Covid and AFib Connection?

Posted by cece55 @cece55, Oct 8, 2021

Hello Everyone,

I am curious and would like to ask this group a question. I have AFib but had not had an event for over a year except for last November. In early February of this year I took the Phizer Vaccine for Covid and had several Afib events with one lasting over a month even with cardioversion. I ended up having an ablation in May and the electrophysiologist found an enlarged and scarred atrium.

I have been doing well and am still on Flecainade, Metoporal and Eliquis. He is about to take the Flecainade away. It is time for my booster shot and I am scared that it will put me into Afib again. My Electrophysiologist and Cardiologist at Mayo said they don't feel that the vaccine had anything to do with my Afib events starting up again.

Has anyone here experienced this? I am debating whether or not to cancel my appointment next week or just take the shot. My doctors said it is better to take the booster than to get Covid.


Thank You...Blessings to all of you during this trying time. CeCe55

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I had a four hour bout of supraventricular tachycardia a few hours after my Moderna (full-dose) booster (3rd vaccine), then 10 days later went into a six week period of frequent A-fib bouts that finally landed me in the ER. I'm on Elliquis and a very low dose of Metoprolol now, and have not had any more incidences. My cardiac history includes an exercise stress test three years ago as a result of my detecting some heart palpitations. That was normal. Three months prior to the booster, after a sleepless, stressful night with quite a few shots of whiskey, I had a horrible a bout of very disturbing palpitations, which in retrospect I think was A-fib. I feel like I had some predilection towards A-fib prirot to the booster. However I can't help but think the vaccine somehow impacted my heart and the ensuing several months of arrythmias.


I Got mild afib (ER Dr said mild bcuz pulse rate normal, b/p normal, EKG showed Mild afib) 1st time Ever After getting covid in Oct2020. I was put on Eliquis.
I have Not had the vaccine bcuz of all the complications I've heard about w the vaccine with the heart....
I'm so confused!


I Got mild afib (ER Dr said mild bcuz pulse rate normal, b/p normal, EKG showed Mild afib) 1st time Ever After getting covid in Oct2020. I was put on Eliquis.
I have Not had the vaccine bcuz of all the complications I've heard about w the vaccine with the heart....
I'm so confused!

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Had mild Afib once per year prior to the shots. After the shots --ended up with Afib so bad that in the last six months of 2021, I had two cardioversions to get back into rhythm and an Ablation. If I had it over to do, I would not get the so-called vaccine and certainly will not get any additional


Had mild Afib once per year prior to the shots. After the shots --ended up with Afib so bad that in the last six months of 2021, I had two cardioversions to get back into rhythm and an Ablation. If I had it over to do, I would not get the so-called vaccine and certainly will not get any additional

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Sorry to hear that. That's what I'm afraid of, getting a worse afib condition.
Thanks for your comment. Take Care


Most folks on here have experienced a change in their health related to afib and are searching for the triggers that altered their life. Many indicate they have discussed the relationship of the vaccine with their doctors, who can’t rule out the correlation with the vaccine. So, these are the facts and the people that doctors can reference in one day determining if there is a connection. If you have facts that show the certainty of your claim that there is no connection, it would benefit a lot of people if you could publish that piece of scientific work. That’s the purpose of this Mayo site, people helping people to understand their common conditions and suffering.


I have had an increase in BOTH the numbers and duration of A-fib events since having received the Moderna vaccine. Today is the 10th day of being in Afib since the second shot. (started one day after inoculation). Am scheduled for a Cardioversion in two days assuming I am still in Afib. Will also schedule an ablation in late Dec or early January--- SO regardless of what the medical people have told me--- I definitely believe there is a connection Prior to the vaccine I had one Afib event per year and each lasted less than a full day)-- Oh and I did have a very mild case of Covid in November 2020

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I think this is possibly what happened to me. I had a history of Afib once or twice a year for about 5 years.. after getting the vaccine, I noticed it occurring more and more until I was pretty much in it all the time. I was out on rhythmal (sp?) and my heart rate dropped into the 20’s. I was ambulanced to ER and transeferred to another hospital for ablation… I am really concerned about getting a booster since I have been fine since ablation. I can’t say for sure, but the timing of it all is worrisome. Scary..


Hello Eveyone! I am also very curious about the vaccine vs afib connection. I had my first afib episode back on 10-19-19 - then nothing for two years. I had my first pfizer shot on 1-6-21, second on 2-6-21, booster on 9-9-21. Then, on 10-11-21 I experienced afib, then again 4 days later on 10-15-21. Since then I am having episodes just about every two weeks! I do find this very coincidental.
Are there any thoughts that as the booster begins to wane, so will afib episodes? I am so perplexed by all of this. I will meet with an electrophysiologist on 2-14-22, at Mayo. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Be healthy in the new year.

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Very similar situation. I just turned 45 and have had Afib occasionally for the past few years… my dad and grandmother also had it. Post vaccine, I was in Afib constantly.. which led to putting me on a medication that dropped my HR so low, I was in ER. Had one cardio version before the emergency ordeal post vax, then had the ablation after the emergency situation when I obviously couldn’t handle the medication anymore. My cardiologist said he cant say either way if the Afib got worse because of the vax. I have been feeling amazing since my ablation in Oct 21.. scared to get the booster though. I don’t want to have to go through that again. Waiting to hear back from my cardiologist about my concerns.


Most folks on here have experienced a change in their health related to afib and are searching for the triggers that altered their life. Many indicate they have discussed the relationship of the vaccine with their doctors, who can’t rule out the correlation with the vaccine. So, these are the facts and the people that doctors can reference in one day determining if there is a connection. If you have facts that show the certainty of your claim that there is no connection, it would benefit a lot of people if you could publish that piece of scientific work. That’s the purpose of this Mayo site, people helping people to understand their common conditions and suffering.

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Thanks for writing above, I def. share your sentiments in response to the person who was claiming adamantly, proof positive, no connection...... Just too many of us with very similar stories to out-of -hand dismiss. My own vetting/research thus far suggests possible inflammatory linkage. I.e, Check out the report online by heart surgeon, Dr. Steven Gundry, re. the apparent increase of inflammatory markers post vaccine via specific blood tests done. Very interesting stuff, given that heart issues have been known by experts to likewise, be connected to inflammation of the endothelium lining of vessels etc. for years now. Sorry, most of us aren't "anti- vacs" folks, but we know what we know from our personal experiences and it's been very scary business. So really do hope everyone, especial experts, keep an open mind. ( Perhaps there's a different kind of vac soon on horizon that won't have same affect on some of us.) .. Also, check out the UK heart doc. who merely urges the shots to be aspirated first, to make sure injected into muscle vs. blood vessel. He suspects this could contribute to heart issues as well, given so many rookies giving injections during COVID. Again, not "conspiracy" theory, just some clearly caring scientists who are voicing concerns regarding potential heart related issues!!!


I had the moderna first two vaccines with no side effects .I had the booster moderna and about three hours later had an incident..felt about to faint but did not...shows up as a "long pause" on ekg. I never had an incident like that. Seems strange as half the dose.


Thanks for writing above, I def. share your sentiments in response to the person who was claiming adamantly, proof positive, no connection...... Just too many of us with very similar stories to out-of -hand dismiss. My own vetting/research thus far suggests possible inflammatory linkage. I.e, Check out the report online by heart surgeon, Dr. Steven Gundry, re. the apparent increase of inflammatory markers post vaccine via specific blood tests done. Very interesting stuff, given that heart issues have been known by experts to likewise, be connected to inflammation of the endothelium lining of vessels etc. for years now. Sorry, most of us aren't "anti- vacs" folks, but we know what we know from our personal experiences and it's been very scary business. So really do hope everyone, especial experts, keep an open mind. ( Perhaps there's a different kind of vac soon on horizon that won't have same affect on some of us.) .. Also, check out the UK heart doc. who merely urges the shots to be aspirated first, to make sure injected into muscle vs. blood vessel. He suspects this could contribute to heart issues as well, given so many rookies giving injections during COVID. Again, not "conspiracy" theory, just some clearly caring scientists who are voicing concerns regarding potential heart related issues!!!

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Have had A-fib for about 20 yrs. I take blood pressure medication, med to slow down my heart and Xarelto for blood thinning. I had all three Covid shots and thankfully had no reaction at all.

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