Alternative treatments

Posted by siliai @siliai, Apr 4, 2019

I was wondering if anyone has done alternative treatments for Bronchiectasis. I am dealing with pseudomonas and have read Stephen Buhner’s herbal antibiotics book. Has anyone tried the protocols he recommends for treating lung infections?

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@sweethighland I use the 7% saline and I have never had a specific time to do it. Sometimes I do it in the morning and sometimes I do it at night....whatever my schedule allows me to do really. Others might chime in but I think just as long as you do the saline that's what counts. I'm not sure the time of day of matters. Nan

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I do the saline twice a day. I do it around 7:00 am and 5:00 pm. There are times when I'm busy at night and don't do it. I can really tell the next morning!


Hi, I wish I would have found this site years ago. I’ve been coughing for 16 yrs. Dr.s had no answer. X-ray, ct scans showed nodules but weren’t concerned. I was finally diagnosed with bronchietasis 3 yrs. ago and was RX’d Breo, ipratropium, aerobika, and 10% saline. The 10% saline hurt my lungs coughing so much. I had one positive sputum but for 2 1/2 years all further sputum samples were rejected because of too much mucus. Finally went to Stanford where they did induced sputum tests and 3 positive Tests later finally a diagnosis = MAC with bronchiectasis. I realized that the 10% saline was harder on my lungs than the induced mixture and asked for 7% which still makes me cough but doesn’t make me feel like vomiting. Why don’t doctors tell you more?

I started the 3 antibiotic protocol for 12 months. I’m just exhausted all the time. I have absolutely no immunity left. I have a 1 1/2 yr grandson and I catch every bug he’s had so I’ve been sick all year. This is pretty depressing.


Hi, I wish I would have found this site years ago. I’ve been coughing for 16 yrs. Dr.s had no answer. X-ray, ct scans showed nodules but weren’t concerned. I was finally diagnosed with bronchietasis 3 yrs. ago and was RX’d Breo, ipratropium, aerobika, and 10% saline. The 10% saline hurt my lungs coughing so much. I had one positive sputum but for 2 1/2 years all further sputum samples were rejected because of too much mucus. Finally went to Stanford where they did induced sputum tests and 3 positive Tests later finally a diagnosis = MAC with bronchiectasis. I realized that the 10% saline was harder on my lungs than the induced mixture and asked for 7% which still makes me cough but doesn’t make me feel like vomiting. Why don’t doctors tell you more?

I started the 3 antibiotic protocol for 12 months. I’m just exhausted all the time. I have absolutely no immunity left. I have a 1 1/2 yr grandson and I catch every bug he’s had so I’ve been sick all year. This is pretty depressing.

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Hi Josey! I am so sorry you are going through all is what many of us have experienced. I also had a very bad cough in the morning for many, many years and asked my doctor over and over if we should not check something else and he said no, just allergies....till I coughed up blood then they found everything. I catch a lot of bugs from my nieces too. But I believe the sodium chloride has helped that...(for the first time I spent two weeks with them and stayed healthy)... that plus the NAC and I take glutathione sublingual and other immune boosting supplements. I also have gone mostly vegetarian and when I cheat I have a lot of mucus the next day.
They did not treat my MAC because I am mostly asymptomatic now.
That decision seems to vary widely too. I would say daily exercise, lots of hydration, the SC and certain supplements may help. I just prayed for you and hope you find answers and improvement. Keep reading on here and see what works for you. Hang in there girl!


Hi, I wish I would have found this site years ago. I’ve been coughing for 16 yrs. Dr.s had no answer. X-ray, ct scans showed nodules but weren’t concerned. I was finally diagnosed with bronchietasis 3 yrs. ago and was RX’d Breo, ipratropium, aerobika, and 10% saline. The 10% saline hurt my lungs coughing so much. I had one positive sputum but for 2 1/2 years all further sputum samples were rejected because of too much mucus. Finally went to Stanford where they did induced sputum tests and 3 positive Tests later finally a diagnosis = MAC with bronchiectasis. I realized that the 10% saline was harder on my lungs than the induced mixture and asked for 7% which still makes me cough but doesn’t make me feel like vomiting. Why don’t doctors tell you more?

I started the 3 antibiotic protocol for 12 months. I’m just exhausted all the time. I have absolutely no immunity left. I have a 1 1/2 yr grandson and I catch every bug he’s had so I’ve been sick all year. This is pretty depressing.

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SO sorry Josey. Briefly: Find a respected naturopath or other integrative or alternative practitioner for some integrative/alternative support as well as seeing the MDs - even if you can only afford to see one for a short time or now & again. Not advising you to do same, but I stopped taking prescriptions from pulmonologists 4 years ago when I was told I was at the point - nightly soaking night sweats, constant shortness of breath, already thin lost 15-=20 lbs. - where I had to take "the cocktail" oI 3 antibiotics for 18 months to 2 years. Long story, but suffice to say I nebulize with l-glutathione powder with 7% sodium chloride, get it in capsule (powdered) form - from Theranaturals online ( cuz much less expensive than the gold standard liquid form which you should use if you can afford it; I can't. Also NAC, proteolytic enzymes (big help for MAC), liquid & encapsulated herbs e.g. olive leaf extract, sometimes lomatium, lobelia; also pau d'arco; etc. also black cumin seed oil caps. Along with basic supplements like C, D &E. But you really need some more specific guidance here. The point is, there's definitely hope! Meanwhile focus on everything at all positive in your life, practice gratitude, you know the "spiritual" drill - and it works. & you'll also b in this old lady's (idiosyncratic) prayers and meditations. Blessings!


Hi, I wish I would have found this site years ago. I’ve been coughing for 16 yrs. Dr.s had no answer. X-ray, ct scans showed nodules but weren’t concerned. I was finally diagnosed with bronchietasis 3 yrs. ago and was RX’d Breo, ipratropium, aerobika, and 10% saline. The 10% saline hurt my lungs coughing so much. I had one positive sputum but for 2 1/2 years all further sputum samples were rejected because of too much mucus. Finally went to Stanford where they did induced sputum tests and 3 positive Tests later finally a diagnosis = MAC with bronchiectasis. I realized that the 10% saline was harder on my lungs than the induced mixture and asked for 7% which still makes me cough but doesn’t make me feel like vomiting. Why don’t doctors tell you more?

I started the 3 antibiotic protocol for 12 months. I’m just exhausted all the time. I have absolutely no immunity left. I have a 1 1/2 yr grandson and I catch every bug he’s had so I’ve been sick all year. This is pretty depressing.

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P.S. Exercise as you can too!


Hi, I wish I would have found this site years ago. I’ve been coughing for 16 yrs. Dr.s had no answer. X-ray, ct scans showed nodules but weren’t concerned. I was finally diagnosed with bronchietasis 3 yrs. ago and was RX’d Breo, ipratropium, aerobika, and 10% saline. The 10% saline hurt my lungs coughing so much. I had one positive sputum but for 2 1/2 years all further sputum samples were rejected because of too much mucus. Finally went to Stanford where they did induced sputum tests and 3 positive Tests later finally a diagnosis = MAC with bronchiectasis. I realized that the 10% saline was harder on my lungs than the induced mixture and asked for 7% which still makes me cough but doesn’t make me feel like vomiting. Why don’t doctors tell you more?

I started the 3 antibiotic protocol for 12 months. I’m just exhausted all the time. I have absolutely no immunity left. I have a 1 1/2 yr grandson and I catch every bug he’s had so I’ve been sick all year. This is pretty depressing.

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Please try some natural remedies. They can be life changing. I just commented to the person who originally started this thread. Please read it. Good luck!


SO sorry Josey. Briefly: Find a respected naturopath or other integrative or alternative practitioner for some integrative/alternative support as well as seeing the MDs - even if you can only afford to see one for a short time or now & again. Not advising you to do same, but I stopped taking prescriptions from pulmonologists 4 years ago when I was told I was at the point - nightly soaking night sweats, constant shortness of breath, already thin lost 15-=20 lbs. - where I had to take "the cocktail" oI 3 antibiotics for 18 months to 2 years. Long story, but suffice to say I nebulize with l-glutathione powder with 7% sodium chloride, get it in capsule (powdered) form - from Theranaturals online ( cuz much less expensive than the gold standard liquid form which you should use if you can afford it; I can't. Also NAC, proteolytic enzymes (big help for MAC), liquid & encapsulated herbs e.g. olive leaf extract, sometimes lomatium, lobelia; also pau d'arco; etc. also black cumin seed oil caps. Along with basic supplements like C, D &E. But you really need some more specific guidance here. The point is, there's definitely hope! Meanwhile focus on everything at all positive in your life, practice gratitude, you know the "spiritual" drill - and it works. & you'll also b in this old lady's (idiosyncratic) prayers and meditations. Blessings!

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Love this comment. More people need to know how effective natural medicine truly is. I just shared a comment of my experiences as well. I also find finding a diet that keeps inflammation low with nutrients high also helps with the inflammation. So glad you found some healing. Herbs and homeopathy have been life changing for me and for others that I have helped with severe respiratory condition. There are a lot of amazing options out there. People need to never give up.


Not sure whether to post this on this thread or on a thread relating to thinning mucus/airway clearance, but.... I've been diagnoses with BE for 2 years or so , had a bronchoscopy which showed both aspergillosis and mac, and have had a CT with 3 small cavities and lots of nodules.

I see an acupuncturist every other week and am currently also taking an herbal extract ( like a tincture but without the alcohol) that I think helps thin mucus - even more than NAC for me. The formula is Strengthen Lungs/Deep Breath/ and Purge Phlem. I think it's the Purge Phlem which is helping with thinning mucus, making it easier to cough up. The new name for this evidently is "Purge Sticky Stuff" . I'm going to see if the purge sticky stuff comes in pill form, as the extract is pretty expensive.

Leslie 51


@leslie51 sounds like purge sticky stuff is traditional Chinese medicine. It certainly has an effective name! I guess the way to tell if it’s working for you would be the results of your next CT scan. Please keep us posted! I presume you’re nebulizing with 7% saline and Albuterol prior….


Not sure whether to post this on this thread or on a thread relating to thinning mucus/airway clearance, but.... I've been diagnoses with BE for 2 years or so , had a bronchoscopy which showed both aspergillosis and mac, and have had a CT with 3 small cavities and lots of nodules.

I see an acupuncturist every other week and am currently also taking an herbal extract ( like a tincture but without the alcohol) that I think helps thin mucus - even more than NAC for me. The formula is Strengthen Lungs/Deep Breath/ and Purge Phlem. I think it's the Purge Phlem which is helping with thinning mucus, making it easier to cough up. The new name for this evidently is "Purge Sticky Stuff" . I'm going to see if the purge sticky stuff comes in pill form, as the extract is pretty expensive.

Leslie 51

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i sure do not see any remedy online by either of those names. where do you get it Leslie?

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