High Cardiac Calcium Score while on Statins

Posted by dma053 @dma053, Jan 22, 2023

Does anyone have a high cardiac calcium score that has already been taking statins? I’m reading that taking statins can cause the score to increase.

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I just had a calcium score done and it was 710. I am 68 and am on medication for high blood pressure & Cholesterol. I was diagnosed with hypertension when I was 30 and put in medication. My Dad had hypertension and open heart surgery at 64. He passed 12 years later. My Mom and my grandmom, her mother both passed of a heart attack in their sleep at 58. My mother was not being treating as she would not go to the doctor, my grandmother was being treated for heart issues. In January of this year, my LDL is 98, total cholesterol is 186, HDL is 74, my blood pressure runs 131/76. I do have moderate aortic atherosclerosis. I know that score is high, Using the Mesa calculator it states I have a 13.5% 10 risk CHD event. I am assuming that is high risk. I had a stress test last year & passed and an EKG in April before my hip replacement 5/8 and everything was good. If you go by the internet, I will be dead in 3 years. Before my hip replacement, I was walking 2 miles, 3 times per week. Not sure what to believe.

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Are you seeing a preventive cardiologist? As a fellow victim of bad genes with a high CAC score, I noticed the same things as mayoconnectuser1. The BP seems a little high and I was told by a preventive cardiologist at Mayo to get my LDL down to 50. I couldn't get there through lifestyle changes and ended up taking a statin.

Lots of people live many years with a high CAC score and never have a problem. I take stock in that. Regardless, all you can do is everything you can to keep it from progressing. No one can predict what will happen to any single person. See someone that can help you identify the best path forward. "Beat the Heart Attack Gene" by Bale and Doneen describes things that you can do to fight your genetics. (It doesn't eliminate the need to talk with a cardiologist though.)


Are you seeing a preventive cardiologist? As a fellow victim of bad genes with a high CAC score, I noticed the same things as mayoconnectuser1. The BP seems a little high and I was told by a preventive cardiologist at Mayo to get my LDL down to 50. I couldn't get there through lifestyle changes and ended up taking a statin.

Lots of people live many years with a high CAC score and never have a problem. I take stock in that. Regardless, all you can do is everything you can to keep it from progressing. No one can predict what will happen to any single person. See someone that can help you identify the best path forward. "Beat the Heart Attack Gene" by Bale and Doneen describes things that you can do to fight your genetics. (It doesn't eliminate the need to talk with a cardiologist though.)

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Yes, my Cardiologist reviewed my results. He is putting increasing my Cholesterol medication from 20 mg daily to 80 mg daily. The funny thing is that every time I get blood work, my Cholesterol numbers are great. Blood pressure is good on medication. 130/72. I have been on blood pressure medication since I am 30, for 38 years. I am also going to change up on my diet. I am not over weight, but I do love the sweets! Thanks for your comments and I will get Beat the Heart Attack Gene. My Mom and her mom, my grandmom both died in their sleep of a heart attack at 58. My dad had a heart attack in his 50's, then had open heart surgery at 64 and lived another 12 years.

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