Anyone tried using red light therapy?

Posted by domokane @domokane, Jul 29, 2023

There seems to be some evidence that photobiomodulation - heating the skin via infra red light - has some benefits for stimulating nerve re growth. There are lots of devices available on Amazon as well as lots of seemingly expensive treatments provided by chiropractors.

I would be interested to know of any personal experience with such devices and any possible recommendations.

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Red/infrared therapy is really helping me now. (Tried @ Chiropractors office many years ago & did not get great results especially for treatment costs...the knowledge & tech has changed a lot for the better) 1t: make sure you do your reaserch & get a high quality & powerful multi spectrum device, & follow instructions & times (protect eyes).
I orriginally got a powerful handheld torch for target treatment of my painful gums. This has been extremely beneficial, no more mouth pain there, & I am amazed on the shrinkage of my painful toe bone spurs ($6-10k to remove) & bursitis = no more pain when walking. I find it definataly reduces pain/inflamation in many joints/arthritis flare-ups. & I am seeing some benefit to my facial skin complection as well (& ear aches have subsided) . I am purchasing a whole bady pannel real soon for quicker/easier whole body treatments for the whole family to benefit. Benefits do take time...stick with it. I hope this helps. Godspeed.

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What unit did you purchase?


Steve Croll


What unit did you purchase?


Steve Croll

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Please tell us the product info on the unit you purchased. Was it from Amazon ?


I purchased the iREDUSA clinical grade handheld torch from amazon. I will be purchasing one of the latest large body panels Alex Fergus recommends ( His site has a wealth of information & reviews worth researching.)


Has anyone used Curalights Red light therapy healing pad?


Red/infrared therapy is really helping me now. (Tried @ Chiropractors office many years ago & did not get great results especially for treatment costs...the knowledge & tech has changed a lot for the better) 1t: make sure you do your reaserch & get a high quality & powerful multi spectrum device, & follow instructions & times (protect eyes).
I orriginally got a powerful handheld torch for target treatment of my painful gums. This has been extremely beneficial, no more mouth pain there, & I am amazed on the shrinkage of my painful toe bone spurs ($6-10k to remove) & bursitis = no more pain when walking. I find it definataly reduces pain/inflamation in many joints/arthritis flare-ups. & I am seeing some benefit to my facial skin complection as well (& ear aches have subsided) . I am purchasing a whole bady pannel real soon for quicker/easier whole body treatments for the whole family to benefit. Benefits do take time...stick with it. I hope this helps. Godspeed.

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which infared device are you using and how much did it cost?


Hi, I use the red light therapy panel almost every day, either in the morning to boost my energy, which I combine also with the ice bath. In the morning I use the red light therapy panel for about 10min straight after I wake up and then jump into the cold bath and I am ready to start my day full of energy. Otherwise if I do lot of sport and feel sore I use the panel in the evening for 20minutes. I really feel the difference if I use or do not use it. When I use it my muscles are not sore the next day and it just feels great overall, also for my skin. I also have the facemask that is great for the skin. I am using the devices from swiss company Alpinglow ( and can totally recommend.


I was taking care of a 96 year old man for years. He had a stroke in the area that affects speech and swallowing. He was kept sitting up in emergency at Jewish General Hospital for 3 days without moving position. I was with him. After three days (confirmation of the stroke on day two), he was transferred to another ward, but under geriatrics. By this time he had developed a small pressure ulcer (bed sore) on his coccyx. Over a couple of months it worsened to stage III. He got a bed in geriatrics. The wound nurse and other nurses seemed to be at odds as to the proper treatment. I looked it up at three major health sites including this one, I believe, and they all said the wound should be covered with a protective dressing. The wound nurse insisted it was covered with Triad cream (which the orderlies were applying with unsterile gloves). It took as much as most of the tube to fill the wound (which then had to be washed off periodically. I really do not understand the logic.) He was being moved at this point from one side to the other every two hours including two hours per day in a Broda chair. The family tried to get the wound nurse to put a proper covering on it and one of the nurses on the floor actually did at on point, but the next nurse took it off and put back the Triad cream as per the wound nurses instructions on the chart. It progressed to STAGE IV. I should mention he was eating 90-100% of the food he was given. We had to hand feed him and watch for aspiration, but his appetite was excellent. He ate full meals and Boost. Lack of nutrition was not a factor. The shift nurse came to sterilize the wound at my insistence after a bowel movement and I almost cried seeing how bad it had gotten. It turned out the bone was infected. I have been following Dr Michael Hamblin for some years and have his textbook on photobiomodulation. I looked up studies on its effect on pressure ulcers and proceeded to order a light. I choose a combo 660nm/850nm 60 LEDs 219 mw/cm2 @ surface or 160mw/cm2 @6 inch distance, 30°lens. It was $500 CAD (approx $400 Us). I used this once to two times per day for 10 minutes per session about 1" from the wound. This shows the wound which had progressively gotten worse since June (stage I), at stage IV near the beginning of PBMT on the 9th of October until the 29th of October. The wound started to heal for the first time since it began. My only regret is that I did not buy the light and start the treatment much sooner.
His main doctor was very dismissive of the therapy, but kind of shrugged and said it would not hurt. I got a much more positive and interested response from a doctor that was covering on the weekends. The nurses were mainly neutral, but they allowed me to do it (the doctor left it to their discretion). One nurse told me if it was going to work at all I had to be very consistant about it=he was reluctant to let me try at first, but I begged him to as nothing else was working. I had the family's approval. I think every hospital should have this available for patients with pressure wounds. It would alleviate a lot of suffering as it helps with pain as well as wound healing.


Good move! When the ordinary and the conventional are not working then we must think out of that restrictive box and move on to the un-conventional. Life depends on it.


Don't buy anything from the chiropractor high-priced, if anything find out what they're selling are trying to sell you and then look online and see what the prices I paid 8000 for myriad rebuild the 300 prescription red light Hanheld therapy red light They say helps with the program up the 300 rebuilder. Not sure if it helps or not. But I know the rebuilder. If you go over four, you're over stimulate in the long run. State under 4.
I did it 30 minutes a day in the morning and 30 minutes at night for 70 days. And then at 5 I noticed i was over stimulating. So I turned it down and down and down all the way to 0. Call bractor told me stop doing it for 7 days and then start back up. You gotta do it. I'm away you feel. They want me to go to 10 minutes. I 1 minute.
And still over stimulated. When I got the 6 in 5 at night. So I got a quick doing the night. I just do five in the morning at 0 Back in September, my legs were just burning on fire.
The better now.
Thanks to the rebuilder three hundred


The rebuikser didn't help my husband.

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