Breathless with exercise

Posted by sgomez63 @sgomez63, Nov 3, 2023

I’ve been exercising for month, swimming 2-3 days, strength/cardio 2 days. I suddenly could not swim one length of the pool, when I had been able to swim for 45 mins without issue. Experience breathlessness just cooking dishes, laundry, walking to my mailbox. Any type of exercise, causes breathless.

Dr can’t find anything causing the breathlessness.

- Stress test came back clear.
- echo Moderate concentric left ventricular hypertrophy.
- pulmonary function test. Normal spirometry/lung volume. DLCO mildly reduced
-ECG Baseline and/or hyperventilation ST-T changes preclude reliable interpretation of abnormal ST depression during stress.
- EKG Nonspecific T wave abnormality now evident in Anterior leads
- BNP 186

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Curious as to whether you have had COVID. Breathlessness or Short of Breath is a sign of long COVID. Praying for you.

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Thanks, no Covid


Did md ruled out walking pneumonia ? I hope you will feel better soon ! Can also try non traditional medicine, ie acupancture and herbs ?


The feeling is that my lungs won’t expand. Feels like trying to blow up a balloon while it’s being held tightly in your hand. Chest is tight, no pain, crust won’t expand.
I’ve had an every test possible, the pulmonary function test was normal except low DLCO. All cardiac test show normal except mild thickening of left ventricular. Inhalers have not helped. Breathless comes during non exercising, when my adrenaline goes up it occurs. It happened while watching a scary movie. Cardiac NP said nothing he can do. I’m waiting for an appt with my primary care

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Hi. This might be out in left field, but do you have anxiety on and off , or on a regular basis? Stress and anxiety can cause a host of problems. If so, try turning off social media if you engage in it. Stretching or listening to relaxing music can help relax you. Anything to quiet your mind.I hope this may help you. Take care.



I was formally diagnosed with hypoxia (low blood oxygen) in 2021 one year after extensive pulmonary and cardiac testing could not find a cause for my SOB, fatigue, and near passing out in stores

I started using an oximeter to keep track of my oxygen levels at home. My oxygen level was 95% sitting, but would drop to the low 80's and high 70's with exertion. This dramatic change occurred after a mild case of Covid and the Covid shots in 2020 and 2021.

My sleep medicine doctor ordered a repeat sleep study and it documented the drops to 72% and I was put on home oxygen. Prior to this study the doctors kept telling me I had a defective oximeter, which was not the case.

Are you checking your blood oxygen level at home throughout the day? Do you see drops below 90%.

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