Anyone take new drug Camzyos (mavacamten) for HCM?

Posted by captainterry @captainterry, May 25, 2022

Since FDA approval in April has anyone (non-clinical trial patient) actually obtained a prescription and had it filled? If so, when and where was the cardiologist located? Is the registration process for doctor/patient/Rx taking a long time for this much anticipated drug?
Thanks from a fellow patient!

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Does anyone have any information on getting CAMZYOS overseas? My son would like to spend some time in Japan, he has been on the drug for 18 months with an excellent response. I would need to get him an echo every three months there and ship the drug to him.

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I found this article about this medication and availibleaty is mentioned in Japan here is the web site.


I live in Oklahoma. I’ve been on Camzyos since 10/4/23. My understanding is that both pt and Dr have to enrolled in the REMS program. There are limited pharmacies that make/provide the drug.
The echos are essential for refilling.
(My experience): if you have more than 5 pills left they won’t even talk to you about a refill.
And I have had a month where they were waiting on something from the Doc. So that delayed the refill process also.
I am happy to hear that Camzyos has worked for some folks out there. It has made side effect symptoms worse for me.
I was very apprehensive about starting it too, that warning of heart failure on every other line of the stacks of information they send you is very scary.
I wish you only the best in your journey.


Mavacamten is highly regulated by a program called REMS. They do not, to my knowledge give to regular pharmacies or mail orders. I have mail order and they would not do it. You have to get it from a "specialty" pharmacy...I got mine from NYU Hospital and I know that any doctor that is on their program has to abide by their rules. Strict guidelines for this drug. They only dispense 30 pills at a time in conjunction with a specialized pharmacy. Regular echos as well. I started Mavacamten in February of 2023 unless things have changed. Not all cardiology doctors are in this program. I had asked my regular cardiologist and he said he did not participate. So even though other countries have approval for this drug, you would have to find a cardiologist who participates. I am sure that Camzyos has thought of this.
I hope this helps. Good luck.


Good morning! Yay that you have started! I am really hoping you will feel relief quickly! I did! It has been a life changer. I started March 30th. I have my life back! I am so happy you started sharing your journey with all of us. This group has been such a great support! Keep us posted! 🙂

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That’s wonderful news. Kate


Joint paint on Camzyos? Had my Camzyos increased from 5mg to 10mg just over 2 weeks ago and have had 2 bouts of really peculiar joint pain. Sitting idle, and over the course of about 1-2 minutes every joint in my body - spine, knees, knuckles, jaw,... - builds from zero to almost crippling pain and then suddenly subsides just as fast. Has never happened in living memory. I can't imagine it being related but the only thing different is the move to higher dose Camzyos. Sound familiar to anyone?


Good morning! Yay that you have started! I am really hoping you will feel relief quickly! I did! It has been a life changer. I started March 30th. I have my life back! I am so happy you started sharing your journey with all of us. This group has been such a great support! Keep us posted! 🙂

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Sadly I have had to stop as suffered severe side effects. Very upset…. Severe headaches, jaw ache and not going to the loo (urine) so very very disappointed! Back to the drawing board.


Sadly I have had to stop as suffered severe side effects. Very upset…. Severe headaches, jaw ache and not going to the loo (urine) so very very disappointed! Back to the drawing board.

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How utterly disappointing @katiekins. I'm so sorry you had to experience these terrible side effects. I would be disappointed too. What is your next step? Have you had a chance to discuss this with your cardiologist?


How utterly disappointing @katiekins. I'm so sorry you had to experience these terrible side effects. I would be disappointed too. What is your next step? Have you had a chance to discuss this with your cardiologist?

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Next step to see cardiologist beginning of April if not before. So very disappointed about this. Has anyone else had similar outcomes? I can’t be the only one? I am wondering if it interacts with other drugs I am on. So sad about this. Oh well.


Joint paint on Camzyos? Had my Camzyos increased from 5mg to 10mg just over 2 weeks ago and have had 2 bouts of really peculiar joint pain. Sitting idle, and over the course of about 1-2 minutes every joint in my body - spine, knees, knuckles, jaw,... - builds from zero to almost crippling pain and then suddenly subsides just as fast. Has never happened in living memory. I can't imagine it being related but the only thing different is the move to higher dose Camzyos. Sound familiar to anyone?

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I am not a physician. Only a HOCM patient and a 2 year user of Camzyos with great results. I would schedule a consult with a neurologist to get a different out of the box perspective on your strange symptoms.
That is:
Two short, but intense episodes over 2 weeks. (not all the time).
Transient episodes (2 to 4 min. total) with pain over your entire body at the same time (central nervous system?).
No such problems during the period you were on 5 mg dose.
Before giving up on Camzyos, I would both see my cardio and consult a neurologist for evaluation. Get the two specialists to talk with each other. Maybe you and both doctors ( and us) will learn something helpful!


I’ve had the same experience. Very quick response when I first started taking Camzyos in May. But my gradient did not go down and it’s high - 130, and higher with val salva. I asked for higher dose starting in August. I have more energy most of the time but still have angina sometimes. Waiting for next echocardiogram in a few weeks. One doctor I consulted says stay with it. My cardiologist is pushing for surgery. My gut says stay with Camzyos. Biggest distress is differing medical

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I started Camzyos a few weeks ago and immediately felt much better (feel ok most of the time anyway) started with terrible side effects headaches etc…. Came off for a week and restarted for several days and side effects returned. Now free of the drug but feel absolutely terrible. I am worse than before and now am looking at surgery as could not get up small hill yesterday Which is normally fine for me. Thus drug has changed something in me. Very very upset but glad for all you lucky people that it is working for.

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