CA-125 Results Went Up: Should I be concerned?

Posted by stparker54 @stparker54, Aug 26, 2020

The results of my CA-125 tumor marker test increased from 16.8 to 20.3. This is the fourth time I've had a tumor marker test and it's the first time there was an increase in the results. How concerned should I be?

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My mom is 2 years and 3 months post total hysterectomy for endometrial cancer. This past winter she had a perforated bowel which required her to have a temporary colostomy. She is scheduled to have reversal surgery next month. Her oncologist had sent her for regular follow up blood work and a CT scan but that was delayed because she came down with COVID. She did have the blood work done in April and her tumor marker was 30. She had repeat blood work done on Monday and the result is now 61. It this an indication that the cancer is back or can this just be because of inflammation due to her colostomy surgery?

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I was in a car accident caused by a medical emergency and my CA125 rose during that period. I wasn’t badly injured, just a little bruised up. My oncologist said the rise was probably due to the accident and it went back down pretty quickly. So it seems like other factors than cancer can affect the CA125 measure.

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