Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?

Posted by cricketlips @cricketlips, Jun 2, 2022

After many google searches for the reason I feel vibration in my head, shoulder and arm just before falling asleep and waking, I found nothing that satisfactorily explained it. Of course anxiety seems to be a common explanation but there was nothing specific enough to help me. I am currently reading Incognito by David Eagleman. It discusses the functioning of the brain as an organ. This morning, going through my routine to get ready for work, I thought of a way to understand the vibrations. Similar to the hypnic jerks we experience occasionally just before we fall asleep, I think the vibrations are intended to arouse me to stay vigilant. Which is the fight or flight mechanism in action. So there is the anxiety connection. Originating in the amygdala. I was thinking Parkinson's or MS but my symptoms don't indicate those conditions, thankfully. It seems counterintuitive to be anxious and sleeping at the same time but the brain can do that. The cerebral cortex sleeps but the life support systems of the brain must stay online, obviously. If you thought you were in danger, sleeping would put you at risk but at some point sleep becomes absolutely necessary. I think the vibrations I have been experiencing are caused by my sympathetic nervous system and not a neurologic disease. Thankfully !

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I found this on the web, anyone check their B-12 and Iron levels ? Why do I feel like my whole body is vibrating?
Researchers have suggested that anyone can experience internal tremors, but they are more pronounced in people with Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis and essential tremor [2]. Other potential causes include low iron, vitamin B12 or vitamin D deficiencies or diabetes.Oct 30, 2023

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I did just discover low ferritin levels and started supplementing recently.

Thanks for that info. My other levels are normal.


For the past 6-7 months, I've been experiencing internal tremors from my waist to my neck when waking up in the morning. I feel like that area of my body is vibrating and the feeling varies from mild to intense. This isn't a painful experience, it's just concerning because it doesn't feel normal. I also noticed that when I get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom I don't have this experience. Only in the morning. I've started calling it my internal alarm clock. Today is the first time I felt this sensation as I woke from a nap. I mentioned this to a doctor a few months ago but she had no clue. I was beginning to think I was an enigma until I went to research this and came across others that were experiencing similar episodes. I thought it was a rush of cortisol racing through my body which I read about but it didn't mention experiencing the internal vibration. I believe it's possibly neurological but I don't have any of the PD or MS symptoms, thank God. I'm 70 and have suffered from GAD since I'm a child so I totally get what anxiety feels like, but this is different. I really wish there was an explanation for this.


I found this on the web, anyone check their B-12 and Iron levels ? Why do I feel like my whole body is vibrating?
Researchers have suggested that anyone can experience internal tremors, but they are more pronounced in people with Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis and essential tremor [2]. Other potential causes include low iron, vitamin B12 or vitamin D deficiencies or diabetes.Oct 30, 2023

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My B-12, iron & D levels are normal, and I get them checked pretty regularly because of IBD.


I have this as well.

It started about a year ago, i would wake up and think my phone was vibrating on my bed, only to realize it was me. It always feels very external. I thought it might be alcohol, so I completely quit drinking because of this. It definitely moves around, once my jaw was even chattering like I was shivering but i wasn't cold. Usually i feel it in my chest or shoulder. I did have Covid a few times, and this began after the last time I think I had Covid, but I was never tested, I just assumed. I just stayed home for a week. It went away for months, then it came back recently. It seems to happen every night lately, but sometimes I barely notice. It is very disturbing.

I do have low iron, I am male and the suspicion is that it is caused by my Heart Burn pills, which can impact iron absorption. I have been taking Iron daily since for a couple of months now, and a few weeks ago i started taking daily multivitamins. After reading this, i aslo took some extra D and B12.

I don't think I have any of the other symptoms like the zaps or muscle weakness. In fact, I have been gaining quite a bit of muscle recently in an attempt to get healthier.

Oddly enough, I was around my brother in-law recently and he happened to mention that he can't sleep past a certain time anymore, because his body starts vibrating. I haven't had a chance to speak to him about it much, but I might this weekend. I was surprised that anyone else had experienced this, let alone someone I actually know.

I already take ambien for sleep, so this exhausting.


I have this as well.

It started about a year ago, i would wake up and think my phone was vibrating on my bed, only to realize it was me. It always feels very external. I thought it might be alcohol, so I completely quit drinking because of this. It definitely moves around, once my jaw was even chattering like I was shivering but i wasn't cold. Usually i feel it in my chest or shoulder. I did have Covid a few times, and this began after the last time I think I had Covid, but I was never tested, I just assumed. I just stayed home for a week. It went away for months, then it came back recently. It seems to happen every night lately, but sometimes I barely notice. It is very disturbing.

I do have low iron, I am male and the suspicion is that it is caused by my Heart Burn pills, which can impact iron absorption. I have been taking Iron daily since for a couple of months now, and a few weeks ago i started taking daily multivitamins. After reading this, i aslo took some extra D and B12.

I don't think I have any of the other symptoms like the zaps or muscle weakness. In fact, I have been gaining quite a bit of muscle recently in an attempt to get healthier.

Oddly enough, I was around my brother in-law recently and he happened to mention that he can't sleep past a certain time anymore, because his body starts vibrating. I haven't had a chance to speak to him about it much, but I might this weekend. I was surprised that anyone else had experienced this, let alone someone I actually know.

I already take ambien for sleep, so this exhausting.

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All of this makes me curious about serotonin levels as apparently, Covid may affect them.


Glad I found this thread. I was vaccinated in Feb 2022 and in March 2023, I contracted COVID so bad I was in the hospital twice and preparing for end of life. I'm 38 with no history of severe medical issues prior to a Celiac diagnosis in Sept. 2020. After COVID, I would wake up every morning feeling the buzzing/vibrating sensations in my body. They'd last until I decided to get out of bed. I've suffered back issues and have a neck/shoulder injury from an accident 11 years ago. Went through 8 months of physical therapy for my back issues and wrapped that up about 6 months ago. Nothing has helped. I partake in rec MJ on a nightly basis to help me fall asleep. It happens whether I partake or not, so I stopped cessation. My doctors are baffled too. I've been to a GI, Neurologist, have had extensive heart tests and monitoring done. My blood tests show low vitamin D levels which is common for everyone in the winter in NY. I take men's MV, Zinc, B-complex, D, a high quality probiotic for my GI issues, and my doctor has me on 30mg of Cymbalta for nerve pain and anxiety. The Cymbalta has lowered the severity of the vibrations, so they're thinking it might be neuro related. I've been tested for every common neurological disorders (MS, Parkinsons) and every autoimmune disease that affects the neurological system (Lupus, Fibro, Sojourn, etc) all with negative results. I chalk it up to long-covid symptoms now until more data comes out on this issue.


Glad I found this thread. I was vaccinated in Feb 2022 and in March 2023, I contracted COVID so bad I was in the hospital twice and preparing for end of life. I'm 38 with no history of severe medical issues prior to a Celiac diagnosis in Sept. 2020. After COVID, I would wake up every morning feeling the buzzing/vibrating sensations in my body. They'd last until I decided to get out of bed. I've suffered back issues and have a neck/shoulder injury from an accident 11 years ago. Went through 8 months of physical therapy for my back issues and wrapped that up about 6 months ago. Nothing has helped. I partake in rec MJ on a nightly basis to help me fall asleep. It happens whether I partake or not, so I stopped cessation. My doctors are baffled too. I've been to a GI, Neurologist, have had extensive heart tests and monitoring done. My blood tests show low vitamin D levels which is common for everyone in the winter in NY. I take men's MV, Zinc, B-complex, D, a high quality probiotic for my GI issues, and my doctor has me on 30mg of Cymbalta for nerve pain and anxiety. The Cymbalta has lowered the severity of the vibrations, so they're thinking it might be neuro related. I've been tested for every common neurological disorders (MS, Parkinsons) and every autoimmune disease that affects the neurological system (Lupus, Fibro, Sojourn, etc) all with negative results. I chalk it up to long-covid symptoms now until more data comes out on this issue.

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@setnev, thank you for sharing! I'm 38 too, and am still struggling with the sensations during sleep. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to tamper them down in my own body because some nights are better than others. I'm going to start tracking in a log all the different variables (as much as possible). It's really encouraging for me to hear the scary neurological stuff is ruled out so far. I'm with you on thinking it's some type of long-covid symptom (seems to be the one universal thing we all share/have been exposed to), and BEYOND CHEERS to your survival. Massive Positive Vibes!!


Glad I found this thread. I was vaccinated in Feb 2022 and in March 2023, I contracted COVID so bad I was in the hospital twice and preparing for end of life. I'm 38 with no history of severe medical issues prior to a Celiac diagnosis in Sept. 2020. After COVID, I would wake up every morning feeling the buzzing/vibrating sensations in my body. They'd last until I decided to get out of bed. I've suffered back issues and have a neck/shoulder injury from an accident 11 years ago. Went through 8 months of physical therapy for my back issues and wrapped that up about 6 months ago. Nothing has helped. I partake in rec MJ on a nightly basis to help me fall asleep. It happens whether I partake or not, so I stopped cessation. My doctors are baffled too. I've been to a GI, Neurologist, have had extensive heart tests and monitoring done. My blood tests show low vitamin D levels which is common for everyone in the winter in NY. I take men's MV, Zinc, B-complex, D, a high quality probiotic for my GI issues, and my doctor has me on 30mg of Cymbalta for nerve pain and anxiety. The Cymbalta has lowered the severity of the vibrations, so they're thinking it might be neuro related. I've been tested for every common neurological disorders (MS, Parkinsons) and every autoimmune disease that affects the neurological system (Lupus, Fibro, Sojourn, etc) all with negative results. I chalk it up to long-covid symptoms now until more data comes out on this issue.

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Oh, and I also have shoulder/neck issues from an accident in 2016 where I was rear-ended. My neck especially has been chronically stiff these last several months along side these internal tremors. So far, the only thing that seems to semi help is metoprolol 12.5mg, but the effects are not consistent (good nights/bad nights). Thanks again for your insight.


Since Covid messes with serotonin levels and anti-anxiety meds help those levels, I do believe the vibrations have something to do with low levels of serotonin.
They completely went away for me after being on mirtazapine. The side-effects from all of these meds are intolerable for me so I’m very slowly tapering off.
I also believe they are related to other hormone levels in the body. Blood tests are unreliable. Naturopathy has helped me in both areas.
Cheers to you! Wishing you Good Health!


I apologize if this is redundant, but my spouse found these excellent resources for Long-covid. I didn't know the breath and depth of long-covid, but it has at least 200 different symptoms and 3-4 different subclasses in which about 18 million Americans are experiencing! I think all your hunches align with this, and demonstrates all our concerns and frustrations in understanding what we are living with. I plan on talking to my doctor tomorrow about long-covid. "Parkisonian symptoms of internal tremor" completely align as the most disturbing for me, but many others that pop up for me as well. These University of Texas-Austin videos (posted 3 months ago) down below have been useful, hope they are for ya'll as well. Hang in there and positive vibes! Happy Total Solar Eclipse Day.


dec 2023

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