Anyone out there with Autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED)?

Posted by tinae @tinae, Apr 29, 2023

Hi - I have been on an emotional roller coaster for the last year since my diagnosis of AIED. Just looking to see if anybody else out there has been diagnosed and how they’re dealing with it. Thank you.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

After shingles, I woke up one morning with horrible Vertigo and vomiting. I went to the hospital ER and they gave me patches that only increased my nausea. I went to PC and she sent me the PT. The PT was so good that I have been vertigo free since the one and only treatment. They said he is so good that he is assigned al new cases of Vertigo.


Why not try the autoimmune protocol diet? Very restrictive but it got me on the right path. There are tons of info on the web to help you but I basically ate meat and certain fruits and vegetables for about 3 months. This diet and working with my functional medicine doctor fixed my gut. My other symptoms decreased immensely in severity.
Just a side note, I also have Sjogerns. I started taking MK-7 at a dosage of 182 mcg a day for osteoporosis. I’ve noticed that my mouth is not as dry.

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Thank you.


I’m going through something similar. It started after Covid, and I am quite sure it’s all related. I wear hearing aids....not much help. They are pretty fancy Signia with the tinnitus and blue tooth features. I really don’t like Bluetooth myself because it blocks out everything else. I have hyperacusis too, so I have to balance some hearing, but not loud enough that background noises make me jump out of my skin. It’s tough to balance. It all sucks.
I have gone the Integrated Medicine route because I couldn’t get in to see an ENT early enough for the steroid treatments to be valuable.
So now, we fight the inflammation. I have no idea what the outcome may be. I hope I don’t go totally deaf.
Worse than the hearing loss for me is the “full” feeling and pressure, along with tinnitus and hyperacusis.
Feels like my head may explode.
ENTs all suggest SSRIs. I have not found one that I tolerate.
And, really have not had a definitive diagnosis either.


My empathy and reply to all of you. I have had hearing loss since the 1980s, slight at first, now severe. Tinnitus in both ears since 2001 (high pitched "electronic" tone). Hearing aids since 2005 - on that subject someone here claimed that all hearing aids do is increase volume. Maybe the cheap ones, but mine have plenty of tone and specific frequency adjustments for each ear that clarify speech very well. 2018 my right vestibule over pressurized until damage occurred, resulting in 12 to 16 hours of debilitating dizziness, then vertigo, then throwing up (every other day for 6 weeks). My right eyesight also deteriorated overnight. Lots of doctors, PT, and every test known to man later, turns out for me it was a pinched nerve in my neck. So, for me, when the fullness in my ear starts, I can get that under control with neck exercises. I truly wish it were that simple for everyone who has this condition.
All of that is just background. 2022 I reacted to the 3rd Phizer covid booster - inflammation to my already damaged right ear. Only severe dizziness this time, no vertigo. ENTs were absolutely worthless (prednizone only worked while on it, both had nothing els to offer), neck exercises did nothing. Only 2mg valium, 4mg antinausea, and 1 to 2 hours sleep got me through. A ton of research, especially with VEDA (Vestibular Disorder Association) lead me to a PT who specializes in this arena.
I also discovered a slight misalignment with my eyes. Local optometrist and ophthalmologist said it was nothing, but further research lead me to a neuro-ophthalmologist and corrective glasses (needed glasses anyway).
I am to the point of just accepting that the nerves connecting the eyes and ears are somehow slightly damaged and not fixable. VEDA suggested the PT mentioned above to train my brain to recognize that the balance messages from my right ear do not match that from the left and both eyes (all four need to say the same thing). I do my exercises every day (takes about 5 minutes), and with my glasses - no dizziness for the last 3 months.
It took a lot of work to get here, but so far - success. I am back do doing the things I like to do - like my motorcycle and long mountain hikes. Surgery and more drugs are usually my last resorts.
My suggestions include personal research - plenty of vestibule, vertigo, and Menieres websites with peer-reviewed medical articles and studies that you might find give you answers that the doctors cannot. People in the medical professions are just people - they cannot know it all, and I feel it is up to the patient to be a major part of the fix. After all, we are (have) the problem, and although we know best how it effects us, we may not be able to express it well enough. And when they give us homework (exercises to help correct our conditions) DO THEM!
Good luck to all of you, and take care...

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My eyes are involved too. It’s so hard to get doctors to understand. I agree you have to do research on your own. I just feel like researching my health is all I do and that can get depressing!
Did you go to Chiropractic for pinched nerve. Were you in pain?
I see this is an older post but I would like to hear more because your symptoms sound like mine.
Most people don’t mention their eyes.


My eyes are involved too. It’s so hard to get doctors to understand. I agree you have to do research on your own. I just feel like researching my health is all I do and that can get depressing!
Did you go to Chiropractic for pinched nerve. Were you in pain?
I see this is an older post but I would like to hear more because your symptoms sound like mine.
Most people don’t mention their eyes.

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Also I find a lot of doctors do not respect the research of the patient. I feel we need to partner to find answers.
Integrative group is willing to do that. My former PCP was not.


My eyes are involved too. It’s so hard to get doctors to understand. I agree you have to do research on your own. I just feel like researching my health is all I do and that can get depressing!
Did you go to Chiropractic for pinched nerve. Were you in pain?
I see this is an older post but I would like to hear more because your symptoms sound like mine.
Most people don’t mention their eyes.

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I have nystagmus when I have a full on vertigo attack. My eyes uncontrollably jerk around which is what causes the spinning and the vomiting. It’s so awful. My neurotologist said it could be Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease but my official diagnosis is Meinere’s Disease. I also have lupus. I had not had any symptoms with vertigo for 40 yrs. and just this past August started with the vertigo episodes again. I’ve had several attacks since then and the dr. put me in Betahistine 24mg. 3x a day. It doesn’t seem to be helping. Dr. Durakovic (Wash. U) said the treatment would be the same for either diagnosis. Very discouraging. I’m also on anti depressants. In my gut I believe it’s autoimmune related but also exacerbated by the depression and anxiety. It’s one of those dilemmas of which came first, the chicken or the egg? I’ve journaled and there is no pattern of anything that I can say is definitive. At least we’re not alone in this! Good luck to you.


I think we’re all suffering from being prescribed conventional solutions to a new and unconventional disease. My eyes do not jerk. They feel tight in the socket, and I have lights orbiting my peripheral vision. This is almost constant. I’ve sort of learned to ignore it.
Because I had mild cataracts, the treatment was cataract surgery, which of course did not solve the problem. My eyes have been extensively examined for surgery, and according to doctors are fine.
Lacking any other choice, I see a retinologist soon. I’m looking for assurance I am not going blind, but doubt this new doctor will get to the bottom of my issues.
This is just one aspect of my symptoms. For each symptom, I’m offered nothing, or a conventional treatment that doesn’t address what I’m going through.
I think that is the case for most of us. Someday there may be a treatment, but when?
Maybe not soon enough for any of us. Or maybe when we are all gone, this malady will be forgotten?
Integrative Medicine is more creative, but after two months in treatment I have seen no improvement in my symptoms.


10 years ago I lost hearing in right ear and used hearing aid in my left for age related (78) hearing loss. Last November I woke up with extreme loss in the left ear. My otolaryngologist put me on a prednisone dose pack and the hearing came back but as soon as I was done I lost hearing again. Now I have been referred to a Rheumatologist that also treats auto immune ear problems. I had to wait until January for my appointment that was yesterday. First I’m overwhelmed at the thought of being deaf…he took lots of blood and a urine sample. And wants me to try me mycophenolate 5mg. He quoted an 80% success rate if you can tolerate the drug. Biggest side effect is cramping and diarrhea. I would gradually increase the dose to 6mg. If that doesn’t work then Cochlear Implants. I did try methotrexate with the other ear and ended up in the hospital from side effect.
78 probably sounds old but I am a healthy woman without diabetes, high blood pressure etc. Has anyone else tried this drug?


I think we’re all suffering from being prescribed conventional solutions to a new and unconventional disease. My eyes do not jerk. They feel tight in the socket, and I have lights orbiting my peripheral vision. This is almost constant. I’ve sort of learned to ignore it.
Because I had mild cataracts, the treatment was cataract surgery, which of course did not solve the problem. My eyes have been extensively examined for surgery, and according to doctors are fine.
Lacking any other choice, I see a retinologist soon. I’m looking for assurance I am not going blind, but doubt this new doctor will get to the bottom of my issues.
This is just one aspect of my symptoms. For each symptom, I’m offered nothing, or a conventional treatment that doesn’t address what I’m going through.
I think that is the case for most of us. Someday there may be a treatment, but when?
Maybe not soon enough for any of us. Or maybe when we are all gone, this malady will be forgotten?
Integrative Medicine is more creative, but after two months in treatment I have seen no improvement in my symptoms.

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I hear you! I am worried I will react to this medication and if I do there is no plan B.


I’m going through something similar. It started after Covid, and I am quite sure it’s all related. I wear hearing aids....not much help. They are pretty fancy Signia with the tinnitus and blue tooth features. I really don’t like Bluetooth myself because it blocks out everything else. I have hyperacusis too, so I have to balance some hearing, but not loud enough that background noises make me jump out of my skin. It’s tough to balance. It all sucks.
I have gone the Integrated Medicine route because I couldn’t get in to see an ENT early enough for the steroid treatments to be valuable.
So now, we fight the inflammation. I have no idea what the outcome may be. I hope I don’t go totally deaf.
Worse than the hearing loss for me is the “full” feeling and pressure, along with tinnitus and hyperacusis.
Feels like my head may explode.
ENTs all suggest SSRIs. I have not found one that I tolerate.
And, really have not had a definitive diagnosis either.

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Interesting about Covid..I had the Omacron varient followed by “long Covid”.
They really don’t know enough about Covid because people ended up with different symptoms. My Doctor told me to take Super B with folate and in a week I was back to normal.
I saw a rheumatologist for my current ear problem and he wants me to try a drug they use for Rheumatoid Arthritis that will suppress my immune system if I can tolerate the drug there’s an 80% chance of my hearing returning. After seeing my therapist I’ve decided to give myself some time before I jump into a strong drug with side effects.
Good luck on your journey!

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