Adenocarcinoma NSC Lung Cancer Stage 3. Advice? Success stories?

Posted by detroitmom23 @detroitmom23, Feb 7, 2023

I recently found out that I have stage 3 adenocarcinoma NSCLC with mass in lung and spread to lymph nodes in neck, they want to do four rounds of chemo and if shrunk enough possibly radiation afterwards. I have asked them not to give me a prognosis because my fragile mind can’t handle it.
My first chemo treatment is tomorrow and I’m a nervous wreck. Any advice on getting through it?
Any success stories would be SO welcome right now.

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@soupycampbell …thank you for letting me know how you are doing…I wish it was possible to change my way of looking at things.. I’ve always been a pessimistic person but now with my health problems I am even worse. I had lung cancer twice and both times it was surgically removed with no further treatment.. I was told I can’t have anymore surgery because my lungs are too damaged.. I don’t think I can do chemo but perhaps radiation if necessary…I live in Canada so we’re neighbours but not close enough for coffee lol…thank you again for your wonderful optimism and please know that I draw strength from what you are saying, I wish only the best for you and hearing about your accomplishments amen 🙏


Stage 3a lung cancer is curable at the Mayo Clinic. Enjoy...


@soupycampbell …thank you for letting me know how you are doing…I wish it was possible to change my way of looking at things.. I’ve always been a pessimistic person but now with my health problems I am even worse. I had lung cancer twice and both times it was surgically removed with no further treatment.. I was told I can’t have anymore surgery because my lungs are too damaged.. I don’t think I can do chemo but perhaps radiation if necessary…I live in Canada so we’re neighbours but not close enough for coffee lol…thank you again for your wonderful optimism and please know that I draw strength from what you are saying, I wish only the best for you and hearing about your accomplishments amen 🙏

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Thanks for your reply. I was assuming since you said you were close to the Washington border as well that you were close to me! It would have been nice. Yes, I hear you and I guess we both just have to enjoy life while we’re fairly healthy to enjoy it and see what the future holds. Please keep in touch and I will do the same. Like I said I’ll know more when they do another scan. I still need to ask how big the new one is on my lower back. It’s not that bad as yet just some lower back pain which I just take an Aleve.
Take care and prayers sent your way.


I know we’re neighbours but I meant we share a continent lol.. I would definitely go to the Mayo clinic but I don’t have medical insurance…it would be a costly thing if you also need accommodations and so on, not to mention that I’m a poor traveller…I realized very quickly when I joined this group that things were very different for me in my medical care versus what I read here…they have private clinics in Canada but the existing medical care is outdated and unattainable for people with a more limited income. It’s far from perfect what they have but I heard that they are working on a health plan that also going to be more attainable for everyone and will be based on income..this is hopeful for people like me. I shall look forward to hearing from you when you’re able and share what you are going through..I like the pictures, everyone is so happy and enjoying where they are…thanks again and all the best wishes for you amen


I know we’re neighbours but I meant we share a continent lol.. I would definitely go to the Mayo clinic but I don’t have medical insurance…it would be a costly thing if you also need accommodations and so on, not to mention that I’m a poor traveller…I realized very quickly when I joined this group that things were very different for me in my medical care versus what I read here…they have private clinics in Canada but the existing medical care is outdated and unattainable for people with a more limited income. It’s far from perfect what they have but I heard that they are working on a health plan that also going to be more attainable for everyone and will be based on income..this is hopeful for people like me. I shall look forward to hearing from you when you’re able and share what you are going through..I like the pictures, everyone is so happy and enjoying where they are…thanks again and all the best wishes for you amen

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Hi. Those pics most of which I never intended to send but could no way delete!! I was going to send you the one of the sunset at a lovely restaurant on the water at Solana Beach. The pic of the hot tub is my daughter and granddaughter. The other group pics are when she took her staff out and some pic of tv show?? So embarrassing, sorry about that. I’ve been very lucky as my daughter has been taking me with her on lots of her travelling now which is great as she has to travel a lot. I do have a dog and take her when I can. She has to go to Hawaii the end of Oct but hard to take the dog there so I may stay home. I absolutely love it in California though.
I’m in British Columbia and have been looked after by the system very quickly once things were found. Too bad my previous Dr decided the very rare Melanoma on my head was a cyst so was there for a year before I went to someone else. So after that they did the PET scan to make sure there wasn’t anything else and of course it lit up in a few places. So upper and lower lung, something small on the kidney and lately the one in my lower back. I’m just happy it never went to the brain. It is hard to get much info from the specialists but I just told one that we were going to have “a come to Jesus moment” and I asked for answers. I’m strictly on pension so everything has been on our medical system. The radiation team are fantastic and treat you like royalty. They told me to call anytime and one of them would answer questions plus you can go to the dietitian to see what’s best to eat etc. They told me before the treatments to eat healthy meals every day. ( I live alone so tend to do what I want like if I don’t want to cook sometimes just make popcorn) I’ve been much better.
So ask questions and they should be treating you as well as our US friends that are paying a big price for their treatments. I keep saying that I thank God I live in Canada.
Think positive and get exercise! I walk everyday I can on wooded trails and it’s so calming being in nature. I saw that on tv that it’s so good for health and mental reasons. I’m turning 86 this month and I’ve been like the energizer bunny! Take care and keep me informed. 💕🙏

In reply to @bmiller711 "How is he doing?" + (show)

How is he doing?

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@bmiller711, how are you doing? Do you have lung cancer that metasticized?


Thanks for your reply. I was assuming since you said you were close to the Washington border as well that you were close to me! It would have been nice. Yes, I hear you and I guess we both just have to enjoy life while we’re fairly healthy to enjoy it and see what the future holds. Please keep in touch and I will do the same. Like I said I’ll know more when they do another scan. I still need to ask how big the new one is on my lower back. It’s not that bad as yet just some lower back pain which I just take an Aleve.
Take care and prayers sent your way.

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@soupycampbell, I can help. I removed the pictures that you didn’t intend to post. 🙂


Thank you. I appreciate that. 😊


I have posted about my lung cancer before but here is a quick smmary and update. I was diagnosed with Stage 3B NSCLC in February 2022. I had 6 weeks of chemo, Paclitaxel and Carboplatin once a week. I also had Proton radiation therapy over those same 6 weeks, 5 days a week for a total of 30 sessions. Then I had 12 months of immunotherapy using Durvalumab every 4 weeks for 13 sessions.
The update is that the immunotherapy ended in April and I just had a CT scan checkup and it is NED (No Evidence of Disease). That is as good as it gets and of course that makes me feel very good. We will continue with the periodic scans but as of now Mayo Clinic has sure done a great job in treating my cancer. The outstanding result speaks for itself but I want to say how much I appreciate my entire oncology team and everybody that treated me. They really know how to deal with patients and were so wonderfully nice and they kept me feeling positive during this entire trying time.

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Hi @nonobaddog My mom was diagnosed with stage 3B (possibly 3C) NSCLC in Feb. She had a tumor of 7cm in her lower left lobe and mets to mediastinum lymph nodes. She did 5 months of targeted therapy with Dabrafenib and Trametinib, since she has the BRAF 600E mutation. That shrank the tumor to 3cm in Aug. She just finished 30 sessions of proton beam therapy plus 6 weeks concurrent Carboplatin and Paclitaxel a week ago. That's the same treatment as you! My mom has Sjogren's Syndrome, so her oncologist is concerned that she might get peumonitis and don't recommend doing immunotherapy next. Instead, continuing with targeted therapy of Dabrafenib and Trametinib was recommended. I am really curious if you have any adverse side effect with the immunotherapy of Durvalumab. Could you comment?


My stage 3a lung cancer was cured using Ablation and Immunotherapy by the doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester this summer. The whole thing was almost outpatient, however, no THC or CBD during and for a year after treatment.

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