Statin discontinued due to neuropathy. What are some alternatives?

Posted by Nazir Khan @nukhan, Jan 19, 2020

I have been using Lipitor since 2007 for lowering my cholesterol which is on the list of those medicines that are suspected to cause neuropathy. I am thinking of discontinuing this menace but before doing so want to check with those members who have discontinued using statin and what is their experience. What alternative methods have they since adopted for lowering their cholesterol .. diet, alternative medication, exercise or anything else ?

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After my annual checkup and blood work yesterday my doctor wants to put me on 20mg of Lipitor to reduce my cholesterol. My total cholesterol is 230, triglycerides are 71, HDL is 82 and LDL is 131. I am 68 years old and don't observe the best diet but I am changing that. I also do some cardio and a lot of strength training 3 days a week. My question is - with some dietary changes and a bergamot supplement instead of a statin will I possibly be able to lower my numbers? I just don't like what I've been reading about statins.


After my annual checkup and blood work yesterday my doctor wants to put me on 20mg of Lipitor to reduce my cholesterol. My total cholesterol is 230, triglycerides are 71, HDL is 82 and LDL is 131. I am 68 years old and don't observe the best diet but I am changing that. I also do some cardio and a lot of strength training 3 days a week. My question is - with some dietary changes and a bergamot supplement instead of a statin will I possibly be able to lower my numbers? I just don't like what I've been reading about statins.

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What is your technical/medical background?

Does your doctor believe you are more qualified to assess this, or has he offered his own educated opinion?

Sorry - tongue stuck in my cheek. 😇


My doctor has started me on Repatha Evolocumab. One injection twice a week. Has anyone else been on this? I would like to know how you were affected by the side effects. Thanks


After my annual checkup and blood work yesterday my doctor wants to put me on 20mg of Lipitor to reduce my cholesterol. My total cholesterol is 230, triglycerides are 71, HDL is 82 and LDL is 131. I am 68 years old and don't observe the best diet but I am changing that. I also do some cardio and a lot of strength training 3 days a week. My question is - with some dietary changes and a bergamot supplement instead of a statin will I possibly be able to lower my numbers? I just don't like what I've been reading about statins.

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Hi @jceop, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @mayoconnectuser1 and others. I too had that conversation with several of my primary care docs. I was concerned about taking a statin because I already had neuropathy and didn't want to make it worse. My cholesterol numbers were also borderline high similar to yours. I was able to lower my numbers through more regular exercise, losing some weight and eating healthier but it took me a couple of years. You might find the follow Mayo Clinic article helpful.

--- Mayo Clinic Q and A: Managing high cholesterol with lifestyle changes:

Have you discussed your concerns with your doctor along with your plan to lower your numbers?


My doctor has started me on Repatha Evolocumab. One injection twice a week. Has anyone else been on this? I would like to know how you were affected by the side effects. Thanks

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Welcome @rdeel55, There are a couple of discussions on Repatha that you might find helpful to learn what others have shared.

--- Repatha as a treatment for high HDL Cholesterol:
--- My goal is to get off statins (Atorvastin) and try Repatha. Advice?:

Is there a specific side effect that worries you?


My doctor has started me on Repatha Evolocumab. One injection twice a week. Has anyone else been on this? I would like to know how you were affected by the side effects. Thanks

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My wife uses this Repatha and it cut her values almost in half with no side effects that she had with oral statins. An amazing drug but amazingly expensive if you do not have good insurance 😩


My statin and Repatha to neuropathy story.

Hope it is useful.

Last August feeling good

Annual physical good

Wellness scan CT prescribed- my first
High calcium-concern for stroke and heart attack

Pravastatin prescribed-even though cholesterol ok

Took stress test - good
Doc changed blood pressure med from Licinopril to Nebivolol

Month later I’m in an emergency room with numbness and tingling in feet and legs and extreme fatigue.
ER doc told me to stop Nebivolol

I did, fatigue stopped
But neuropathy symptoms continue- grew -

Finally diagnosed with PN

Because of reading on web that statins can cause PN - worked with doc to stop it - and did for 3 months

PN symptoms better but still exist.

Doc then prescribed Repatha
Took first shot - 4 days later PN symptoms grew
Stopped Repatha shots

Now working with a doc to determine a non toxic way to help prevent stroke and heart attack

Back in November, advise to help overcome PN to be on a strict-Vegan-GF-No alcohol diet and have exercise daily
Lost 20 pounds - one good

Hope to overcome the PN shock from Repatha

Thank you all - again

Also -patients and physicians are describing that our health care system needs help.
Help to return to collaborative communication approach- not isolated and divided


Interesting, been on Atorvistatin 40 mg for 6 months, and have severe diabitic neuropathy, about 3 years now. Never heard of any connection between statins and neuropathy however.


My wife uses this Repatha and it cut her values almost in half with no side effects that she had with oral statins. An amazing drug but amazingly expensive if you do not have good insurance 😩

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Good to know. I've heard good & bad about Repatha, as all drugs have side effects & are different from person to person. My doc prescribed Repatha, but my insurance would not pay for it unless I tried a similar drug (Praluent) first. It is also a two week injection, so whatever side effects happen, you're stuck with it. My fear with both drugs was that it would exacerbate my neuropathic pain. Does your wife have neuropathy? Thanks.


My neurologist switched me to Livalo a different statin with less side effects regarding PN.

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