Do pictures of your loved ones hurt or help?

Posted by thisismarilynb @thisismarilynb, Apr 29, 2023

Shortly after my husband died, I had to have a full hip replacement. I was fortunate to find a wonderful caregiver and she was with me for two months until I was fit enough to care for myself, shower myself, dress myself and even drive. We have kept up our friendship. Last week she came over to help me with a task that I felt I was unable to do for myself. She also brought me a picture of my husband and me while he was still in our home, in a hospital bed. He was smiling and looked so good. I have been crying ever since. Her motive was good. She thought I would be pleased to have it and in a way I am. But the pain of seeing the last picture of him is almost unbearable. I feel worse that I did when I had to leave his remains in the cemetery. How do other people handle this?

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My husband died in 2020. We had been married for 63 years. After so many years together, there is a hole in my life that will never be filled. Thankfully, the local newspaper took a wonderful picture of us together. I have one photo in my bedroom, and another in my art studio. With the strength of my husband's love, which is part of me and always with me, I created a new and rewarding life. Details of how I did this are in my forthcoming book.


I think you should put the picture away and replace it with a picture taken in happier times. I lost my dear sister and brother not long ago. I could not look at my brother in the hospital bed without breaking down every-time. I put the picture away and replaced it with an earlier picture. I still have tears but nothing like the hospital bed, etc. i can now deal with it easier but it will take time. Hugs to you.

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I am truly sorry… have lost three much younger brothers…18, 46 and 47…my poor mother. Grief is really something.🤔😞Quite a tangled mess I’d say. Know that you are not alone!

Big hugs🌷


Two years ago I suddenly loss my husband after 50 years of marriage.
For me it was very painful to look at photos or to talk about memories.
A friend also sent me a photo of the two of us at an event…when I saw it I immediately put it back into the box and only took it out after two years.
My friend meant well but I wasn’t ready.
Now I slowly take out a photo here and there, but it still is painful …
They say time heals all wounds but I don’t think one ever gets over losing a spouse.

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Hi😊 this type of grief caused by such a monumental loss never goes away…we just have got to navigate it. Sometimes the reality of loosing a person who was such an integral part of our lives is just plain mind-twisting…unbearable! We have to create new people and experiences to fill that huge void. Nothing will ever replace them but they would want us to be brave and reach, and step out with deliberate action.




I am truly sorry… have lost three much younger brothers…18, 46 and 47…my poor mother. Grief is really something.🤔😞Quite a tangled mess I’d say. Know that you are not alone!

Big hugs🌷

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Big hugs to you too and your poor mother. I lost my parents in my teens and losing ny siblings has. Been so hard. Bless you all.


I am truly sorry… have lost three much younger brothers…18, 46 and 47…my poor mother. Grief is really something.🤔😞Quite a tangled mess I’d say. Know that you are not alone!

Big hugs🌷

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@brutusthebear -- I'm so sorry to hear about your brothers and one at 18? Wow. Yes, your poor mother and you. I lost my brothers at 48 and 59 to cancer. So when I got cancer the first time, you can see why I didn't want to tell my poor mother. Luckily, I survived. My cancer is back, but after Mom went to Heaven so she didn't have to hear that news.

@menkcizmar -- So sorry you lost your husband of 50 years. That's rough after having him by your side for so long. I'm long divorced after only 5 years of a less than ideal marriage. It makes me happy to hear about those of you that have had a long, loving, supportive relationship -- the way it should be. I'm always amazed when friends share the nice, thoughtful things their husbands do for them. I'm happy you shared so many wonderful years together.

@britnoor -- I'm so sorry you've lost your birth family. Losing both your parents in your teens must have been so difficult. In addition to losing my brothers young, my dad died in a car accident when he was 50. Mom made it to 84, but passed away 5 years ago after falling and breaking her leg. So at 59, I became the sole survivor of my birth family. It's a lot to process and sometimes just seems surreal and creates a unique kind of loneliness. Holidays without them are especially rough. I miss those times of laughing and reminiscing about our childhood every holiday. If you share those memories with others, it's often a 'you had to be there' result. But we find a way to carry on and enjoy life as they would want us to do.

Hugs to all of you.


Aren’t holidays the worst?!

Big hugs to everyone grieving


Two years ago I suddenly loss my husband after 50 years of marriage.
For me it was very painful to look at photos or to talk about memories.
A friend also sent me a photo of the two of us at an event…when I saw it I immediately put it back into the box and only took it out after two years.
My friend meant well but I wasn’t ready.
Now I slowly take out a photo here and there, but it still is painful …
They say time heals all wounds but I don’t think one ever gets over losing a spouse.

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No, you don't.


You must be on your cruise and I sure hope you are enjoying all of it. I’m sure it’s difficult but your husband is with you. Our loved ones live on in us and he is proud of you!😊🌷

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Back from cruise. Had a good time. However, it was painful seeing couples enjoying themselves and knowing that I would never be a part of one again. The best part was seeing Niagara Falls. They were just awesome. Now back to the real world. Unpacking, laundry, getting some food, etc. Hope all is well with you.


Back from cruise. Had a good time. However, it was painful seeing couples enjoying themselves and knowing that I would never be a part of one again. The best part was seeing Niagara Falls. They were just awesome. Now back to the real world. Unpacking, laundry, getting some food, etc. Hope all is well with you.

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Yea! You are so brave and you did it!😊🌺 I understand the couples thing. To “belong” to someone, your “other half” who depends on you and be loves you so much!

I’m so glad you did enjoy much of the journey! Who knows what fun trip is next on your agenda! You’re an inspiration to me for sure! I’m so glad you are back safely too. I got leather cleaner in my eye a week ago and really thought for about24 hrs. my vision was permanently damaged! Something really neat happened… I was sitting in my porch feeling so sorry for my eye and cried and said out loud, I need my mom.” I’m not kidding… immediately the film on my eye cleared and I could tell it was going to be ok!!! I have never had anything like that happen. Anyway, it was special and who knows if our loved ones spirits are watching over us?

So nice to hear from you!🌺😊


Thanks for the welcome back. Still have jet lag and a ton of work to do. I did manage to get in some groceries and go through the mail. Now I am left with a lot of laundry and paying bills. I also received a brochure from the cruise line my husband and I used. They are talking about next year's cruises to Alaska. I do have cousins who live in Vancouver. As the cruises are only 7 days, I am seriously considering going by myself and combining it with a visit with my family. We have a year to plan, so shall see what happens. Right now I am too busy trying to get my house back together again. Glad your eye cleared up by itself. Do you use eye drops regularly? As we age our eyes kind of dry up. I use them every day. I always use the drops that are in separate containers. The ones that are in a little bottle can become contaminated too quickly.

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