Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?

Posted by cricketlips @cricketlips, Jun 2, 2022

After many google searches for the reason I feel vibration in my head, shoulder and arm just before falling asleep and waking, I found nothing that satisfactorily explained it. Of course anxiety seems to be a common explanation but there was nothing specific enough to help me. I am currently reading Incognito by David Eagleman. It discusses the functioning of the brain as an organ. This morning, going through my routine to get ready for work, I thought of a way to understand the vibrations. Similar to the hypnic jerks we experience occasionally just before we fall asleep, I think the vibrations are intended to arouse me to stay vigilant. Which is the fight or flight mechanism in action. So there is the anxiety connection. Originating in the amygdala. I was thinking Parkinson's or MS but my symptoms don't indicate those conditions, thankfully. It seems counterintuitive to be anxious and sleeping at the same time but the brain can do that. The cerebral cortex sleeps but the life support systems of the brain must stay online, obviously. If you thought you were in danger, sleeping would put you at risk but at some point sleep becomes absolutely necessary. I think the vibrations I have been experiencing are caused by my sympathetic nervous system and not a neurologic disease. Thankfully !

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It is so comforting to hear that I’m not the only one experiencing this! I’ve been scouring the Internet using search terms like “internal head vibrations while sleeping.” But I’ve not found anything that sounds like what I’m having besides what you & an few others are describing on this thread! I am a 43 yo female & this began about 18 months ago. It happened once, was very frightening, and then didn’t happen again for several months. I have not received a single COVID vaccination but I had the DELTA variant. I got very sick but was not hospitalized. I have since learned I am Vitamin D deficient but am otherwise healthy. I did receive the antibody infusion which I believe saved my life. I have found things online that make we wonder if this is a Long-COVID symptom but it literally ONLY happens while I’m in sleeping position—either falling asleep, in a very light stage of sleep in the night, or upon waking up. It came back with increased frequency about 4-6 months ago & is now happening most nights & every morning without exception. I saw a sleep specialist to discuss this tremor along with insufficient deep sleep (per my Apple Watch, which I began wearing to look for patterns during these vibrations). Nothing showed as abnormal during the times I noticed the vibrations but they always stop when I come out of that lightest phase of sleep to check the time. Just as you mentioned, I have never once (thankfully) experienced this feeling while being fully awake or even upright. Mine originates in the base of my skull so I start to feel it in my jaw & lips first. Changing head position stops it temporarily. I’m no longer frightened as I seem to be okay when I’m awake but the sleep specialist seemed completely stymied & that didn’t make me feel great. I did an at-home sleep study which showed some signs of minor sleep apnea & snoring (my husband says I don’t). But maybe it’s too quiet to hear & is causing this tremor somehow. He’s ordered me an on-site sleep study for more info. Perhaps something will be found there.

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Hello, I am having the same symptoms and would be interested in discussing further. How did your sleep study go? My symptoms also started about two years ago maybe 2 1/2. It’s so hard to get answers and very frustrating.


Hello, I am having the same symptoms and would be interested in discussing further. How did your sleep study go? My symptoms also started about two years ago maybe 2 1/2. It’s so hard to get answers and very frustrating.

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After my sleep study with nasal cpap I went over a week with no vibrations. I believe mine is related to injury to phrenic nerve. I searched internal vibrations 2 years ago and injury to phrenic nerve was one reason, and the injury can be caused by swallowing large gulp of air, which I did taking meds, sneezing or coughing very hard. It sorta makes sense to me since the phrenic nerve controls the diaphragm and the diaphragm controls the breathing and air forced in through cpap does something, I'm not sure. All I do know is when they wake me up, I can place my hand on my side and actually feel the vibrations inside. I slept with a stethoscope under pillow so when I had them I could see if that would pick anything up. All I could hear was a very low humming sound. Mine are in my torso area and will move down to pelvic area and every now and then I can feel them in my butt cheeks. It is so crazy. I'd be willing to participate in a study if there were doctors who were willing to get to bottom of this. It is so puzzling.


Hello all. I'm very grateful to follow this thread. I experience vibrations, tremors, twitching, pulsating (not sure what to call it) 7 nights per, 365 days per year for the past year and half. It occurs while I'm sleeping, in the middle of the night and while I'm waking. It all started with getting sick (tested for Covid - was neg) not sure if it was a false negative but I was very sick for about a week. It turned into an extreme case of Vertigo followed by dizziness that last for months - not dizzy like world spinning but dizzy like veering when I walk. About 4 months into this I started experiencing a shaking in my eyes while sleeping. It has since gotten worse and it's constant. Now the vibrations are mostly in my head. Sometimes in my chest and lips. It's been happening for well over a year and now I am experiencing a soreness in my skull during the day. I have had every test and have seen many Drs.
I have been to my primary care Dr., blood work, ENT, audiologist, otolaryngologist, cardiologist, 2 different neurologists, EKG, echocardiogram, MRI, CT scan of the head with contrast, hearing test, GYN, Chiropractor, etc. I feel like part of the problem is all of these tests are being conducted during the day. I'm now looking into a sleep study and my Dr. is going to perform 1 more test - a Venogram (thinking maybe it's the blood vessels in my head).
My ears often feel clogged too. I often feel pain up my neck. Often a mild dizziness. I also clench my teeth at night. Not sure if that's relevant.
Where are people going for this undiagnosed condition? Thanks


Hello all. I'm very grateful to follow this thread. I experience vibrations, tremors, twitching, pulsating (not sure what to call it) 7 nights per, 365 days per year for the past year and half. It occurs while I'm sleeping, in the middle of the night and while I'm waking. It all started with getting sick (tested for Covid - was neg) not sure if it was a false negative but I was very sick for about a week. It turned into an extreme case of Vertigo followed by dizziness that last for months - not dizzy like world spinning but dizzy like veering when I walk. About 4 months into this I started experiencing a shaking in my eyes while sleeping. It has since gotten worse and it's constant. Now the vibrations are mostly in my head. Sometimes in my chest and lips. It's been happening for well over a year and now I am experiencing a soreness in my skull during the day. I have had every test and have seen many Drs.
I have been to my primary care Dr., blood work, ENT, audiologist, otolaryngologist, cardiologist, 2 different neurologists, EKG, echocardiogram, MRI, CT scan of the head with contrast, hearing test, GYN, Chiropractor, etc. I feel like part of the problem is all of these tests are being conducted during the day. I'm now looking into a sleep study and my Dr. is going to perform 1 more test - a Venogram (thinking maybe it's the blood vessels in my head).
My ears often feel clogged too. I often feel pain up my neck. Often a mild dizziness. I also clench my teeth at night. Not sure if that's relevant.
Where are people going for this undiagnosed condition? Thanks

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PS - I did experience nerve damage after the 1st Covid vaccine. When the new scary strain of the Virus came out, I did reluctantly get the 2nd shot about 6/7 months after the first although these symptoms did not begin until after I was sick and had vertigo.


Hello all. I'm very grateful to follow this thread. I experience vibrations, tremors, twitching, pulsating (not sure what to call it) 7 nights per, 365 days per year for the past year and half. It occurs while I'm sleeping, in the middle of the night and while I'm waking. It all started with getting sick (tested for Covid - was neg) not sure if it was a false negative but I was very sick for about a week. It turned into an extreme case of Vertigo followed by dizziness that last for months - not dizzy like world spinning but dizzy like veering when I walk. About 4 months into this I started experiencing a shaking in my eyes while sleeping. It has since gotten worse and it's constant. Now the vibrations are mostly in my head. Sometimes in my chest and lips. It's been happening for well over a year and now I am experiencing a soreness in my skull during the day. I have had every test and have seen many Drs.
I have been to my primary care Dr., blood work, ENT, audiologist, otolaryngologist, cardiologist, 2 different neurologists, EKG, echocardiogram, MRI, CT scan of the head with contrast, hearing test, GYN, Chiropractor, etc. I feel like part of the problem is all of these tests are being conducted during the day. I'm now looking into a sleep study and my Dr. is going to perform 1 more test - a Venogram (thinking maybe it's the blood vessels in my head).
My ears often feel clogged too. I often feel pain up my neck. Often a mild dizziness. I also clench my teeth at night. Not sure if that's relevant.
Where are people going for this undiagnosed condition? Thanks

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Welcome @medmysteryseekans, It's hard for me to imagine the pain and frustration you have been through the last year and a half and not finding any answers or treatments. I hope you get some answers from your upcoming Venogram and possible sleep study.

@asquires and @novajeff may have experience or information to share.

When is your Venogram scheduled?


Welcome @medmysteryseekans, It's hard for me to imagine the pain and frustration you have been through the last year and a half and not finding any answers or treatments. I hope you get some answers from your upcoming Venogram and possible sleep study.

@asquires and @novajeff may have experience or information to share.

When is your Venogram scheduled?

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Thanks John, the next test is the end of next week. I am a little worried as I feel soreness in my skull now- this is more recent- scared like it could be some sort of fluid.


Thanks John, the next test is the end of next week. I am a little worried as I feel soreness in my skull now- this is more recent- scared like it could be some sort of fluid.

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You might want to call your primary care doc if the soreness in the head started after your last appointment. It might be worth a quick trip to the ER to make sure it's nothing serious.


Hello all. I'm very grateful to follow this thread. I experience vibrations, tremors, twitching, pulsating (not sure what to call it) 7 nights per, 365 days per year for the past year and half. It occurs while I'm sleeping, in the middle of the night and while I'm waking. It all started with getting sick (tested for Covid - was neg) not sure if it was a false negative but I was very sick for about a week. It turned into an extreme case of Vertigo followed by dizziness that last for months - not dizzy like world spinning but dizzy like veering when I walk. About 4 months into this I started experiencing a shaking in my eyes while sleeping. It has since gotten worse and it's constant. Now the vibrations are mostly in my head. Sometimes in my chest and lips. It's been happening for well over a year and now I am experiencing a soreness in my skull during the day. I have had every test and have seen many Drs.
I have been to my primary care Dr., blood work, ENT, audiologist, otolaryngologist, cardiologist, 2 different neurologists, EKG, echocardiogram, MRI, CT scan of the head with contrast, hearing test, GYN, Chiropractor, etc. I feel like part of the problem is all of these tests are being conducted during the day. I'm now looking into a sleep study and my Dr. is going to perform 1 more test - a Venogram (thinking maybe it's the blood vessels in my head).
My ears often feel clogged too. I often feel pain up my neck. Often a mild dizziness. I also clench my teeth at night. Not sure if that's relevant.
Where are people going for this undiagnosed condition? Thanks

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Been experiencing internal vibes and ringing, humming in my head since I received my second vax. Mainly come on at night when falling asleep or early morning. Lately starting afternoons. These are usually the worse. Can’t exercise. Seems to bring it on. A real burger as I don’t get sick outside of post Covid crap. No flu, etc. I do have DM2, asthma, just DX with HBP and have ADHD. Trying to figure out if supplements help. Zinc and selenium seem to help with severity. And probiotics seem to help . Verdict still out on this. Antioxidants vitamins. B vitamins, MCT oil, chromium, etc. started taking 4 tablets off acyclovir at onset seems to lessen intensity and duration (might be placebo effect but trying to rule it out. No heavy exercise. Sets it off. Sleep? Ha! Problem with all the supplements is cost. I have SSI AND THAT IS IT. If it weren’t for LEIAP etc I would be screwed. Retired professional counselor but no savings due to deceased wife’s cancer for 10 years. And J&J still owed for that. Medicaid is stopping at some point. That is my only savior. Between that and Medicare I have no copays. I know that the vax is the true cause but nobody will admit to this. Some anxiety about going to bed due to tremors and tinnitus kicking in. Also, vibrations from my air compressor seem to be a trigger so that shoots down my woodworking for relaxation. I am still experimenting with treatments myself. Docs don’t want to get involved as out of their comfort zone. Oh yeah and 2:1 heartsick after Covid vax so pacemaker now. I will try to post more as I continue my journey. Best to everyone! Craig. Oh yeah again. Dx with meningioma last year after MRI of brain for neuroscience to r/o other causes of internal tremors. If Medicaid stops I am screwed. My history basically mirrors others like @medmysteryseekans.


I am doing a lot of research as I have a biomed background. I will post if I find anything.


Has anyone on this thread seen their sleep tremors disappear? If so, what did you do to stop them (other than stopping Klonopin)? There are many people whose sleep tremors stopped on two Facebook groups, "Internal Vibrations/Sleep Tremors" and "Internal Tremors," but they generally don't know why their symptoms have stopped happening. I am still looking for clues, so please share. The cause of my own sleep tremors is not covid or any of the covid vaccines.

Also, why are the body vibrations or tremors tied uniquely to sleep? We all feel them whenever we are waking up, but then they suddenly stop. My doctors have no idea what this condition is. This is different from other sleep movement disorders. With so many more cases popping up due to covid and vaccine side-effects, maybe doctors will finally start to know what this condition actually is. Has anyone's doctor here actually diagnosed sleep tremors as tied to some other medical condition?

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I have had internal tremors for a year now. Exactly as described here - only when falling asleep (they wake me up) and when awaking in the morning. I have had to go on a sleep aid to sleep which I hate but it’s better than no sleep.
From my own research and situation, I am convinced it is a symptom of an overactive sympathetic nervous system/compromised vagus nerve. I believe this because the internal tremors started out a few months after I had multiple traumatic events related to my heart. They started slowly and progressed to every night. I find the intensity is less if I have a trap and neck massage (stimulates vagus nerve) right before going to sleep. I am curious about the breathing component and will work on deep breathing exercises also and see if that helps. I am hopeful that if I work on healing my vagus nerve and deactivating my sympathetic nervous system through holistic means, I will eventually get relief from the internal tremors. I am so grateful to have found this nice to know I am not alone.

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