Advise for erection problems etc
Hello I’m 65 in decent physical condition, just the normal high cholesterol, blood pressure issues. Take meds for those and mild anti depressants. The ED meds help get an errction but can not ejaculate. No sensitivity. No prostTe pain and no excessive urination. Anyone experience this and if so what is a next step or possible treatment?
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Do you by chance have neuropathy?
Take care,
No never been told I have it
I also have ED believed to be caused by neuropathy and also have erection & ejaculation issues. I use trimix for erections. I was given some capsules to take for 30 days for ejaculation but they didn't do any good. If it started after beginning blood pressure medicine perhaps that's the problem? I have 2 friends taking blood pressure meds causing both erection & ejaculation issues.
Take care,
Thanks for the information, you’re probably right about the BP meds. Never had issues til last year or so, guess age caught up to me.
Been there done that including the shot .. 2023 had a Rigicon malleable penile implant put in, best move i ever made. Don't wait to do something Medicare pays for almost all of it. The older you get your penis shrinks and the more you don't have erections the more size you will lose if you decide to get a penile implant. Happy to share all I know about implants or go to a site called ..the whole site is about men ..ed. ..treatments etc ..