What was your experience with duloxetine (US Brand Name; Cymbalta)?

Posted by d13 @d13, Jan 11, 2022

I was prescribed by my oncologist for the neuropathy in feet and hands. The chemotherapy treatments did this. This drug also states that it is used to treat depression and anxiety. As with any prescription medication, there could be side effects. And a huge list of what not to take with this drug. He also prescribed hydrocodone 5 mg, but to take half of pill four times daily for cancer pain. We’ll, when I got home and read about the Duloxetine use; one of the medications on the list was hydrocodone. I’m now waiting for a call from the oncologist office to see if I can take the Duloxetine with the hydrocodone. Can anyone at least tell me if they have ever taken this medication; Duloxetine? And any side effects?

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I have horrible back and stiff neck, fatique and very stiff joints . Feel twice my age
Weaning off it was prescribed for IBS
That is just me everyone is different


I have taken it for years for depression. Initial side effects are diarrhea and nausea, but those settle down. Do NOT stop taking this medication cold turkey. You have to taper off it. Cold turkey withdrawal is horrible; I had to when I got pregnant. It’s also FDA approved for Fibromyalgia.


I have taken it for years for possible fibromyalgia and depression. I have tried to wean off twice and failed as my depression became much worse. I have had no side effects, even in the beginning. Best wishes to you.


I had horrific nightmares while on it. Went back to Zoloft.


I remember using it for depression and stop using it after a while because it really did not work for me. Don't remember any side effects.


One! Pill produced severe nausea, stopped. All these meds are bad.


Been on 120mg for a few years for depression and nerve pain. No problems.


Hi, I’ve been on Brand Cymbalta since it came on market. For depression. (120 mg )
It has been a wonder drug for me!
However, over a 12-year period, my back teeth suffered effects from trauma. Posterior tooth loss, anterior fracturing and mobility, full mouth reconstruction has been advised. I sought-change from this “family” of drugs. Unable to start and follow through with a new medication regime, due to my general health, surgeries, etc. just not a good year for medicine changes. I will try my psychiatrist’s suggested medication change, once I have some balance with my 66 yo health.
(Ps. I’m now retired from my 44-years of a multifaceted-Clinical Dental Hygiene career.)I’ll post again if I make any depression medication changes. Etc.
Also it’s been terrific for major body pain. (@zrose0001)


I took Cybalta some time ago. During the first few days of taking it, I was nauseous to the point of vomiting. It helped somewhat with depression but did nothing for pain. After about a year of taking it, I developed a tolerance to it and it no longer worked for me.

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