Anyone with LC 4 years
I have been living with LONG COVID going on 4 years. The day I got my second vaccination, I was walking out of the place sideways, since that day, april14 was my second shot was fine with the first. I actually got covid october 2021 have lost all my energy. I cannot clean my house.I have an aid 30 hrs a week I run out of breath very quickly. I can't walk upstairs. I just turned 60 years old. And I never had any problems like this. I had a very active life went on vacation.all the time now, I don't even want to go out to dinner. It's too much of a hassle, it's a hassle. To take a shower I can't stand feeling sick anymore. I had to get someone to come in and clean my house. I moved into my apartment 3 years ago. And its still not unpacked, I can't do it. I am so down about having this vaccine. I didn't want it but my mother-in-law had cancer. So I got it to keep her safe. They have to come up with some kind of cure for this, because this is not living. I mean I know there are people that are bed-bound, I know there are people That had to quit their jobs. This is the most discouraging thing that has ever happened to me. I just can't take it anymore. My energy is at a 0 level. I see a therapist that does nothing for me But give me antidepressants and benzos . I go to my reg doctor, I request all kinds of tests he does.. They better come out with something soon. It's not fast enough for me. I have 3 grandchildren that I can't even watch because I'm too exhausted. I'm gaining weight like crazy. My hair's falling out my teeth. Went too garbage?My skin is so dry it feels digusting So now I have dentures. I have headaches, I have muscle aches.Diagnosed with fibromyalgia hashimotos ibs sjogrens empty seller syndrome hypothroidism fatty liver gallbladder removed. I've been diagnosed with hydrentitus supertiva . I had some kind of crazy Vasil, vagel heart problem. And was in the hospital, 2 weeks with what I thought was a heart attack. Then I was told it was a vazo vagal attack, never heard of it plus there was tropenine in my blood, which usually only happens when there is a problem with the heart. I'm sorry, this is so long. I'm frustrated. I have no faith in any all anymore..they knew it was bad..I wish NY could sue Pfizer. I will not even getva flu shot..My trust in Drs is gone. Please tell me what you guys are going through. Because I feel so alone. Everybody in my family doesn't even understand they think I'm just lazy because its on the inside..if they cant see it..its not there, and it's the furthest thing from the truth. My head wants to do a million things, but my body will not follow. Thanks for listening Tracey
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Oh @rinadbq your medical professional description is so validating and if I may further share the toll of covid looking “fine” on children. My 7 yr old granddaughter got covid about 4 yrs ago and her daily challenges and never ending illnesses that so many of us describe here☹️ The traditional school exposure to other kids colds, flu etc does not explain this other level of what she shares with me without prompting. It is hard enough to deal with this as an adult with lifelong coping skills, my heart breaks for all the children who were/are not acknowledged/understood having covid and hope we all can be here for them to overcome this and be amazing joyful individuals🌈 Sorry a harder last few days 🙃
It's hardest when it's your closest family.
Hugs to you and all here.
I am currently 70 years old. I got COVID in March 2020. By Feb 2021 I had severe neuropathy in my legs. In March 2021 I was disgnosed with Raynauds which caused redness, pain and inflammation, especially in my fingers from Dec to March (the cold months). I went on a gluten free diet in March 2021 (which continues) and within a month the neuropathy was much better. However, since march 2020 I continued to get skin infections from any bug bite or cat scratch which required antibiotics (12 times). To me this was an inflammatory response from Long COVID. I got the original vaccine and the initial booster only. I totally modified my diet; No red meat, no dairy, no deli meats. Organic blueberries, organic oatmeal and Vega Protein and Greens (two meals a day). Energy and thinking has returned. I added organic pumpkin seeds (one ounce s day, ground to a powder and added to my oat milk) in Sept 2024 and this (I believe) has helped with my bug bite/cat acratch infections. Opinion: I am not pushing anything here. This is just my experience. That said, after 5 years and millions of cases, we know very little about COVID or frankly the vaccines. This "thing" causes an inflammatory response in our skin, lungs, brain, and circulatory system which for many, persists for years. At this point, the only way I know how to fight the inflammatory effects, is with a strict anti-inflammatory diet. PS: A close friend developed severe RA after getting the most recent COVID vaccine. She heve had any RA and the issues in her hands especially, persist 4 months after the vaccine.
what is vega protein? glad you've had success with dietary changes. thank you for sharing.
Vega Protein and Greens is a plant based protein powder available at many grocery stores. It provides 20 g of protein per scoop from pea protein which (for me) is the best protein source. My typical meal: 1 scoop of Vega protein, Farmers We Know sprouted gluten free rolled oats (12 minutes cook time on the stove), 100 g organic frozen blueberries, and Califa Farms Organic Oak Milk. Why this version of oat milk? The protein Califa milk has flax seed in it which may? increase bleeding.
Meal #2 which in my opinion, is gut microbiome friendly and anti-inflammatory. I eat this every day. One Amy's Non-dairy Gluten free burrito, microwave 8 oz Kirkland Broccoli florets (cut off tops ~ 4 oz), 15 g Go Raw Organic Pumpkin seeds (ground to a powder in a spice grinder). Mash all together.
I just joined today. It will be coming up on 3 years for me. I have chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal problems and upper Respiratory issues. My days are becoming harder. I work full-time at The VA in Hospice. Three months into my job I got it. Last year I got it again. The worse part is doctors just keep prescribing pills but nothing gets better. I feel like I'm dying from the inside out. I don't even know who I am anymore.
I too feel like I'm dying from the inside out and I also don't know who I am any more. I'm 75 and I have never had anything like this in my life. Some times I wish when I go to bed that I just don't wake up. I'm not even close to the person I was 4 years ago. Sorry for being such a downer. Maybe a cure will happen but it won't be in my life time.
I feel the same. I’m alive but not living. I cannot participate with my family anymore. I just try to get as comfortable as possible and endure each day.
I cannot hear or see properly, and my digestion is wrecked. My life is over, but I am still here.
I too feel the same way but it started after the vaccine and has gotten worse with each bout of Covid. I feel like a shell of who I was before. Sometimes some of the symptoms get better but they always return with a vengeance. Headaches body tremors erratic blood pressure lack of sleep digestive issues. Exhaustion. Doctors don’t know - don’t know which doc to see next. Need answers. Living but not living.