Transplant: No or Few Antibodies after COVID Vaccination

Posted by nkdonahue @nkdonahue, Feb 27, 2021

My daughter received a kidney from her father 15 months ago. She is participating in the Johns Hopkins study of transplant patients undergoing vaccination. The study required that she be tested for antibodies just before she received her second shot. The test results showed that she had no antibodies to Covid-19. I wonder if anyone else on this list is participating in the Hopkins study and can share their experience. I know the study will be asking participants to repeat the antibody test four of five more times over the year after being fully vaccinated. Thank you

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Here is an article about a JH study comparing mRNA and J&J response in tx patients from Aug 2021
In this very small study J&J evoked much less response. (Need to clarify if this was an initial dose or a third, following two mRNA doses?)
It is encouraging, though, that @diana61 had a robust response to J&J as a third vaccine! As did the transplant doctor/patient in the video.
I'm in the JH study and had a third dose of Moderna, which again produced NO antibodies 🙁
I live in Gainesville FL and am having to be more cautious than ever with the high rates of infection and lack of masking by many.

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Thank you so much @nanmargaret for this link! There are several interesting studies included in the listing that I will be reading! I also live in Florida so I understand your concern with the level of infection and the lack of mitigation and respect. (I think Gainesville is also a college town which may compound the problem if the university is not requiring vaccination, testing or masks.). Do you feel safe to go out while wearing your mask or do you prefer to stay home to be safe? I find it difficult to decide how much risk I want to take by going out with my mask. Very few people are wearing masks indoors so my protection is not that good if only I am wearing the mask.


@diana61 I had seen that video also and something else made me think a J&J would be a good option but my transplant team said to try to get the same for a booster and if that was not available to get the other of the two-dose vaccines. I had Pfizer for all three shots.

I am wondering too how much which immunosuppressant you are on affects the antibody result. I am a liver transplant patient but take sirolimus due to tacrolimus causing kidney problems. My transplant team would not order a lab test for antibodies so my PCP did. I think I will ask her to do that again.

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Hi @contentandwell I hope you are doing great! Question, how much time was between your second Pfizer shot and your third booster shot? I had six months between my second and third shot. I wonder if the third shot is more effective if it given closer to the second shot.


Thank you so much @nanmargaret for this link! There are several interesting studies included in the listing that I will be reading! I also live in Florida so I understand your concern with the level of infection and the lack of mitigation and respect. (I think Gainesville is also a college town which may compound the problem if the university is not requiring vaccination, testing or masks.). Do you feel safe to go out while wearing your mask or do you prefer to stay home to be safe? I find it difficult to decide how much risk I want to take by going out with my mask. Very few people are wearing masks indoors so my protection is not that good if only I am wearing the mask.

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I’m back to wearing a disposable mask underneath a cloth mask when I go indoors anywhere, at least in the few places I go to which don’t require masks. And, wash the cloth mask frequently. 😷


I’m back to wearing a disposable mask underneath a cloth mask when I go indoors anywhere, at least in the few places I go to which don’t require masks. And, wash the cloth mask frequently. 😷

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Thank you @athenalee 🙂 I think we see the world in the same way. I either wear a double mask or a disposable KN95 mask when I go out too. How is Vermont doing now? Are you hospitals functioning well or are they starting to see an increase of cases?


Thank you so much @nanmargaret for this link! There are several interesting studies included in the listing that I will be reading! I also live in Florida so I understand your concern with the level of infection and the lack of mitigation and respect. (I think Gainesville is also a college town which may compound the problem if the university is not requiring vaccination, testing or masks.). Do you feel safe to go out while wearing your mask or do you prefer to stay home to be safe? I find it difficult to decide how much risk I want to take by going out with my mask. Very few people are wearing masks indoors so my protection is not that good if only I am wearing the mask.

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No, not feeling very safe to be out in this Covid hot spot! I go out rarely and my husband still does shopping.
With my son's partner back at work on campus, there's a bit more risk involved. She double masks at work and gets tested almost weekly. But when they come for dinner once or twice/wk we've begun to eat at separate tables or outside and mask when sitting around talking. They're all very careful and concerned about me being infected.
Friends visit outside with distancing and masks.
I'm very grateful but the isolation is hard.


No, not feeling very safe to be out in this Covid hot spot! I go out rarely and my husband still does shopping.
With my son's partner back at work on campus, there's a bit more risk involved. She double masks at work and gets tested almost weekly. But when they come for dinner once or twice/wk we've begun to eat at separate tables or outside and mask when sitting around talking. They're all very careful and concerned about me being infected.
Friends visit outside with distancing and masks.
I'm very grateful but the isolation is hard.

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@nanmargaret you are living EXACTLY the way I am living. (The isolation is getting to me too). I am so happy that I found Mayo Connect so I can talk with like-minded friends!


@nanmargaret you are living EXACTLY the way I am living. (The isolation is getting to me too). I am so happy that I found Mayo Connect so I can talk with like-minded friends!

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@hello1234 @nanmargaret Humans are social creatures! Even though there are many times we choose to be by ourselves, being forced into isolation by having to choose our health and well-being over getting sick, is doubly hard! We recall our casual encounters of everyday life before the pandemic, when we were careful but not overly concerned.

Online forums like here at Connect, Zoom meetings/calls to friends and family, online groups you can join to share common interests, have had to replace the face-to-face meet-ups. Won't we rejoice a little when we can feel we can more safely go out for a bit?!


Thank you @athenalee 🙂 I think we see the world in the same way. I either wear a double mask or a disposable KN95 mask when I go out too. How is Vermont doing now? Are you hospitals functioning well or are they starting to see an increase of cases?

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At the Governor’s weekly press conference yesterday it was announced that 43 people are currently hospitalized with Covid. Are rates are up slightly, but still relatively low. All state employees are now required to be vaccinated. His press conference went on for two hours…something which hasn’t happened since last spring!


At the Governor’s weekly press conference yesterday it was announced that 43 people are currently hospitalized with Covid. Are rates are up slightly, but still relatively low. All state employees are now required to be vaccinated. His press conference went on for two hours…something which hasn’t happened since last spring!

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Hi @athenalee 🙂 Only 43 hospitalized for the entire state sounds wonderful. I am so happy to hear that Vermont has a vaccine mandate for state employees!


Hi @contentandwell I hope you are doing great! Question, how much time was between your second Pfizer shot and your third booster shot? I had six months between my second and third shot. I wonder if the third shot is more effective if it given closer to the second shot.

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@hello1234 I had my second Pfizer shot on February 14th. I had my booster shot on August 10th.

I hope I got a boost in antibodies but I really don't know.

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