COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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I am so sorry this happened to you. Being a nurse, I was one of the first people to get the Pfizer vax. I developed neuropathy symptoms in less than one week after the first dose. My symptoms have been milder than what you describe but still have affected me greatly over the last couple of years. I feel my mental health has suffered the most. I wish I could give advice as to what might help, but I have found that nothing does except that time has very gradually eased the severity. Best wishes to you!

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Thank you for your kind reply. My reactions came on the eighth day after my jab. I got hospitalized and nerve conductivity test was done on me. The neurologist considered the GBS symptoms were 'mild' though the conductivity of my right leg was below, but still within, normal. So no plasma exchange treatment was done. Anyway, it might have been a year or longer, as with any specialist treatment with the HK government hospitals, unless my conditions were life-threatening. I continued my daily walk of 30-40 minues and seemed to have recovered to enable to hikes for 10 - 13 km a few times towards the end of 2021. Meanwhile, I received acupuncture twice weekly, which was stopped in the early months of 2020 becasuse of the 5th wave of the virus rampaging HK, pushing daily infections to as many as 20,000+ case and hundreds of deaths.

So my conditions deteriorated and after doing other tests and seeing orthopedic and neurology specialist I have to conclude that the virus caused symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. I used to be very healthy, 99% disease-free, no full-blown colds or influenze and I have not taken any vaccine except for Hep-B in the past 35 years before the Pfizer jab. Still am, not infected though I did not take any more jabs since the SAE outbreak.

I should have known that I may have strong innate immunity as mentioned in the attached file and just skipped the immunizataion. But I wanted to be a 'good citizen' in response to the government's propaganda. Look at what it got me!

It has been 17 months now. Pray that the symptoms will go away soon.

Shared files

IJVTPR - Worse Than the Disease (IJVTPR-Worse-Than-the-Disease.pdf)


Hello all, My heart goes out to each of you! I truly understand, I received a COVID vaccine but it was a different manufacturer. One and a half years ago I developed CIDP post-vaccine. I am also a healthcare provider and I had to retire due to my illness. It has been a very challenging time and I have learned to manage one day at a time. I look back and see that I am improving but it is a very slow process and I probably will never be as I was prior to vaccination. Every other week I receive IgG infusions and that does help for several days! I find that a low sugar and low carb diet helps relieve the symptoms of neuropathy and exercise keeps my muscles strong.. I am sure you all understand that many days you may not feel like exercising but it truly assists in relief of symptoms. One thing that I have found is relaxation and decreasing stress also improves my life. As a retired anesthesia provider I have been doing research on care and treatment of neuropathy and it varies greatly. I have determined that patients need to do what works for them and one treatment protocol does not work for everyone. It is important that you communicate your progress and concerns to your provider, they are also learning how these vaccines can cause illness to us and how to treat acutely and long term. I think it is important for each of us to stay connected to others that have similar experiences, it helps to know we are not alone.


Tengo neuropatia desde hace mas de 10 años y he recibido en 2021 la primera dosis de la vacuna de Aztra y la segunda dosis 2 meses más tarde y no he notado ninguna variación en mi problema neuropático.


I thought it was the virus and not the vaccine that caused long term problems.


The virus does cause issues in many people. Long COVID is started to be studied.


I thought it was the virus and not the vaccine that caused long term problems.

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There is good evidence that both represent a toxic response to the SARS-COV-2 spike protein. In the case of vaccine long-haulers, the spike protein exposure came from the vaccine (encoded by the mRNA or DNA in the vaccine).


I am a 75-year-old Chinese man living in Hong Kong, used to be very active in running marathons, 60-mile trail events and doing Taiji daily. But after my first jab of the Pfizer BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine on March 12, 2021 all these have to stopped because I developed severe adverse events (SAE). Initially it was GBS, now compounded by peripheral neuropathy. My right legs became weak, feel numb intermittently and often aches, making even walking with a hiking pole for 1 km on paved, flat surfaces difficult.

I hope to learn from anyone with similar conditions on how to deal with my conditions in terms of treatment and medication.

Many thanks.

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I developed sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy after two Pfizer vaccines. My neurological symptoms began within 2 weeks of the first vaccine, but were initially misdiagnosed. I don't know how I would have navigated my vaccine injury without the Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook group. They have been a great source of information and support.


I developed sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy after two Pfizer vaccines. My neurological symptoms began within 2 weeks of the first vaccine, but were initially misdiagnosed. I don't know how I would have navigated my vaccine injury without the Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook group. They have been a great source of information and support.

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How long did your symptoms last? What medication, treatment and supplements have you received?

Thanks for replying to my post.

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