Am I in some kind of "growth pause"?
I'm male, I'm 15 years old and 5`9. I haven't grown since late 13 or lets just say since my 14th birthday. But during summer last year when I was still 14 my height once increased for half a centimeter in a few days but I havent expierienced any growth after that, so basically I haven't grown any taller.
I hit my growth spurt at around 11. All aspect are normal, for a few months at 14 years old I had a few months of less sleep but anything else checks out, my tanner stage (4) is on time, I grew armpit hair at mid 14. But I grew like a mustache pretty early but its growth has increased since late mid 14.
But despite all that already happening I haven't grown in height for a year like I already said, not an inch since late 13-14. Is my body on a growth pause, if so, how long do they last? Is this normal, do you know about any other teen who expierienced something similar?
(could it be because I'm asian?)
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@kelvinnguyen I think you can breathe a sigh of relief- please see my post here about the same topic:
Males often grow sporadically until age 18 or even 20. However, heredity also plays a are not to far below average for males. If both of your parents are shorter than you, it could be you are close to your full height.
This is something about ourselves that we cannot choose, so I always advise teens to focus on what they can influence. Think about the kind of person you want to be as an adult, and find a role model at home, school or in your community and imitate them.
well, I am already taller than my parents, but they came from asia where people back then didnt eat that much. But I thought depsite the genetics of my parents everyone grows at their own pace. I stoped gaining i height at late 13 and have barely grown after that (0,5cm), that shouldnt happen since we are supposed to grow linear until the ages of 17-18, but I have only grown for 3-2 years since I had my spurt at 11.
You are also taller than most of the Asian guys in my neighborhood - you probably won't ever be tall enough to be the center on a basketball team. But 5'9" is the average height of the average American male between the ages of 20 and 40, so you will likely end up a little beyond that.
The best things you can do to optimize your physical condition are a good diet, exercise and adequate rest. And avoid the negatives - smoking, vaping, drugs, junk food and being a couch potato.
Do you want to share why you are concerned?
All of my friends are becoming talle and I want to keep up, my insecurities are growing because of that. Could you tell me, is my height completely determined by my parents genetics or can I still grow?
You can still grow - my son-in-law and brother both grew as high school seniors and for a year afterwards.
But - instead of focusing on height alone, over which you have no control, how about if you pick something you can control? Maybe concentrate on being in the best condition (not body-building, just a good exercise program), getting the best grades, developing your best talent like music or art? Or participate in a sport where you work to improve your skill - swimming, diving, soccer, cross-country running or long-distance running - that rely on stamina and technique, not height?
By the way - as a female, I barely topped 5'2", was the shortest of all my friends, and had a terrific advantage - shorter guys loved to ask me out - so I knew some really great people that other girls passed on. I had a successful career in a male-dominated field, and have been married for many years to an "average height guy."
Bottom line? You will probably grow a little taller, but you can also grow into a great person by focusing on something else. If your friends mess with you about your height, figure out a good response. My Dad was 5'4" tall, and he would reply "the air must be thin up their - it's affecting your brain" or "the bigger you are the harder you fall."
ok, thank you for the info!