does anyone know what this is?

Posted by nkapsas @nkapsas, Apr 8 11:13am

I have been getting this red type pattern around my neck for a while now. It never stays and often leaves a scar when the redness is gone. It is red in the morning, brown by afternoon and gone by night. And it repeats all over daily. But it does not stay all year; it comes and goes after every few months. There is no itching or irritation and i have not tried anything new...its just red and on my neck which does not look very good...any ideas on what this might be?
I suspect it could be because of the sun??? I live in California btw..

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I get bumps, I thought they where bites, They start out small then grow like hives. Blister then itch. Last for weeks to a month. Sometimes I have bruises left. I haven't found out what it is yet. They come in the summer and sometimes Fall.
I have a dermatologist now so I'll go there if they pop up. Take pictures of it and get a doctor's or dermatologist appt. I also read where you can be allergic to the heat and get heat hives

I'm not much help on treatment, I'm still looking


in reply to @nkapsas You know, sometimes these are related to hormonal changes, but I am no doctor. I highly recommend you make an appointment with your PCP and perhaps she can order some lab that might be useful in determining the cause of this issue you have. I am so sorry!

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