleviated by sitting up.


I had an MRI done recently for an ear issue (which ended up showing nothing).. they did end up finding an empty sella though. On my report from the MRI it states this finding can be seen in patients with raised intracranial pressure or endocrinopathy? I am waiting on an appointment with neurology to discuss the findings and what steps need to be taken. In the meantime, I am looking for any information that you can provide.. please. Has anyone dealt with this? If it is due to intracranial pressure, what will be done? Am I going to be okay? I'm shaken up over this as I am young and have four amazing children who depend on me. Thank you in advance.

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It seems I had MRI 2016 that said empty sella and not one of my Drs mentioned it to me. I had an MRI end of 2022 and it showed the same and when I saw it I questioned what is it. I compared to the 2016 and wanted to know why no one even noticed?. I went to Dr because of the many days of headaches. (Not migraine) and I have a blocked ear that sounds like when you are in air flight. But it won’t pop out of it. I get sharp intense pains below the ear and above the ear. No one found a thing wrong with my ear. It’s been a year since it began. Neurologist said he could do a spinal to see if spinal fluid is going into the sella or I could take topamax. (I said head aches are mild but steady and last days) so no to topamax. My testosterone levels are steadily high, I’m post menopausal. I have unbearable night sweats. My hair has fallen like a guy. I cannot lose weight no matter how hard I try and I do try. I walked with quick sprints five miles daily for two years with no results and I suddenly started getting too fatigued to complete my regime. Out of nowhere. I have maintained good organic eating habits, vegetarian for decades. Gluten free, low carb, seafood. So my foods should not cause weight issues. However they have and I can adjust to smaller portions and nothing happens. I do not drink or smoke. I became hypothyroid about ten yrs ago. I do not know if the empty sells was there then but I suspect so. My thyroid meds are very low dose 50mg a day and in ten years have never had a dosage change. Unlike others who have a clear and present thyroid issue get upped all of the time. My vision is really blurry, I have so much trouble seeing and need a lot of light to see anything. Very tired eyes that are difficult to open from sleep, I push them open with my fingers. I feel the thyroid meds have caused major digestion issues as well as osteoporosis. I feel if there was something that could be done about the sella the rest would resolve including the thyroid. Anyone?

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