Anyone tried using red light therapy?

Posted by domokane @domokane, Jul 29, 2023

There seems to be some evidence that photobiomodulation - heating the skin via infra red light - has some benefits for stimulating nerve re growth. There are lots of devices available on Amazon as well as lots of seemingly expensive treatments provided by chiropractors.

I would be interested to know of any personal experience with such devices and any possible recommendations.

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I went to a podiatrist a year ago who gave me red light and ele tro stom treatments for a couple of months. I thought I felt some relief but not really significant. Later last year I received a pacemaker for heart problems so I can't do electro stim anymore and I didn't feel the red light treatment did much.


What is the most powerful deep light therepy unit used for neuropathy?


What is the most powerful deep light therepy unit used for neuropathy?

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@declont, I moved your question about deep light therapy and which is the most powerful unit for neuropathy to this existing discussion to connect you with other members familiar with this treatment.
- Anyone tried using red light therapy?

You may also be interested in this related discussion:
- Anyone try LLLT red light therapy for helping with PN?:


I have! I used a red light torch to treat my acne. Red and blue lights for 99s (the longest time on the timer), and my acne disappeared overnight! I've had acne since puberty and it's always been a problem for me, I still have acne marks but I'm satisfied to not have constant acne!


Yes I use it for the burning and tingling of neuropathy. The red light band is very soothing however it is not a long term solution. I use it every evening for 20 min. I purchased the red light band I use from Amazon.


I recently tried RLT because everything I have read in the press and on social media touted its benefits/success for inflammation and nerve damage. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice any changes, but I only had a few sessions. From what I understand, it’s not a “quick” fix and to see any progress you need to have multiple sessions. You will need to go back for “maintenance” as well.
If you are going to try RLT, find a spa or medical facility that uses the MedWave system.


I did try it, but only once.

It definitely had an effect. There is no doubt about that.

I discontinued its use. But not because it wasn't effective. I just found a different therapy to work with.

What I can say is it clearly has value.

I don't know more than that.

If people report good results with it I certainly would believe it, based on what I experienced.


I purchased a red light therapy device online for about $150 six months ago. I was disappointed. It did not alter the gradual numbing of my feet.

I then went into hyper-mode & researched infrared light and the different manufacturers. I found there to be a huge difference as to quality of the machines based on U. S. versus imported manufacturers. I then wrote down the company name and model number of the machine used my physical therapist & purchased identical machine (even tho I am not a medical provider, I happened to find one online). So I am in week 3 of using it. There is no doubt …. absolutely no doubt … that it has helped the arthritis in my wrist. I can use my hand for the first time in 5 months. In regard to my neuropathy, the jury is still out. My neuropathy has stopped progressing in the past weeks but I am a rather jaded personality. I don’t know if that assessment is wishful thinking or truly positive results. I believe that I will know for certain in another month. I hope this helps.

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Why don't you answer what machine it is and how to purchase it. Don't make these claims if you can't answer viewer's questions. Could moderator step in?


I did try it, but only once.

It definitely had an effect. There is no doubt about that.

I discontinued its use. But not because it wasn't effective. I just found a different therapy to work with.

What I can say is it clearly has value.

I don't know more than that.

If people report good results with it I certainly would believe it, based on what I experienced.

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Samcal, I read your post about having used red light therapy, but you stopped because you found something that worked better. Can you share with me what it is that worked better. You can share under “private post” on Connect. I appreciate any info.
Sincerely, Bcool123


Samcal, I read your post about having used red light therapy, but you stopped because you found something that worked better. Can you share with me what it is that worked better. You can share under “private post” on Connect. I appreciate any info.
Sincerely, Bcool123

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We want to know also!!

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