Continued Post-Nasal Drip and Constant Mucus in Throat

Posted by adominic @adominic, Mar 22, 2022

I was sick the last week or January/first week of February. Home Test-negative, rapid PCR-negative. All COVID symptoms and known prolonged exposure to infected individuals make me believe it was COVID. Since then, I have had a tremendously hard time dealing with post-nasal drip and mucus collecting in my throat. It is clear, sticky and almost impossible to remove from throat by coughing or clearing my throat. Flonase does nothing, allergy pills do nothing. Had anyone else had an issue like this post COVID? How long did it last? What did you do to cope? Small problem in comparison to others that post here, I realize.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

omg! I have finally found some hope with this thread! I tested positive for Covid on May 25th and the thickest mucus in my throat was the 1st sign and its been horrible since. I did develop a very bad sore throat but the worst of Covid was over in about a week but here I am now 7/8/22 and the white coating in the back of my throat with feeling like I always have something in my throat is lingering and driving me NUTS! I have been to the ENT twice and had scopes done and was dx with gerd/lpr and on meds now for that but I had this as a first symptom so does it just turn into gerd/lpr and any hopes of how long this stays or how to get it to go? I have tried everything and I just keep hearing Long Covid but it takes time and I am praying for something to make it go! I am starting massages. chiropractor and even acupuncture...trying ALL the things! I did buy that Mucus-Clear stuff I saw on Amazon, it has amazing reviews but only had a few days so can't speak on that yet!


Main issues I am having is my nasal cavity is clear, I have even had a CT scan It is just all in my throat. SO annoying!


My companion often mentioned he never once had any trouble at all with his sinuses until he moved stateside, from Puerto Rico. If all else fails try a vacation there? Should this not lead to improvement, visualizing his childhood beaches (those closest to Caguas) was his "special place", you too may discover a special place for future visiting (visually) as needed!


These symptoms sound all to familiar but my experience wasn’t with Covid. In fact, it didn’t even happen in this decade. Back in the early 2000’s, I used to take my young grandson down to Florida to visit the “Mouse House Theme Park,” you know the one! With visitors coming there from all corners of the world, they also brought rare diseases too. It was 2006, another trip was scheduled and we stayed at a Theme Park Resort. Things were fantastic, my grandson’s 8yo, enjoying everything. Me, not so much, I’m starting to feel sick like a cold or flu was coming on. All the symptoms that other posters mentioned are getting worse for me. A nasty headache wasn’t helped with Aleve and I was afraid my grandson would catch it. Remember all those visitors from countless other countries that have strange diseases. I was taking all kinds of over the counter medications, nothing helped

By the time we got back home to Pennsylvania, I was in serious trouble, very serious trouble. I couldn’t breathe, hacking up blood, fever of 103.7, you name it and it was happening to me. A trip to the ER of a local major hospital got doctors scratching their heads, they didn’t know what was wrong with me or rather, what was causing it. Tests were quickly done, still no answers. X-rays, more blood test, injections of antibiotics, I literally feel like I’m about to die.

An emergency call to the best ENT in the area 20 miles away. Remember all those unvaccinated visitors I was standing in line with at the “Mouse House”? Well guess what, one of those SOB’s brought along a drug resistant bug, one these doctors barely knew about. My doctor started with the standard medications, no help. More drugs, for bacterial and virus bugs, nope, didn’t make a dent in my rapidly failing health. My doctor’s on the phone with CDC, yep, that CDC you’re all familiar with. More doctors are scratching their heads, what the he!! was I infected with and was I contagious. Yep to that question but they still didn’t know what it was. More drugs, nothing helped, they tried every drug that they could think of, literally every drug the medicinal profession had in their arsenals. Nothing worked to kill this drug resistant bug, swimming around my body in my blood.

Then I got the bad news, there was one more drug they could try, just one but it was like an atomic bomb. The collateral damage to my body would be devastating. This drug is known as “the drug of last resorts!” It would kill 99.99% of every bug in my body, good ones, bad one, indifferent it didn’t care who, it killed them all. I had to take one pill every day for 30 days. By the time the 30 days were up, I didn’t know which was worse, the bug or the cure. OMG, it was pure he!!. Food went right threw me since I had no good guys to break it down for me. Days, weeks, months went by, this bug was smart, it slowly crept up to the only place in the human body where drugs don’t reach, the inner ear. It’s up there yet, dead from starvation, causing me to be almost deaf in my left ear. That was 16 years ago, my battle with a rare drug resistant enemy. And yes, I did infect others back then but no body knew, since like Covid, you had to have close contact with me. Mask weren’t talked about using and my immune system is nonexistent, so I’ve had 4 battles with Covid since April 2020 since my heart couldn’t take the side affects of the vaccine. So who knows, maybe what you others attribute to Covid, could be my old enemy on the loose again!!!


Wow this sounds exactly like me. So glad I found this. I got Covid 5/31. Tests were negative but my doc is convinced it was Covid. 7 weeks later, post nasal drip, glue like mucus in the back of my throat, ears popping and crackling and nothing is helping! It’s better but not resolved. Happy to hear others have had this experience. I guess I’ll keep waiting it out. I drink hot honey water, try to clear it as it comes up, suck on cough drops… tried Flonase for a month, Claritin-D, two rounds of antibiotics, nasal wash. Nothing takes it away completely. Ugh.


omg! I have finally found some hope with this thread! I tested positive for Covid on May 25th and the thickest mucus in my throat was the 1st sign and its been horrible since. I did develop a very bad sore throat but the worst of Covid was over in about a week but here I am now 7/8/22 and the white coating in the back of my throat with feeling like I always have something in my throat is lingering and driving me NUTS! I have been to the ENT twice and had scopes done and was dx with gerd/lpr and on meds now for that but I had this as a first symptom so does it just turn into gerd/lpr and any hopes of how long this stays or how to get it to go? I have tried everything and I just keep hearing Long Covid but it takes time and I am praying for something to make it go! I am starting massages. chiropractor and even acupuncture...trying ALL the things! I did buy that Mucus-Clear stuff I saw on Amazon, it has amazing reviews but only had a few days so can't speak on that yet!

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This sounds exactly like me. Wow. I got Covid in 5/31. Started with the wrist sore throat is my life. Now it’s 7/15 ish lol and I still have lost nasal drip, gunky mucus stuck in my throat feeing, and my ears zip and crackle a lot. Nothing worked for me. I tried too many things to post…. Sorry for you but also glad to hear my story out there as I was starting to wonder WTH was going on. Keep me posted.


ENT diagnosed this as Chronic Neurogenic Cough/Throat Clear. A steroid injection of Kenalog helped. The meds not so much. Tramadol cause severe headaches. 8 weeks later the Cough is pretty much gone. The mucus much lighter yet still annoying at night when I lie down.


ENT diagnosed this as Chronic Neurogenic Cough/Throat Clear. A steroid injection of Kenalog helped. The meds not so much. Tramadol cause severe headaches. 8 weeks later the Cough is pretty much gone. The mucus much lighter yet still annoying at night when I lie down.

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Thank you I looked that up. I don’t really have a cough but I do think the nerve damage may be something that is contributing to the post nasal drip and excess mucus and probably GERD. I have read the severity of the sore throat and nasal inflammation could contribute to nerve damage. The good news is I did read it eventually heals but takes a lot of time…. Fingers crossed. Glad you’re feeling better.


Happy to share whatever I can if it helps someone!


ENT diagnosed this as Chronic Neurogenic Cough/Throat Clear. A steroid injection of Kenalog helped. The meds not so much. Tramadol cause severe headaches. 8 weeks later the Cough is pretty much gone. The mucus much lighter yet still annoying at night when I lie down.

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The Kenalog shot helped my husband. Now he takes Musinex before bed, he is constantly trying to clear his throat and coughs up crap every morning. We had Covid a year ago but I think he had this problem before that! He has had nasal surgery which helped for a couple of years in the past but don't know what constantly creates this mucous !

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