Anyone have discomfort or pain when tapering off prednisone?

Posted by monami @monami, Apr 7, 2022

I am currently on a 3 dose of prednisone. I have some shoulder discomfort that goes down my back on either side. The left side is worse than the right. Anyone else experience back issues? It tends to go away by 3 or 4 pm. Thanks to all! We will get over this thing!

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I wonder if my tapering schedule is also too fast. I’ve been going down by 2.5 mg every two weeks, which worked ok until I hit 12.5. Now I have increased pain, mostly in the neck, shoulders and both hands (no swelling, just pain across knuckles). My rheum wants me to go back up by 1mg for two weeks, then try again. She is always amenable to me slowing things down. But, I have osteopenia and a heart arrhythmia almost certainly triggered by the initial high dose I needed five months ago (40 for ten days, then 30 for another month or so). I have significant OA in both shoulders and neck, so it is always a challenge to distinguish between that and PMR pain. Any insight or advice is appreciated.

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In my experience, tapering by 2.5 mg was too much. I've had much better luck with .5 mg every 2 weeks. I still have some pain to work through, but not too hard to deal with.

This will take longer, but I feel better and haven't had to go back to increased dosages.

Slow and steady wins the race!


In my experience, tapering by 2.5 mg was too much. I've had much better luck with .5 mg every 2 weeks. I still have some pain to work through, but not too hard to deal with.

This will take longer, but I feel better and haven't had to go back to increased dosages.

Slow and steady wins the race!

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I know you’re right, especially since my ESR just went up to 34 ( it had been in the normal range for months). I can deal just fine with the more minor side effects of prednisone, but some others are concerning. I feel like I’m between a rock and a hard place.


I know you’re right, especially since my ESR just went up to 34 ( it had been in the normal range for months). I can deal just fine with the more minor side effects of prednisone, but some others are concerning. I feel like I’m between a rock and a hard place.

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Patience is so hard.

Have you started an anti-inflammatory diet? That and exercise - swimming, Yoga, walking - have helped me tremendously.

Try not to worry, stress exacerbates our symptoms.


Way too fast.

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I have been on 5 mg of Prednisone for over 15 years treating for general arthritis. About a year ago I was diagnosed with PMR. I was initially treated with 20 mg and tapered down to 10 for several months, but had 3 flair ups so was placed on 20 mg of methotrexate. Like you , I thought the methotrexate wasn't doing anything. About 6 weeks in the methotrexate kicked in . I am now down to 9 mg of Prednisone over 4 months. I am almost pain free in my shoulders and legs and am back to playing pickleball 2 to 3 times a week. I am 74.


I am on 5 mg now and want to taper off but have to wait until pain subsides. The strange thing I am reading is that pain definitely subsides in the afternoon. Is this due to when I take my Prednisone ? In the AM?


Patience is so hard.

Have you started an anti-inflammatory diet? That and exercise - swimming, Yoga, walking - have helped me tremendously.

Try not to worry, stress exacerbates our symptoms.

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How does one prepare themselves a special meal (anti-inflammatory diet) when they're in pain and can hardly use hands, go to store for food (I purchase the fruits and veggies but they go bad when I can't get to them to use) and are totally weak and fatigued? I hear how beneficial this diet is but can't even get started due to how I feel.


Do you have anyone that can help you prep food once or twice a week? I understand about the useless hands!

I was buying frozen fruit and veggies that only needed to be microwaved and served.


Patience is so hard.

Have you started an anti-inflammatory diet? That and exercise - swimming, Yoga, walking - have helped me tremendously.

Try not to worry, stress exacerbates our symptoms.

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I am eating pretty well, have given up alcohol and sugar, red meat, “white” carbs. I walk as much as I can, but sometimes fatigue gets in the way. Thanks for the support.


How does one prepare themselves a special meal (anti-inflammatory diet) when they're in pain and can hardly use hands, go to store for food (I purchase the fruits and veggies but they go bad when I can't get to them to use) and are totally weak and fatigued? I hear how beneficial this diet is but can't even get started due to how I feel.

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I know it’s more expensive, but bagged pre-washed salads and cut-up fruits are really helpful. Many supermarkets in my area will shop for you and then you can do curbside pickup. There is always meals-on-wheels if you have no one to help you. I hope things look up for you soon.


Discomfort is not the word. Tapering from 7.5 to 5 mgs Prednisone caused me to have severely aching and pain all over. Everything started to hurt. I was in excruciating pain for 4 days and finally took two Advil (which I was told after the fact that I should only take Tylenol). The pain went away. I was waiting for it come back, but it never did. They have been very slowly weaning me down on the Prednisone. I was on 3 mgs for 2 months. This morning I was told I can take 2 mg today and 3 mg tomorrow and alternate days over the next month. Not feeling too bad right now but it is early.

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