Any tips on coping w/isolation, loss of support. LC since 2020

Posted by kate2020 @kate2020, Oct 15, 2023

Hello. I was infected in Nov 2020. Began mild & then progressed to SVT, POTS, severe cognitive issues, laundry list you all know. Was in a wheelchair for quite a while.

Had big improvement after appendectomy in early 2022 but still remained isolated, no social events, etc.

Was reinfected this July while hospitalized for DVTs. Now too sick to walk more than 10’. I work from home & truly can’t leave my home.

The isolation is so difficult. Nearly all of my friends stopped returning msgs & calls about 2 yrs ago. I’m married but hate to put all of this social responsibility on my spouse.

Struggling to cope w/the loneliness, the dismissal & even hostility from others that this is a hoax, etc. How to lead a fulfilling life, career, etc. when you can’t leave your home? I still haven’t figured it out. Thanks for any help.

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Hi, I have a si m ilar issue. I got infected in 2020 bit qas never the same. In April this yr despite 3 immunizations, I got it again and decided to retire early. I lost most people at work, but can't get out much. I feel irrelevant and lonely at times. So sorry you are going through this but I understand


So sorry for both of you. I suggest a talk with your medical provider for ideas and also a mental health professional. There are some things we can't figure out for ourselves, especially when we don't feel good for a long time. I go for coffee with a gal pal at least once a week. It helps to get out of the house and be in a different environment. I try not to talk about myself and my difficulties. Best of luck to you both. Better days are ahead.


So sorry for both of you. I suggest a talk with your medical provider for ideas and also a mental health professional. There are some things we can't figure out for ourselves, especially when we don't feel good for a long time. I go for coffee with a gal pal at least once a week. It helps to get out of the house and be in a different environment. I try not to talk about myself and my difficulties. Best of luck to you both. Better days are ahead.

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Thank you.

I have a therapist which helps some, but the situation is just really difficult. I’m too sick to leave my house so I can’t meet anyone for coffee or a walk.

Friends were supportive for about 6-8 months & then slowly started to disappear. It’s painful.


Hi, I have a si m ilar issue. I got infected in 2020 bit qas never the same. In April this yr despite 3 immunizations, I got it again and decided to retire early. I lost most people at work, but can't get out much. I feel irrelevant and lonely at times. So sorry you are going through this but I understand

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It sounds like we’re in the same boat. Hard not to feel kind of left behind, isn’t it? Like the world has “moved on” from Covid but what about us?


For sure. And most people don't even believe long covid is a thing


So sorry for both of you. I suggest a talk with your medical provider for ideas and also a mental health professional. There are some things we can't figure out for ourselves, especially when we don't feel good for a long time. I go for coffee with a gal pal at least once a week. It helps to get out of the house and be in a different environment. I try not to talk about myself and my difficulties. Best of luck to you both. Better days are ahead.

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Thank you so much:) I do see a therapist as well. I did find a fatigue doctor who also found out I have anemia again, low zinc, vitamin d. So I am taking those now. I also havealphagal allergy so I did quit meat and am trying LDN for pain, loss of sleep and fatigue. So I hope it works. I do feel a little better but still waiting for a "cure"


I have had long Covid since Dec 2020. Then got Covid again last year and also last month. I think the isolation and loneliness is the hardest thing for me. Are any of you interested in starting a zoom support group? While connecting on this forum can be helpful, it really doesn’t do anything for my isolation. I can set it up if anyone is interested. I’ve facilitated a support group with NAMI for many years


I have experienced some of the same complications as those who posted. Because of these side effects I can no longer drive. I have been An Alpha person all my life. The fatigue and shortness of breath has me homebound. No one really wants to cart me around although my family is good about offering. I feel your pain mentally and physically. I’m a fraction of my former self. I too am frustrated with unwanted opinions from ignorant people.


I dont have the energy to do the things i once did.
I push myself sometimes.
Depends on the day as to what i can do besides what is necessary.
I have accepted that those who dont go through it simply have no idea what its like.


I also got COVID in November 2020 while working as an ER nurse in a large hospital. I lost my job, ER nurses need to multi-task, remember a LOT of protocols, work with multiple distractions, and tolerate 12 hours on their feet. My 40 year career came to a screeching halt. The intellectual stimulation, socialization and just having a place where I 'belong' is gone along with feeling valuable and successful .
Isolation and grief are ever present. IF I have energy in the morning, I can get simple errands done but the day is done with me anytime after 1pm. I've cancelled a litany of social engagements, holiday gatherings, family events, live music and sports events. This year I didn't even make plans.
I am working with a therapist to help me through the profound grief of loosing everything my life was and accepting this new normal where walking for 45 minutes is a win and letting go of past marathons, world travel, saving lives, stimulating intellectual conversation, driving more than 20 minutes, intimacy and leave all that in the past.
The world has moved on and forgotten those of us who fought this pandemic at the frontlines, the ER being the front of the frontline. The general public has no idea what we are talking about when we are too exhausted to sit up or talk, or ask for instructions/directions be repeated multiple times because I cant remember a list. I need a notepad and record important phone calls because I get lost in the story.

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