Eliquis and AFIB

Posted by lenmayo @lenmayo, Apr 18, 2024

Does anyone who has occasional AFIB not take Eliquis?

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RE: the cost of Eliquis, I was paying $100. per month until about a year ago when a generic brand of Apixaban became available. Now it costs $30.00 per mo.
That's for 5mg.x 2 per day. I have Paroxysmal A-fib....I don't even know when or if I'm having episodes. I think mine is caused by a bicuspid aortic valve.

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Hi, @justwannasay. Everybody is interested in where you found generic Eliquis for $30 per month last year. The patent blocks generic versions until at least November 2026, maybe as late as 2028 now that a court has acted again on the legal duration of this particular patent. Martin


Hi, @justwannasay. Everybody is interested in where you found generic Eliquis for $30 per month last year. The patent blocks generic versions until at least November 2026, maybe as late as 2028 now that a court has acted again on the legal duration of this particular patent. Martin

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Hello Martin. Well, first off, I live in Canada. British Columbia. Here is a website that explains this 1st. generic alternative to Eliquis.
I'd be happy to answer any questions, but perhaps my location and this article says it all. Barbara
Deleted link.
Okay....I'm new here so they wont let me include any links/URLs.
Google: Canadian Manufacturing.com first generic alternative to eliquis.


@gloaming I think it depends on frequency and duration of afib episodes, and some are doing short term anticoagulation. I have gone 9 years with afib and no meds and have not had a stroke. That said, I monitor and find the best medical care possible.

The book The Afib Cure by Day and Bunch is quite helpful.

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I'm happy you have the temerity and the peace of mind to make the choices you have taken, windyshores. We should all hope to do that. Nine years with intermittent AF, and no meds....that's quite spectacular. On my other forum, affibers.org, a fellow with user-name GeorgeN has had AF for many years, but keeps it 99% controlled with a strict dietary and supplement regimen that includes at least two grams of Mg each day, multiple doses, and he even makes his own 'swill' that he sips during the day. However, he does get the odd run, and he subscribes to the PIP routine (pill-in-pocket) where he pops up to 200mg of Flecainide as soon as he knows he has gone into AF. Lucky him, that one dose seems to beat it down and he is good for weeks and months. BTW, he has also found that an elevated (by his normal ingestion) level of calcium intake will often bring on AF. He has to avoid all dairy, but he's the type of guy who would take D3 with K2 as a supplement, so his bones are good.


@gloaming I am not stubborn and will do meds when needed. So far the regimen is working but who knows what time will bring. I have identified a few triggers (GI gas, lifting, loud noise) and one is housing stress. That should be easy to address but it isn't!


Re-posting from another thread if helpful, but $70/mo rather than $30 (still much better than $700/mo!):

My husband and I entered into the so called donut hole last year and both are on Eliquis. I asked my PCP about drugs from Canada and he gave me information about a pharmacy that other of his patients had used successfully. LifeRx is the one we are using to get Apixaban/generic Eliquis. They offer several options as to amount, strength and source for the drug including the UK, India and, of course, Canada. It took awhile and some calls to their help line to order from their somewhat confusing website and at the time the payment methods included American Express as the only credit card they would accept. The other option was to use wire transfer which is what we use. I received notice that they now do not accept any credit card for payment. You must provide them with a prescription from your doctor...ours gave us one on a full 8X10 sheet. Easily legible and fax-friendly. LifeRx notifies us when we are eligible for refills and the refill process is quick and easy. The cost of my 3 month supply was under $70 the first time but the cost increased the next time to $76. This included shipping. The price fluctuates. Expect a wait time between 2-3 weeks to receive. I'll admit I was nervous about ordering from them and was anxious waiting for the shipment to get here but we are very satisfied with the price and the help line is available.


I had my first episode of afib
5 weeks ago and after a cardioversion, my doctor put me on Eliquis twice a day. So far, so good and back to sinus rhythm.


I was put on Eliquis a year ago. I also have been on Plavix for about 4 years ago. When I started on Eliquis I broke out in a rash. I couldn’t find one doctor who thought the two were related. I asked to be put on Xarelto 6 months later. The rash continued but lessened. I think I am resolved that it will be with me for as long as I am on those two. Plavix caused no problems at all.


I was put on Eliquis a year ago. I also have been on Plavix for about 4 years ago. When I started on Eliquis I broke out in a rash. I couldn’t find one doctor who thought the two were related. I asked to be put on Xarelto 6 months later. The rash continued but lessened. I think I am resolved that it will be with me for as long as I am on those two. Plavix caused no problems at all.

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Same broke out in a rash hair falling out, arm pits hurt. Trying -lavish next, looking at watchman


Same broke out in a rash hair falling out, arm pits hurt. Trying -lavish next, looking at watchman

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Sorry about your problems. I haven’t had any of the others that you have had. The surprise to me is that medical community doesn’t think these blood thinners are the cause.


For those bothered by the high cost of Eliquis, ( and who isn't?) here's some information I found immensely valuable to help with that cost.. The manufacturer ( Bristol Meyers Squibb) offers a coupon that can be used to pay for a 30 day supply of Eliquis for a copay of $10. The coupon can be used for a period of two years worth of refills ( or a $6600 limit, not sure how that is applied). Customers with private drug plan insurance ( not government insurance such as the Part D Medicare drug plans, Medicaid or Tricare) who live in the US are eligible for this discount. The card is available on the manufacturer's website- ( link below), following the instructions on the site ( starting with the cost, savings and support tab on the left) and filling out the questionnaire to determine eligibility, the card with a unique ID can be printed. This card is taken to the pharmacy with the prescription ( or the information added to a patient's existing information there), and the refill, along with subsequent 30 day refills will be $10. The pharmacy has to be a participating member of the program to get this, but it looks as though the larger chain pharmacies are ( as was my little chain pharmacy) though the website also has a form that can be filled out and submitted by an eligible customer for direct reimbursement if their pharmacy does not participate in the program.
It's certainly been a worthwhile thing for me, I'm happy to pay $10 instead of the $110 I was paying for a 30 day supply of Eliquis. Just something to consider, for those who might be eligible.
Oops, as a new member, I can't post the link. But anyone interested can google the Bristol Meyers Squibb website, Eliquis savings, or something similar and find the information.

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