COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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I have (small fiber) non-length dependent neuropathy. I had my first Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination 2 1/2 weeks ago. It exacerbated my neuropathy symptoms. I’m scheduled for my 2nd shot on Wednesday but I don’t know whether to get it since the 2nd shot is much more likely than the first to have significant adverse effects. I called Pfizer and they claim that Covid-19 vaccination is not related to any neurological side effects although I have read elsewhere it can exacerbate PN. My internist says there is just no data to know whether the 2nd shot is likely to make my symptoms worse.

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I did not have peripheral neuropathy UNTIL I got the Moderna vaccines. No booster for me. Life is a living hell since getting vaccinated for COVID-19.


I did not have peripheral neuropathy UNTIL I got the Moderna vaccines. No booster for me. Life is a living hell since getting vaccinated for COVID-19.

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Have you had any blood tests or scans? Everything I had tested has all been completely normal and yet the tingling, numbness and vibrations in my legs and feet and hands have continued nonstop for 9 months now. I have not found any supplement or medication helpful at all. Do you have any treatments that work for you? I wish you the best.


Hello @jlander, Welcome to Connect. I have small fiber peripheral neuropathy and just received my COVID vaccine (Pfizer) last week and have the second one scheduled for Feb 26th. The only reaction I had was the arm was a little sore the first night but I've had no other symptoms. There is another specific discussion for erythromelalgia where you can meet others with the same condition and share your experience and learn what others have shared.

- Erythromelalgia:

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Hello John I was wondering how was your experience after the second jab of Covid-19 vaccination.

I am having CINP, I’ll be glad to hear experiences on this.

Thank you


Hello John I was wondering how was your experience after the second jab of Covid-19 vaccination.

I am having CINP, I’ll be glad to hear experiences on this.

Thank you

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Hi, Fortunately I only had a little soreness but I did have extreme fatigue on the day after the second Pfizer vaccine. I've since had the 3rd booster shot and so far none have had any effect on my small fiber neuropathy. I also contracted COVID after the booster shot but it was mild and I really wasn't sure I even had COVID until I did a home test and followed that with the monoclonal antibody infusion treatment.


Hello John I was wondering how was your experience after the second jab of Covid-19 vaccination.

I am having CINP, I’ll be glad to hear experiences on this.

Thank you

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Thank you for update.
That gives a relief.


I had a similar adverse neurological reaction to the Covid vaccine. My neurological symptoms began within 2 weeks of the first vaccination and worsened after the second. I developed sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy diagnosed by EMG. I also developed an elevated ANA titer that peaked when my neurological symptoms peaked. Most of the vaccine-injured patients begin to improve about 8 months after vaccination. I'm much improved, but still recovering at 18 months. Your timeline may be different given that you had 4 shots. I have greatly benefited from joining the Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook group.


I developed Small Fiber Neuropathy and Erythromelalgia after after an MRI with Gadolinium and the Covid vaccine acted as an accelerator. Did not take the second booster but am considering the new released booster for Omicron. Did you take it and did you have any side effects?

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I am done with all COVID vaccines and boosters. Nope. Not gonna do it. It was poison to this Scot-Irish redheaded lass.


Hi. I have neuropathy and several other health conditions. I had the Pfizer vaccine in January and I wish that I hadn't as I have worsening peripheral and autonomic neuropathy. The pain and discomfort is truly awful.

I opted not to get the second vaccine because of this. My quality of life now is very poor.

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I am so sorry you experienced this too. It's horrible. The covid vaccine ruined my life and completely disabled me. Had the info about adverse reactions and neurological and dysautonomia issues been available and not actively suppressed and ignored, I wouldn't have been talked into it. It has been a year now and I am still unable to do basic tasks or personal care. Can't get a Dr to acknowledge it or do anything about it. Disability is giving me the runaround because the drs won't or can't figure it out bc they won't admit or even consider it was the vaccine despite the many links and studies and the fact that the onset was immediate and nothing changed 6 months before or after. And even if they did, my DDS caseworker already told me he doesn't believe in anything that can be proven definitively, not even cfs and fibromyaligia which I also have and counts as far as SS is concerned as long as it is disabling. I was lied to and coerced into getting it and now that I'm ruined because of it I can't get any help or assistance and I have no recourse since no one can be held liable and the CICP is a joke at best. Beyond ridiculous.


My small fiber neuropathy arrived in 2018 and was very painful. It is stable now (only tingling in my toes and hot feet at night that I treat with 5% Lidocaine patches.) I want to keep it in a treatable state but I also wanted some more covid protection because I haven't had any vaccine for a year when I had the J&J. Last week I had the Novavax vaccine (which is made with an old technology) and so far I haven't had any problems with my neuropathy.


Hi, Fortunately I only had a little soreness but I did have extreme fatigue on the day after the second Pfizer vaccine. I've since had the 3rd booster shot and so far none have had any effect on my small fiber neuropathy. I also contracted COVID after the booster shot but it was mild and I really wasn't sure I even had COVID until I did a home test and followed that with the monoclonal antibody infusion treatment.

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During first rounds of chemotherapy, I had two Moderna vaccines and two Moderna boosters, with no reaction except a bit of sore arm and extra fatigue. Neuropathy symptoms get very slightly worse with each maintenance treatment, but are tolerable. Symptoms seem better after exercise and as the day progresses. I am as active as possible and my desire to live independently as long as possible motivates me to keep on keeping on.

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