Burning gut issues still, 11 months out

Posted by southam97 @southam97, Nov 21, 2022

My most plaguing symptoms 11 months out are burning gut from my belly to the back of my throat. Endoscopy reveals nothing. Yet it hasn't improved at all. It keeps me awake at night and miserable by day. Little appetite. The chronic nausea I can deal with easier ( but no vomiting) but this incessant burning inside from top to my belly is crazy.
I also have spasms just under my ribs that feel like early labor pains. No one can tell me what is going on inside my body.

Anyone else dealing with similar?

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I will say I believe it is a generalized oversensitive nervous system, based on how well and wuickly I responded to the addd gabapentin and the LDN. That's what my Mayoo docs finally concluded, hence the perscriptions. An I responded so well to them. I think COVID really does strike at the neurological level in many of us 🙁


I am 5 months out & experiencing the same issue. It is impossible to eat & I am losing a lot of weight. Have to force myself to eat. Extremely naucious & it feels like something is shooting up from my gut. Experiencing a lot of brain fog too.


Not maybe - closer to probably. All the autopsies from earlier COVID deaths show signs of Spike Proteins in the GI as well as many other parts of the body. All one has to do is search for "Spike Protein - (Insert Body organ)" and find out where they (Spike Proteins) have traveled in dead covid patients. Brain, heart ......
So yes - infection is the main job of the spike protein - so maybe our vaccines are working too good. And us dumb long covid patients don't need to know.

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Hi..what is this spike protein and is there a lab test for it..how do they know if you have it? I had Covid 12/19/2021 and I have had severe ulcerative colitis since getting Covid. My fatigue is overwhelming and any activity just wipes me out. Any information will be helpful. Thanks in advance . Kitty2


Hi..what is this spike protein and is there a lab test for it..how do they know if you have it? I had Covid 12/19/2021 and I have had severe ulcerative colitis since getting Covid. My fatigue is overwhelming and any activity just wipes me out. Any information will be helpful. Thanks in advance . Kitty2

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Lots of comments already with suggestions. Look under Long Gut Covid in
this Mayo blog.


I am 5 months out & experiencing the same issue. It is impossible to eat & I am losing a lot of weight. Have to force myself to eat. Extremely naucious & it feels like something is shooting up from my gut. Experiencing a lot of brain fog too.

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I lost a lot of weight and am still losing, even with my appetitie restored. I get ravenous now but cannot eat much 🙁

Have your docs put you on anything?


I did in the beginning with the muscle spasms in the stomach. I don’t have it now. I still have a kind of full, stuffed, bloated feeling almost every night. Especially after meals in the evening. Regardless of what I eat. With time it will lessen. Keep your head up. What did endoscopy say? No gastritis?


Lots of comments already with suggestions. Look under Long Gut Covid in
this Mayo blog.

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Kitty I'm not a medical expert but in laymen's term - it is my belief that Spike Proteins are the mechanism that allows the covid vaccinations to respond to the covid virus without introducing any live covid virus to the body. Google "Covid, Spike Proteins" Apparently, the vaccines introduce spike proteins to the body and they automatically attach to the covid cells. Our immune system sees these spike proteins and attack the covid cell they are attached to - thus preventing severe covid.

My belief is, this novel approach to defeating viruses has save a lot of lives but at the same time it's left our immune system compromised resulting in long covid. It is my belief that it is not only attacking the covid cells but everything else in our body that covid might have interacted with.
If you review the articles on spike proteins you will see they have found them in every system affected by long covid. GI track, Pulmonary, nervous, heart, lungs, intestines, brain.
I believe the fact that they are finding these spike proteins in our bodies long after the preliminary case of covid - implies that once covid is over (5 days ha ha) our immune system is still attacking our bodies seeking out these spike proteins and killing whatever they have been and or the cells they are attached to.
As far as the test for the Spike Proteins - you only have to understand the number of hits on Google to realize they have been tracking this potential for years and I'm certain the government and all the pharmaceutical companies have a blood test for it but you and I won't get it.
Can you imagine the liability exposure they would have if it's proven that the vaccinations are the cause of long covid
Not a bright scenario for us long haulers. A lot of people don't want to know what causes long covid.


Thank you for your comment. Its always great to hear these full of info inputs.

Makes you think , and also makes me normal from all the research and info undo myself.


Was in beginning. I commented below. Now, it just seems GI Tract sluggish feeling. Food seems to just sit there all day. 1 bowel movement daily instead of 2 like I had for years. Stomach aches off and on throughout day and abdominal muscular aches also? Anyone else?

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