Has anyone ever been on Duloxetine (Cymbalta) for nerve pain?
Has anyone ever been on Duloxetine (Cymbalta) for nerve pain? I've had 2 doctors push this on me. I know that the side effects can be terrible and getting off of it difficult as it requires titration. One time I remember taking one pill, and not liking the way it made me feel, so not taking any more, and still feeling the "weirdness" from it 2-3 days later. and that was only 30 mg Please pass along any experience or advice from this medication?
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Regarding neuropathy. How did you findo ut you had it? also, Do you have bad back pain also? How would that fit in (I'm unsure). I have pretty significant pain on one side of my back, from the PSIS area...down into glutes and piriformis. There seems to be some nerve compression because when that's bad, the cramping and shocks in my foot are bad, to include tops of foot, sole and occasional toe shocks. Discs look ok and EMG was negative so the y are looking at other causes. I'm assuming that EMG would show neuropathy?
I'm now taking Gabapentin 2400 a day and have very little side effects other thana little tired in the morning. Gaba didn't work for you?
3000 mg of gabapentin? That's quite a bit. I was up to 1800 mg per day(600 mgx3). How did you go about getting off it? I cut it back to 300 mg 3xday. I can feel a lot of extra pain. Not sure if it's because I actually need the higher dose, or is it due to withdrawal of cutting back side effect?
My pain is only in my toes. I had an EMG by my neurologist after I checked everything else with my podiatrist. Any back pain I have is not related to my peripheral neuropathy (PN). Sounds like you have sciatica pain which can be quite extensive nerve pain, not just in the peripheral nerves. My PN is associated with diabetes. Though the meds used are probably the same if it is nerve pain. My next stop is pain management.
Addition to my comment above. My Duloxetine tablets are 60 mg each. I’m on the highest dose.
The doctor kept upping my dosage even though I was having side effects including gaining 80 lbs. I ask for something else and he said that I needed to keep taking it so I changed doctor's. They wean me off the gab and upped my duloxtine from 60 to 90. Then they had that call back on the duloxtine and I was wean off that which I am still suffering side effects from after 6 months of being off of. I been using gummies to help with pain afraid to take any of the meds.
Some but had tremors ,edema, also gained 80lbs , chronic fatigue and my migraines with vertigo seem to get worse.
The tried put me on Cymbalta twice here recently. Told me take it at night so I did. Next day I felt so off I was rocking back and fourth ,yawning alot etc. I called I said I am not taking this stuff again I can't deal w the side effects
I stopped using Cymbalta and started using Pregabalin with positive effects. My pain is caused by neuropathy, however, I originally started taking it for sciatica nerve pain. It has lessened the pain with regards to both. I know this as if I do not take it, I well and truly know about it.