Anyone take new drug Camzyos (mavacamten) for HCM?

Posted by captainterry @captainterry, May 25, 2022

Since FDA approval in April has anyone (non-clinical trial patient) actually obtained a prescription and had it filled? If so, when and where was the cardiologist located? Is the registration process for doctor/patient/Rx taking a long time for this much anticipated drug?
Thanks from a fellow patient!

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Well, here we go... I'm stuck at the lower 2.5mg dose for now. Doctor said the echo showed I was still getting benefit despite not feeling as amazing as I did on 5mg. The starting dose had brought me right back to "normal" (no wonder I felt so great), protocol requires that they lower it (arg!). I've been on the lower dose for 4 weeks now and while I'm doing okay I've started logging my returning HCM issues (light headed, out of breath) as they occur. I've had to curtail the long walks I was taking Charlie on. The doctor will meet with me in 3 weeks to discuss further, he said he's not opposed to going back to 5mg but is being super caution as he is concerned about me having too much and relaxing my heart too much. So I've gone from feeling terrible for the past 2 years, to feeling amazing for a couple months, and now feeling just okay. I'm going to hang in their for a while but now that I've had a taste of normal life again I'm not willing to put up with a sedentary life style long term, at some point I'll give up and just opt for the surgery and a permanent fix.

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Hi Hans-I was not feeling as well either, on the 2.5 vs. the 5 and have now turned a corner. I am feeling really good. I have now been on the 2.5 for 4 weeks as well. My dr said the same thing about the worry about my heart being relaxed and weakened. It is good to know they. can override the protocol if they feel it is necessary and safe. I agree, now that I have experienced feeling well again and being able to resume all of the activities I want to do, I am not going to put up with being taken off of this! 🙂


Has anyone been given a higher dose of Camzyos after two months or longer? I just had my second echocardiogram after 7 weeks on 5mg Camzyos. Although my symptoms are better - almost no angina, more energy - the LVOT gradient is still high. My doctor said she was disappointed and asked if I would consider surgery. I said no, I want to give this drug more time, and consider a higher dose. Can anyone share a similar experience? Thanks for any experience you can share.


Congratulations on starting. It took me months to get everything in line to start taking the drug. I don’t know if I would have moved forward without the support and insights of the wonderful, caring people in this support group.
Listen to your body and be vigilant. Reach out to your cardologist if you have symptoms. I started to feel crappy around the end of the second week. Had an echo done (trust but verify) and everything was fine. My cardologist told me I should start to feel better once the drug built up in my system. My heart rate is still up and I am still fatigued; but the lightheadedness is gone. Overall, I am feeling better now.
Praying for you!

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Thank you so much for the encouragement! When you started feeling bad at the end of the 2nd week, how long did it take for those symptoms to subside? I am currently on day 4 and my husband planned a two week vacation with me at the end of next week, which would put me near the end of my second week. We’re staying fairly close because I’m too nervous to be too far away from my drs, but I’m wondering if I should just tell him ‘let’s have a staycation’ lol. And what kind of symptoms did you have while you were feeling bad?


Good Morning @elmore71111, I was lightheaded (but I did not feel faint), more fatigued than usual, and experienced more shortness of breath upon exertion. The combination made me feel generally crappy. The lightheadedness was intermittent. It lasted about a week, starting on a Saturday evening. My cardiologist sent me for an echo on the following Friday; so, about a week after the start of my symptoms. To be on the safe side I didn’t drive during that week. Now, I feel better; but, I am still fatigued. No lightheadedness and the shortness of breath is better. I have two flights of stairs in my house - 26 stairs in total. Navigating the stairs brings on the shortness of breath.

Everyone is different. So you may not have any symptoms. Mindset is so important to your health. So stay positive, enjoy life, because tomorrow is not promised.


Good Morning @elmore71111, I was lightheaded (but I did not feel faint), more fatigued than usual, and experienced more shortness of breath upon exertion. The combination made me feel generally crappy. The lightheadedness was intermittent. It lasted about a week, starting on a Saturday evening. My cardiologist sent me for an echo on the following Friday; so, about a week after the start of my symptoms. To be on the safe side I didn’t drive during that week. Now, I feel better; but, I am still fatigued. No lightheadedness and the shortness of breath is better. I have two flights of stairs in my house - 26 stairs in total. Navigating the stairs brings on the shortness of breath.

Everyone is different. So you may not have any symptoms. Mindset is so important to your health. So stay positive, enjoy life, because tomorrow is not promised.

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Thank you so much for your encouragement!! You are so right about a positive mindset, I have learned through this journey that getting older is not a ‘right’, kind of like I used to view it… it is a luxury not afforded to many and I always keep that in mind and try to relish every moment because as you said tomorrow is not promised.


I just started 5 mg Camzyos on Tues. night(June 27th) and for the last 3 days have felt not so good. Was wondering if others had similar symptoms. I've got the dizzy, spacey, somewhat disoriented type feeling. Not much energy. And a racing feeling in heart. Almost like an anxiety-type feeling. I've noticed that feeling before, but mostly when lying down on my left side. This is there all the time. My heart rate seems normal. Would appreciate any feedback.


I just started 5 mg Camzyos on Tues. night(June 27th) and for the last 3 days have felt not so good. Was wondering if others had similar symptoms. I've got the dizzy, spacey, somewhat disoriented type feeling. Not much energy. And a racing feeling in heart. Almost like an anxiety-type feeling. I've noticed that feeling before, but mostly when lying down on my left side. This is there all the time. My heart rate seems normal. Would appreciate any feedback.

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Hello @rover27, while we wait for other members to chime in, let me welcome you to Mayo Connect! There is a lot of information on this site, so I hope you will take some time to poke around and learn as much as you can. Other members taking Camzyos will be able to respond better than I can, as I had open heart surgery for my HOCM. It sounds like it really works for some people, and others have had issues. Is your cardiologist experienced in treating HOCM? That's really important.


Well, here we go... I'm stuck at the lower 2.5mg dose for now. Doctor said the echo showed I was still getting benefit despite not feeling as amazing as I did on 5mg. The starting dose had brought me right back to "normal" (no wonder I felt so great), protocol requires that they lower it (arg!). I've been on the lower dose for 4 weeks now and while I'm doing okay I've started logging my returning HCM issues (light headed, out of breath) as they occur. I've had to curtail the long walks I was taking Charlie on. The doctor will meet with me in 3 weeks to discuss further, he said he's not opposed to going back to 5mg but is being super caution as he is concerned about me having too much and relaxing my heart too much. So I've gone from feeling terrible for the past 2 years, to feeling amazing for a couple months, and now feeling just okay. I'm going to hang in their for a while but now that I've had a taste of normal life again I'm not willing to put up with a sedentary life style long term, at some point I'll give up and just opt for the surgery and a permanent fix.

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Initially I thought I felt better with the 5mg dose but now entering my fourth week taking 2.5mg I feel great. I am able to walk a few miles even in the heat (early in the morning). What I am now not feeling which I did feel with the 5mg dose is sudden fatigue to the point of quickly nodding off. For me, it seems to take about 3 weeks for the effects of each dose to be consistent. My next echo is in a week. I am hoping my LVOT is at 20 or above or there will be a lot of discussing on my part. Since this drug isn't a cure but a prevention, I would assume that being taken off this drug (if my LVOT is below 20) would put me back to where I was before Camzyos.


Welcome to the group @rover27. The first week I felt nothing. Then during the second week, I started to feel lightheaded, more fatigue, more shortness of breath upon exertion, increased heart rate, and higher blood pressure - I felt crappy! I contacted my cardiologist and after some discussion he sent me for an echo. The results were fine. He suggested that it takes time for the medication to build up in your system. He also said we could discuss also taking Metoprolol.
The lightheadedness is gone. I still feel fatigued and I am still short of breath upon exertion. I am on day 20.
Are you taking any other med that may be interacting with the Camzyos? I suggest calling your cardiologist to let them know your symptoms. Trust but verify.


Initially I thought I felt better with the 5mg dose but now entering my fourth week taking 2.5mg I feel great. I am able to walk a few miles even in the heat (early in the morning). What I am now not feeling which I did feel with the 5mg dose is sudden fatigue to the point of quickly nodding off. For me, it seems to take about 3 weeks for the effects of each dose to be consistent. My next echo is in a week. I am hoping my LVOT is at 20 or above or there will be a lot of discussing on my part. Since this drug isn't a cure but a prevention, I would assume that being taken off this drug (if my LVOT is below 20) would put me back to where I was before Camzyos.

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Good morning-They wanted to take me off for a month because my LVOT is still at 8, from 75! But my doctor fought it for me and they agreed that the doctor can override the protocol, so if that happens, and you want to stay on, now you know it can be done. 🙂 I did not want to go backwards either!

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