Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?

Posted by cricketlips @cricketlips, Jun 2, 2022

After many google searches for the reason I feel vibration in my head, shoulder and arm just before falling asleep and waking, I found nothing that satisfactorily explained it. Of course anxiety seems to be a common explanation but there was nothing specific enough to help me. I am currently reading Incognito by David Eagleman. It discusses the functioning of the brain as an organ. This morning, going through my routine to get ready for work, I thought of a way to understand the vibrations. Similar to the hypnic jerks we experience occasionally just before we fall asleep, I think the vibrations are intended to arouse me to stay vigilant. Which is the fight or flight mechanism in action. So there is the anxiety connection. Originating in the amygdala. I was thinking Parkinson's or MS but my symptoms don't indicate those conditions, thankfully. It seems counterintuitive to be anxious and sleeping at the same time but the brain can do that. The cerebral cortex sleeps but the life support systems of the brain must stay online, obviously. If you thought you were in danger, sleeping would put you at risk but at some point sleep becomes absolutely necessary. I think the vibrations I have been experiencing are caused by my sympathetic nervous system and not a neurologic disease. Thankfully !

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I am also low in Iron and D. Once your levels were normal did the vibrations stop?

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Mine did. My Iron has been low my whole life and I would take supplements for a bit and then stop, never realizing it could cause issues such as this. I've been taking a large dose of iron daily for about 8 months now and they've almost completely stopped.


I'm taking only 1 gabapentin daily and not the prescribed 3. I'm also weaning off xanax. Down to 1/2 mg daily. I do have issues with my back so it very well could be coming from my back. Honestly, I believe it's injury to phrenic nerve. It's just too much of a coincidence that the vibrations would start the exact time I swallowed a huge gulp of air when taking meds and had pain at end of esophagus for 2 days. I googled internal vibrations then and it said that vibrations could be caused by, along with many other things, injury to phrenic nerve which can be the result of swallowing huge amount of air. I have googled diaphragmatic spasms and it fits with what I have. There is an exercise to do that stops them and that works sometimes. Whatever it is, the gabapentin seems to be calming it down. Addictive or not, what meds aren't these days?...the gabapentin is working, for now.
As for the omeprozole, that's why doctor went to 20mg from 40mg. I stopped them once and after 1 day I had indigestion so bad I wanted to puke. Baking soda works good too. Apple cider vinegar got rid of kidney stones and is very hard on the stomach. That'll eat your stomach lining. If it'll dissolve calcium deposits, you know it's got to be harsh on the stomach.

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My vibrations have ceased. I think I have a pinched nerve in my neck. I went to my Chiropractor and had an adjustment. He gave me some exercises to look at Youtube for pinched nerve in the neck and shoulders. I did the exercised and it just slowly diminshed. If you had this for a long time have a chiropractor take x-rays of your neck and spine. They can tell where the problem is. I don't like to take any big pharma drugs immediately. Try this and I hope you can stop your gabapentin. All the best.


My vibrations have ceased. I think I have a pinched nerve in my neck. I went to my Chiropractor and had an adjustment. He gave me some exercises to look at Youtube for pinched nerve in the neck and shoulders. I did the exercised and it just slowly diminshed. If you had this for a long time have a chiropractor take x-rays of your neck and spine. They can tell where the problem is. I don't like to take any big pharma drugs immediately. Try this and I hope you can stop your gabapentin. All the best.

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Yeah, I started taking the gabapentin years ago for issues with nerves associated with my back. I do have a pinched nerve in my neck which is why my shoulders would get numb the busier I was doing hair. I also have pinched nerve in back. I have neuropathy in both feet, which is what the gabapentin is for. I have had x-rays taken of neck and MRI also. Had same with back. Put it this way, I was approved for disability 2 years ago and it only took 4 months and on the first try. This after 90% of the people said I'd never get approved on the first try, no body does, you have to appeal. They had all my MRI's, x-rays, CT scans and other tests that were performed. I'm not into over prescribing meds either but when you find something that works, you stick with it. I did go to a chiropractor years and years ago when I first started having issues with back, I had no idea it was as bad as it was. It felt better for about 3 days then the pain returned. I was bedridden for a week because every time I tried to get up, my back spasms were excruciating so I wound up at an orthopedic doctor's office to get a shot in lower back. I sat up on the stretcher, had to go by non emergency transport, and the nurse said "don't you get down from there" I told her "I'm not, I just want to sit up because I haven't been in a vertical position in over a week". I walked out of the doctors office. It was a horrible experience. It could very well be a nerve issue but for right now, the gabapentin is calming it down not to mention, helping with the neuropathy.


Gabapentin made me very dizzy! But it is not habit-forming.
I’m still wondering if melatonin has anything to do w these vibrations.
I had been on 20 mg. per night for more than 10 years. Then stopped and the vibrations were terrible. Now I’m back on only 3 mg. per night and along w the 7.5 mirtazipine am not experiencing the vibrations at all.

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Sorry, just saw this but you were overdoing it with the melatonin, at least according to my sleep doc. She said anything over 10MG was way too high. Just fyi!


Naturopathic doctors disagree w MDs and believe melatonin is a strong antioxidant. I was taking a high dose for cancer prevention as well. MDs will always say 20 mg is too high but there is research showing anti cancer benefit at higher doses.


Gabapentin made me very dizzy! But it is not habit-forming.
I’m still wondering if melatonin has anything to do w these vibrations.
I had been on 20 mg. per night for more than 10 years. Then stopped and the vibrations were terrible. Now I’m back on only 3 mg. per night and along w the 7.5 mirtazipine am not experiencing the vibrations at all.

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Have your neck and spine checked for pinched nerves.


Mine did. My Iron has been low my whole life and I would take supplements for a bit and then stop, never realizing it could cause issues such as this. I've been taking a large dose of iron daily for about 8 months now and they've almost completely stopped.

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I was also taking B12 and K2 +D because I was deficient in B 12. the supplements really helped too.


This sounds exactly what I experience. It’s been improving but in the beginning shortly after severe symptoms of my nervous system, this vibrating or constant internal tremor Omg was so significant before bed, I was having a hard time falling asleep like my body was warning me not to. It was terrifying. Thankfully my symptoms have improved greatly, but still not completely.


Hi, I already posted a message in this thread, so it's just an update (and again sorry for my mistakes I'm french :-))
I'm not sure everybody talks about the same exact problem but it's great to have this place to talk about it. I'll talk about my condition, the MRI scans I had, the drugs I take and what I think it could be for me (but even the doctors don't know so who am I :-))

Let me try to explain my condition :
- Vibrations in the back of my neck, sometimes arms and face. No pain at all but it wakes me up at the moment I fall asleep. It can be every 20 minutes during all night. When I'm lucky, it's only in the morning. Some good days and some bad, is it a cycle ? I try to find out if it's related to what I ate, drank or did the day before (sport, video games, etc... ?) but it's not clear. Maybe few drinks can make it worse but I'm not sure 100%, I don't drink every day 🙂
I just have to move my neck, turn my head on the pillow to make it stop almost immediatly but it can quickly come back.
I have this condition before COVID so it's not related to the virus nor the vaccin.

Maybe it's not related but the condition appeared when I was cured for cervical herniation with Amitriptyline (Laroxyl) and Gabapentin (Neurotin) and sleep apnea (15 by hour, not severe), yes in the same time. The vibrations intensity was high and very scary, I felt it even in my eyes ! Ever since the intensity declines. One thought was that my muscles were too stiff because of the hernia and that they loosened up thanks to the drugs, and that the vibrations came from that. But I'm not sure now that the herniation is gone and the vibrations go on.

Scans :
MRI scan : in 2019, cervical herniation, cured. It was not there anymore in the last MRI scan.
And something very common (I'm 50 y.o by the way) : C6-C7, global osteophytic disco prominence with bilateral foraminal narrowing (thanks google translate).

Drugs :
I always take one pill of Gabapentin every day in the evening and my neurologist swaped Laroxyl with Rivotril (klonopin). For me Rivotril is a good temporary solution (addictive drug, but for me 7 drops are fine and I didn't notice addiction when I stopped it progressively). My neurologist said after 5 or 6 months with Rivotril to stop taking it and to take it again only if I need it.
I had several weeks without vibrations at night, or just in the morning. But sometimes one night they wake me up 2 or 3 times, and the night after is worse. So when I feel that they come back, I take some Rivotril and it's like the vibrations are present but in a damper (not sure of this word 😉 : like a damper pedal), and I can go back to sleep more easily.

So my guess ? I think it's related to the foraminal narrowing : "the tunnel in wich is the nerve is narrowing". I hoped that it could be a muscle problem (muscle fasciculation) but I'm afraid it's neurological. My neurologist said that the only thing I can do with osteoarthritis (it's a kind of osteoarthritis) is to slow it down with muscle-strengthening (kinesitherapy). Surgery can be done but only in severe condition.
With the help of rivotril I can sleep pretty well but I don't want to take it every day.
A good thing : it makes me eat healthy, have a physical activity, muscle-strengthening almost every day, the only weapons I have against this condition. And during the day I have no problem at all. Sometimes I just don't sleep well, life could be worse,..

I have an appointment with a rheumatologist in september, maybe another update !
Hope my english is not too hard to understand !


Hi, I already posted a message in this thread, so it's just an update (and again sorry for my mistakes I'm french :-))
I'm not sure everybody talks about the same exact problem but it's great to have this place to talk about it. I'll talk about my condition, the MRI scans I had, the drugs I take and what I think it could be for me (but even the doctors don't know so who am I :-))

Let me try to explain my condition :
- Vibrations in the back of my neck, sometimes arms and face. No pain at all but it wakes me up at the moment I fall asleep. It can be every 20 minutes during all night. When I'm lucky, it's only in the morning. Some good days and some bad, is it a cycle ? I try to find out if it's related to what I ate, drank or did the day before (sport, video games, etc... ?) but it's not clear. Maybe few drinks can make it worse but I'm not sure 100%, I don't drink every day 🙂
I just have to move my neck, turn my head on the pillow to make it stop almost immediatly but it can quickly come back.
I have this condition before COVID so it's not related to the virus nor the vaccin.

Maybe it's not related but the condition appeared when I was cured for cervical herniation with Amitriptyline (Laroxyl) and Gabapentin (Neurotin) and sleep apnea (15 by hour, not severe), yes in the same time. The vibrations intensity was high and very scary, I felt it even in my eyes ! Ever since the intensity declines. One thought was that my muscles were too stiff because of the hernia and that they loosened up thanks to the drugs, and that the vibrations came from that. But I'm not sure now that the herniation is gone and the vibrations go on.

Scans :
MRI scan : in 2019, cervical herniation, cured. It was not there anymore in the last MRI scan.
And something very common (I'm 50 y.o by the way) : C6-C7, global osteophytic disco prominence with bilateral foraminal narrowing (thanks google translate).

Drugs :
I always take one pill of Gabapentin every day in the evening and my neurologist swaped Laroxyl with Rivotril (klonopin). For me Rivotril is a good temporary solution (addictive drug, but for me 7 drops are fine and I didn't notice addiction when I stopped it progressively). My neurologist said after 5 or 6 months with Rivotril to stop taking it and to take it again only if I need it.
I had several weeks without vibrations at night, or just in the morning. But sometimes one night they wake me up 2 or 3 times, and the night after is worse. So when I feel that they come back, I take some Rivotril and it's like the vibrations are present but in a damper (not sure of this word 😉 : like a damper pedal), and I can go back to sleep more easily.

So my guess ? I think it's related to the foraminal narrowing : "the tunnel in wich is the nerve is narrowing". I hoped that it could be a muscle problem (muscle fasciculation) but I'm afraid it's neurological. My neurologist said that the only thing I can do with osteoarthritis (it's a kind of osteoarthritis) is to slow it down with muscle-strengthening (kinesitherapy). Surgery can be done but only in severe condition.
With the help of rivotril I can sleep pretty well but I don't want to take it every day.
A good thing : it makes me eat healthy, have a physical activity, muscle-strengthening almost every day, the only weapons I have against this condition. And during the day I have no problem at all. Sometimes I just don't sleep well, life could be worse,..

I have an appointment with a rheumatologist in september, maybe another update !
Hope my english is not too hard to understand !

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I have exactly what you have. The buzzing vibration happens when I lay down to sleep and it comes and goes when I change position. Please watch Dr, Ron Hauser on Youtube
"Internal Tremors, whole body vibrations & the connection to neck instability & spinal cord tension" . I have cervical instability due to craning and computer bad posture. It is cervical stenosis or cervical compression. It can be cured with curve adjustments. I have not taken drugs and it is improving,

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