Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) Surgery Options

Posted by wpasternak @wpasternak, Aug 4, 2020

I had a Urolift procedure last February for my BPH symptoms and it was a total failure. The implants are still in position though. I am looking for a different procedure to alleviate my BPH problem and Rezum seems to be a good alternative. Can it be done considering my prior Urolift procedure. If not, what would be your recommendation.

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I had BPHlaser vaporization surgery 5 months ago,developed urethral stricture within a month, hat optilume procedure for stricture, done 3 months ago.
Every so often I pass brown small ?scab and other times red about 2 inch long thread like few drops of fresh blood oozing out.
Still has frequency. No UTI cancer stones.
I am not happy with all these post surgery issues.
Any wisdom?

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I also had a laser (green light) for BPH and developed a stricture which required another surgery. Instead of optilume my surgeon used the green light laser again. My initial recovery (first few weeks felt the same for both), but after repair of the structure within a few months I was much improved without frequency or urgency. I did have some occasional small bits of scab come out, but very little bleeding. It sounds like you are still (slowly) healing from the optilume. If your urologist feels your symptoms are just part of the recovery process, it may just take some time for them to get better. It never hurts to get a second opinion at a regional or national center like Mayo Clinic or Cleveland Clinic if you are not happy with your progress and think something might be wrong.


Your detailed response is greatly appreciated. That's what I've been thinking to do next, 2nd an opinion.
I'm optimistic that symptoms will continue to improve. Thank you again.


May I ask you a question regarding post Laser BPH complication stricture location in yoursituation.
My stricture was in bulbar urethra 2 cm.long.
I am 66 years old.
Thanks for sharing your response.

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